Hey all you dog lovers, when is the last time you took a peek in your dog’s mouth? Is your dog’s smile looking a bit greenish around the edges, and not smelling so adorable-puppy-like anymore?
Tell-tale signs of tartar build-up caused by, you guessed it…the commercial dog food you’ve been feeding your faithful companion. Hurry, don’t be late in discovering your dog has an infection, aka periodontal teeth and gum disease. Been there, done that, and…it is not fun, especially for the dog.
After spending way more than we would like to admit for dental care and extractions for our 12-year-old dog, we learned our lesson the hard way.
We’ve been researching and trying new ways to feed our dog especially while he is recovering from the surgery.
We’ve discovered homemade dog food is an easy way to protect his remaining teeth from rapid accumulation of tartar build up. We took a risk on trying out homemade dog food with him after doing research on how easy it is to DIY. The commercial dog foods we were feeding him are not good for his teeth, and frankly, he didn’t really love them either.
Making DIY dog food is easy with the right tools and recipe.
We recently invested in an Instant Pot and absolutely love it. Confession here, my husband, aka my favorite chef ever, is really the one in love with the Instant Pot. Not only is our dog eating better now, we’ve been enjoying lots of great recipes made in it as well. When I told him we should start making dog food from scratch, he was all over the idea and began researching recipes and ways to cook it in the Instant Pot.
We found this awesome website with an easy recipe for dog food. My husband converted it to an Instant Pot recipe, and off he went cooking up the recipe for our, oh-so-happy little dog who is eating it up like there’s no tomorrow.
Granted before, he probably wasn’t eating well due to the pain in his mouth from the infected teeth, but even when he didn’t have pain, it was so tough to get him to eat. Now, we put the food out on the floor (because, yes, he still is fearful of bowls), and he gobbles it right up. He moves so fast, it’s hard to even catch it on the camera!!
So here’s the recipe and some pictures of the process. Hope you find it helpful! By the way, your faithful companion will love it too, we’re sure of it! Feel free to take a spoonful or two yourself to discover how great it tastes to eat dog food too!