
Duck reflections

Meanwhile back at the farm, there are three female ducks and one male duck called a Drake.  On a peaceful morning, he’ll be prominent on the fence to partake in the oversight of sunrise rituals on the farm.

IMG_5114cEveryone, including Mamma cat, gather around the hen-house when first eggs of the day are scooped from the coop.

The Drake jumped down when I arrived.  He strutted around the yard checking out the female ducks on his way to welcome me to the farm.

I thought he was interested in me, but, nope, it was something more exciting.


Guess he saw another Drake invading his space?  It’s hard to tell how many he sees in the reflections on shiny vehicles or windows.


He’s not one to come close to the humans, but he doesn’t venture far from them either. Especially if they have clean cars.  He likes to stroll around the cars hissing and pecking at other Drakes who happen to look a lot like him.


Guess he’s territorial after all, especially when he flicks his mohawk in the air.


Like an arrogant male Drake who loves to check out his hair on the sides of cars, he’s also fascinated with any vague reflection of himself in other shiny surfaces.  Or, of course, it just may be that he wants to be friends with a horse?




14 thoughts on “Duck reflections

    1. He is a hoot! They don’t seem to follow him on his mission to reflect, so it is highly possible they are laughing at him!

  1. I had Muskovy ducks for quite a few years — in fact, my last duck passed away last summer. He was VERY old for a duck. Anyway, they brought a lot of joy to my rural property.

  2. As well as providing vicarious pleasure, your photos bring a fresh breeze into my apartment. Now If I looked as handsome as your drake does, I’d look in car reflections too!

  3. This is a wonderful post, Shelley! That duck is really funny the way he looks at his reflection.

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