When the empty nest has emptied, places, where the dust has settled, become more apparent and desirable for one (aka, Mr.) to shake the dust and move some shit around. Our Shed is one of the high-on-the-list-to-hit places this summer.
Me: “How’s it going out there?”
Mr: “I found a box of yours, I think. It has some books and papers in it. I set it in the garage for you to look through.”
Me: “Oh, goody, I think I remember wondering what happened to that box…”
That box contains parts of me, from my childhood, that I hadn’t forgotten, but hadn’t really missed if that’s possible? Yes, of course, it’s possible, it happened!
It is kind of scary to find a box that has been hidden for 25 years. Yeah, 25 years, or more, I’m just basing it on my oldest being 26. I’m pretty sure that was the year that I didn’t want to part with the stuff, but didn’t want to have it in my way…so out to the Shed it went.
I was a new mom and had more important things to do than look through my childhood shit. I was changing diaper shit, and sneaking naps when she slept. The best way to make room for new, when you don’t want to get rid of the old, is to store it in a nice box on a shelf. Yeah, the Dubious MinimalistTM in me has been a steady companion all my life.
I stared at the box, smiled at how it has survived all these years…but paused when I saw the spider webs wrapped around it and the extra dust that settled on the top. EWE!
I dusted off the top of the box, to delay the excitement that was building in me.
I was apprehensive to open the box, but I did. On the top of the contents was this treasure. A photo album. The first photo album that I put together all by myself. Apparently, I’ve always enjoyed flowers.
The moment I saw the bouquet on the cover, it took me right back to the day my mom let me pick it out at the store. I was so excited. I finally had a place to put the treasured photos from my childhood that I had splattered around in my room. Even some that I had taken myself. If the album were a person, it likely has felt unrequited and neglected all of these years.
Now I was a little excited that I still had the box. But I was afraid the photos would be ruined. The Shed isn’t temperature or climate controlled, nor pest controlled. The box was stored on a shelf, amongst other boxes, so it surprisingly remained undamaged from all of the above, except for dust and a few bugs that made it their home.
Oh, joy…I sat down and reminisced with myself over the photos that have faded and stuck well to the pages of the book. Some good memories in there and some of the events I can’t remember why I took the pictures. Maybe mom had and gave them to me to fill the book?
Have I changed much over the years? Well…I do still like the color red.
I do like colorful dresses and do carry a black purse. I adore little white shoes, but I don’t have any of my own, but my youngest does. Moms tend to carry on traditions with their little girls. Shoes are one of them in our family.
I love my jean shorts, and a nice belt to go with it.
Our favorite childhood place to visit was Wilderness Walk. My brother and I and a family friend enjoyed our days there. We have since both made sure we’ve taken our kids there to experience the place.
I remember the week my parents took a vacation and we stayed with the grandparents. We were told to pack outfits appropriate for an outing to an auction.
Apparently, we thought there’d be a fashion show? That shirt is bigger than me…and the green socks. My brother…oy…I can say now that the closest he gets to color is camo now so he can blend into the trees better.
I do love to hold babies, I miss those days…but can wait to be a Nana, that’s for sure!
I don’t have any saddle shoes…those were shoes my mom wore in her school days and she forced me to get a pair every year until I finally proved to her no other girls wore them, except for me. This picture is close to the last year I ever wore another pair. Oh, my, and that hair – the year she let me grow it longer than a pixie!
I love that AMC Gremlin…it was the first car I learned to drive. It was a hit with my friends and the cute football players who piled in the back of it and let me – ‘the girl who could drive a stick shift’ – drive them places because they didn’t have their licenses yet.
I’m so glad I married a guy who can drive a stick and who don’t mind storing my treasures of shit all these years, because, Damn…he must’ve known someday he’d marry a little brunette who looked great next to a car, all dressed up in green, and wearing saddle shoes!
#31SRW Photography Challenge Day 26 Child (read rules here); Nancy Merrill’s A Photo a Week – Neglected and Word of the Day Unrequited
PS – What was your first car? Did you ever wear or date someone who wore saddle shoes? Did you ever force your kids to wear clothes and shoes you wore in your younger years to keep the tradition going?
I have photos of me in my Brownie outfit (no saddle shoes, tho) but not in my Girl Scout green!! Damn! My first car was a Honda Civic, stick, which I nearly gave my Dad a whiplash in while learning (LOL). I bought it from them and had it until it literally blew on the I-90 expressway going towards Chicago.
LOL! Oh, my, gosh…my second car, the one I bought all on my own (actually the next two cars I had) were Honda Civics too! They were great cars. I never took them that far away from home, but I did put on lots of whiplash jerking miles teaching my friends how to drive a stick shift!! Fun memories, eh? And we survived to tell about them! Thank you for sharing your memories with me!
My first car was a Fiat 127…wine colour…so thrilled to be independent! Never heard of saddle shoes or tried to get my kids to wear anything I wore because it wouldn’t have been available..long gone out of fashion! Lovely post Shelley, filled with nostalgia!
Ah, yes, the thrill of independence brought on by a colorful car! Saddle shoes hung on for a long time, or at least my mom found them for me and even for my daughters when they were little. Your kids lucked out on not having to relive that tradition! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! PS – love your recent post on cultivating dreams…in my slowed down mode, I’m pondering that more and more! Great to hear from you as always! xx
And likewise from you Shelley and thanks, I’m glad you got something from my cultivate your dreams post!
What fun–and wonderful photos. You look adorable! And such fashion sense. My first car was a Chevy Cavalier with snow tires, which got me faithfully back and forth to Cleveland through all kinds of horrible weather every day the last couple years of high school. And I did wear saddle shoes for years, in Catholic school. I still think they’re adorable, but since I don’t have girls, I haven’t forced them on anyone. On my guys, I think that’d just be cruel–but maybe tan bucks!
Aw, thanks! Fashion sense…now that’s funny! Snow tires in the midwest are a must, glad you had some and enjoyed your CC for getting you around! Saddle shoes can be so darn cute on little feet, but once I hit Junior High and every cool girl had penny loafers instead, I was the outcast. Our girls loved shoes, no matter what – still do, my mom made sure of that. Glad your boys were free from the cruelty of the saddle shoes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts – it’s so fun to have others share about their growing up years!
I had a Gremlin too! First car I bought all on my own. Wish I still had that car. I loved it. it was silver and I named it Bullet! I’ve taken all of my pictures out of those old albums to remake into proper scrapbooks. Glad you kept those things and your daughters will be too!
LOL – you even named it! That’s awesome. They were really cool cars (in retrospect). I haven’t been that organized with my photos since the green one in the picture…! I hope my daughters enjoy them…they are funny to look at! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your stories!!
My first car was a 1984 Chevy Cavalier. I didn’t learn to drive until I was 28. I remember saddle shoes from grammar school, although guys didn’t wear them. And no, Mom never mde me wear what she wore when she was my age…
You were hip with the high schoolers then, right? I had quite a few friends who had the Chevy Cavaliers. Guys were spared the weird shoes (or so it seemed to me at the time). What a nice mom you had! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories!!
I used to work with a guy who would wear saddle shoes on Casual Fridays. Guess they were a popular golf shoe style, and he decided to adapt it to his everyday dress. He was crazy enough that no one said anything. Besides, we all loved the guy. He’d drive you nuts, but you didn’t mind.
That’s awesome!! Love it!!!
My mother forced me to wear saddle shoes, too. What a nightmare.
Yep! I hope I redeemed my role in the shoe arena by letting my youngest wear red sparkly ones like Dorothy!
Ha ha! You’re the best mom!
Aw, thanks!
That was fun looking at your photos! Reminds me of mine. I had a lot in those sticky albums, which weren’t stored right, so got all dusty and yellowed. I finally got them all out and into better books.
What was with the Pixie style haircut? My mom made me have that for years! I couldn’t wait to grow my hair long! haha! Thanks for sharing these.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I’m torn if I should try to transfer the photos or not? Glad to hear it is possible. I know…what is with that pixie look? I must’ve liked it? I can say in retrospect the sausage roll due I had when I started growing it out wasn’t much better! Gotta love the 80’s!
The first car I drove was a Ford Maverick that my grandmother gave to my parents when she decided she was too old to drive (yes, it was after a really bad accident that was her fault — she was 75). The first car I bought was a small ’78 Datsun (precursor to Nissan) pickup truck that was a stick. I bought it in ’87. I never have worn saddle shoes, but I always thought they were cute. I guess I’m old.
Thanks for joining the challenge!
First cars seem to have sorted histories! Sorry to hear that your grandma had a bad accident, it is good that she decided it was time to quit driving. Many families struggle with that problem. Those little Datsun trucks were so cute!! Maybe saddle shoes will make a comeback…and you’ll get your chance? You can have my space in the line-up to get them, okay!? I’m so happy I found your challenge to participate in, I’ll be back again! Thank you for sharing your stories about your cars!
It was 1968. I was 17 years old. I was a freshman in college. My first car was a baby blue, 1966 Mustang convertible. I was the hit of the campus. I used to hang my bra on the radio antenna (women’s power was starting up then and I don’t know why not wearing a bra meant freedom?)
The other thing that we have in common is you and I had the same hair! My style was very curly.
The good old, fun days!
LOL…and why is it that I’m not surprised by any of this? I’m so jealous of the Mustang! My girlfriend had a boyfriend who drove us around in one like that – he was our hero! Your comment gave me a HUGE smile as I read it!! LOVE IT! Thank you for sharing – it’s fun to share so many great thoughts with you!!
Even at your younger years you’re beautiful, Shelley. Lovely memories you have!
Aw, thank you, Winnie – you’re so sweet!
You’re welcome, Shelley!