The biggest thing about switching diet plans is that since there’s so much ‘carb-age’ out there with so many added sugars if you’re not careful you’ll buy ‘carb-age’ instead of okay to eat snacks.
Some days, though, after a healthy meal, I don’t know why, but I crave something munchy. Snacking habits are hard to break.
Whole foods are always the best choice!
As a self-proclaimed former Tostitos addict, I know veggies or some olives are best. While celery (not pictured above for some odd reason?!) is a great 0-carb munching replacement, once and a while, something to munch on from a crinkly pre-packaged bag sounds like fun for my mouth to nibble on.
I took a stroll off the Tostitos path around Christmas time. I was thinking I was smart, and NON-GMO-like thinking and onto something with these tasty and fun to munch on snacks. The packaging on the front sold me on them.
But they’re essentially ‘carb-age’. Don’t let the NON-GMO Real Veggies label fool you! I did. NON-GMO labels don’t have to remind you to watch added sugar! Heck the AHA doesn’t give a damn either. Apparently, you can eat a lot of teaspoons extra/day and not have to worry?!
Grr …
Curiously, let’s take a look at what is in my off the beaten path replacement snack that’s bad for me?

What are the added sugars?
How about Tocopherols (antioxidants, my arse – these are by-products, not good for you natural mixed tocopherols found in leafy veggies, nuts, seeds).
Sorry – no thanks!
Celery (while one of the dirty dozen veggies) still can be washed and doesn’t give me any of the crapola/carb-age when I eat it!
And then … the pig entered into the picture.

I remember eating fried Pork Rinds – 1970’s Porkie’s (not a good for us to eat brand) back when I was a kid.
They were made of ‘carb-age’ back then too – cornflour, monosodium glutamate, coloring, etc.
I could never eat a whole bag of those!
Funny thing is, I still can’t eat a whole serving of pork rinds. But, the crunch satisfies me with one or maybe two of each of the new brand that doesn’t contain the crappy ingredients.
Less than 0-1 carb/serving!
Fewer calories than Tostitos and the beaten path faux good for you snack, and I’m not worried about the sodium or fat either – I’d rather have that than processed vegetable oils and fake sugar substitutes.
Yep – this piggy snack wins second place after, of course, I’ve munched on recommended healthy, crunchy veggies first. That typically takes me on the right path to fullness anyhow!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday (where Linda always comes up with an entertaining One-Liner, me, on the other hand, have more to say!)
PS – Do you remember Pork Rinds as a kid? What was your favorite snack growing up? Have you tried the Epic brand? How is your week going? Is February off to a wonderful start where you live? Do you think Spring will be early!?
I never developed a taste for pork rinds. I tried them when President Bush (Father) was in office, but I couldn’t get them to be a go-to snack. I loved Cheetos but I reached a point last year where they were no longer sitting well with me. Either they changed or I did. My preferred crunchy snack today is pretzels. I do like celery, but cleaning is a bother. My wife usually cuts and cleans the whole thing and puts the cut pieces in a bag.
Yes, I remember those crappy pork rinds of the Bush era. Yuck. These don’t taste like that at all. Mr. loves Cheetos too – they aren’t good for you/him at all. Your wife is wise – stick to the veggies. PS – I’m the veggie chef in our house, too.
My guys love those Epic pork rinds–and their jerky too. We Southerners see a lot of pork rinds around, though I don’t think I ever tried one as a kid. They’re still not my thing, but I like that they give my guys a crunch without bugging me for potato chips!
You’re smart to have stayed away from the old versions of rinds. Yay!! I haven’t tried the jerky yet. That’s awesome your boys like the rinds – and yes, they’re a way better snack than the potato chips!!!
Hi lovely! Food-choices nowadays can be overwhelming hey? I got pretty unwell 5 years ago and went on an in-depth nutrition-change and nutrition-learning-path then… So crucial to read all the ingredients listed like you are doing here, as the food-industries can be massive tricksters!! I am now following a pretty “strict” diet with no gluten, no dairy, no processed sugars (and no meat, just a bit of seafood) and for the most part organic, mostly locally grown food (lucky to have loads of great local produce here in Spain). That has made a world of a difference in my life, but it´s definitely been a process, especially around the sugars!! To your questions – I never liked meat much, so no pork rind for me, and favorite snack as a kid must have been the pretty unhealthy “Milchschnitte”, a German sweet snack. Nowadays, I love baked apples with cinnamon as a snack and treat, sometimes with a 3 minute-chocolate-sauce made from cacao, almond milk, tahini, and honey. February is looking like a mixed weather-bag so far, really foggy and stormy today and yesterday, and the day before, super-sunny and 20 degrees Celcius! Wishing you lots of yummy and healthy meals this week, and sending many hugs your way xoxo
Hi Maria! Ah, yes, you’re absolutely right – it is overwhelming. It’s also exciting to see results and to feel better after making changes. I’m glad to read your journey took you to a better place – and I’m envious of your local produce and seafood access! In the northern middle of the US in winter isn’t exactly the best location for fresh anything.
I’ve never tried “Milchschnitte”, I bet it was sweet and fun to eat. Baked apples with cinnamon sound good to me. I’m not a chocolate fan at all, but the rest of the sauce ingredients sound yummy to me.
Your weather sounds lovely! Ours during the day is 20 degrees F. No heat wave here! It was 70 degrees in the house and 7 degrees outside when I woke up.
I’m wishing you a wonderful week full of pleasures that warm your kind and generous heart! Hugs to you too, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! xxxxx
Hi Shelley:) Yep, I concur, it does feel great and empowering to see and feel the effects of one´s efforts! Kudos to you for tackling this super-important issue. Milchschnitte was fun to eat!! I could eat one now actually lol. And Kudos to you for being so resilient with cold weather!! I actually moved to Spain from Northern Germany 2 years ago due to climate reasons, among others. Thank you for your sweet words and wishes my lovely! Your words warm my heart:) Hugs and have a fun and relaxed weekend xxxx
Hi Maria! Your words of wisdom and support warmed my morning, thank you dear! I hope you have a wonderful day and relaxing weekend – I’ll be reading your book as I dream of where you’ll take us next for travels! Hugs to you, xxxxxx
Hello Shelley, my pleasure, it´s wonderful to chat with you:) Thanks for your lovely wishes, I am really excited about you reading my book, thanks :)) I wish you a lovely, peaceful and joyful weekend also! Hugs my dear xxxx
kettle cooked potato chips here, but I’ve sone well and have not had any this year , have to get the cholesterol down, never liked the porkies
I’ve never eaten pork rinds. My favorite crunchy snack is popcorn (popped in a popper, not microwave bags). High fiber and nutritious. Just have to be careful to avoid the un-popped kernels – or else a trip to the dentist is not far behind! I ate fairly healthy as a kid – except for Frosted Flakes, oreos and such. I seem to remember fruit or crackers for snacks. All good choices!
Thank you for sharing your snacky tales with us! Yes, un-popped kernels aren’t a good idea to eat. So are sugar-coated almonds, they send you to the dentist too. That’s probably just me, but I have the crown to prove the mishap!
Tiger and Frosted Flakes, it was a given for us as kids, eh?
I gave my kids lots of fresh fruit and cheese chunks when they were little. They still like those for snacks.
I have so many crowns…Sigh. Yes we were raised on that sugary cereal and somehow we survived LOL! Great TV commercials though.
Fruit and cheese are definitely great snacks. Yum.
I’m sure I’ll be on the road to more crowns some day. A bridge on the other side has made that side of my mouth safe.
We’ve been experiments for so long – food, dental, health, etc. Somehow we survive is right! LOL! I agree – fun commercials that’s for sure!
So, are we the “guinea pig generation” then?
Yeah, that’s an understatement! Very profound!!!
I’ve never tasted a pork rind. I think of the first President Bush when I think of them. He liked them as I recall. Glad you found something that satisfies you.
I must’ve blocked out the memory of GB liking them. Oh well. I probably didn’t like them at that time? The PR’s satisfy the crunch desire faster than chips and I put them away before I even get a serving in. I prefer celery over them though.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
It is a great alternative. I have not really gotten into them yet, although I have seen some keto friendly recipes that use them crushed as a “breading” to coat chicken or fish.
Yes – that’s why we decided to get some. We’re going to try a coconut fried shrimp recipe with the pork rinds crumbled to make the ‘panko’. I’m not in love with them, that’s probably a good sign that they’re a reasonable snack for me.
Being diabetic, I have to watch out for the sugars and carbs contents on everything. Pork rinds are a great snack, because it has a little more protein, and less of the others. Plus it’s crunchy and I like them.
You’re right on all counts! Thanks for the vote for the pork rinds :-)!
Ummm…pork skins? They probably taste good, but I couldn’t get over the “yuck” factor!
LOL! That reminds me of a in-home party for some MLM company and the hostess said to us when we all wrinkled our noses up to something she wanted us to try, “Don’t yuck someone elses yum.” We busted out laughing and still didn’t try her item. Ever since then though, I think twice and sometimes give something that I wouldn’t normally try a try. I can’t do slimy things or raw things from the sea yet. Nope. Can’t do it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I can’t do slimy things like Jello, but I do love sushi! Sorry I yucked your yum!
I’m not so good at sushi. See – it’s a two-way street on likes and dislikes in food. Please don’t worry about sharing your thoughts EVER! I just laughed, it made me remember that instructor’s comment and I think of it often. Don’t yuck someone else’s yum is funny to me.
I don’t think I’ve ever tried fried pork rinds – can’t say I’ve seen them at the store either so I must be an oddball walking around in the snack department. I’ve more of a Goldfish Girl though, the whole grain variety so I’m good there (if I can stop at one serving of 55 pieces).
I’m not sure, but I think the Epic brand of pork rinds is newer?
LOL – yes, I understand. Goldfish are easy to munch on. They’re so small and easy to pop in the mouth! It’s the stopping at one serving that I remember having issues with too. I’m surprised and thankful I don’t miss the Tostitos at all. Happy snacking – thank you for sharing your thoughts!
It seems that 55 Goldfish is a lot to enjoy, until you are deep in thought and munching them at the same time. They are baked so I believe I can condone eating them.
It seems like you get a bang for your buck with them (that is unless you cram them in your mouth by the handful and not each one eaten daintily).
Excellent technique!
Hi Shelley, I think the way to really be healthy is to eat vegetables only. Unfortunately this does not an option for me as I am a non-vegetarian. This does not mean I don’t eat vegetables, rather, vegetables and everything else. I’m of a mind that if I exercise and eat mindfully, I’ll be O.K. The motto for our morning walking group is we walk to eat. Nuff said.
(I wanted to comment on your playful post, but couldn’t find the button. Just me?)
Hi Geanie! Thanks for sharing your diet tips. That’s awesome that you’ve found what works for you and that you enjoy exercising with a group of like-minded people. Socialization and exercise are both great for brain health and heart health!!
Hmm … that’s because my blog settings are for any post over I think 30 or 60 days comments are closed. Long story about that, but it keeps the blog from crashing!
Got it. Favorite childhood carbage – Cheetos. Never tried pork rinds, never will. After reading some of your other comments I feel lucky to have the option to eat whatever I want.
Yes, I loved Cheetos too! LOL – pork rinds don’t seem to be a favorite option. I like them since they don’t encourage old ‘eat the whole bag’ behavior in me! Yes, if you can eat whatever you want, you’re lucky :-)! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. PS – I’m still smiling at your travel story you shared on your blog!!