Bugs of all shapes and sizes are simply part of life for a gardener. This year, being a newly revived gardener, I’ve seen my share of bugs that I had no idea existed. There are that many bugs around, I even saw a new one I still don’t know what it is.
Despite all the bug action, it has been fun to watch my flowers grow. I’ve been tolerable of most of the pesky bugs that join me in the adventure.
From the wood ticks to spiders and all sorts in between, there are plenty of small creatures roaming about in my garden. Technically spiders aren’t bugs, they are arachnids, so I stand corrected. But I have photos of them, so yeah, I’m including them!
But, a Google search doesn’t lie, don’t ya know?
And…ticks are a form of a spider, too.
From a photography standpoint, to capture a bug or small insect, arachnid, etc., in a picture, now, that’s the tough part. By the time you notice them, run and get the camera, they are long gone. Or if you have the wrong lens on, the picture turns into a crappy blur of the plant instead.
Never fear, there’s always the jar you put the tick in to recover and redeem the crappy shooting session.
My favorite captures of bugs or insects or arachnids come as a surprise when I’m reviewing photos in the editing mode.
Or if by chance I get the focus right, I can get some fun shots or them in their natural habitat.
They swim, don’t they?
They climb chairs, don’t they?
The Japanese beetle is an enemy that we haven’t seen as much of this year, since early on in the season. There have been a few more recently, back again, and landing on our marigolds instead of the Spiraea bushes they ate earlier in the season.
I’m assuming they are attacking the cornfield instead? In as pleasant of candor as possible, I can’t stand them. They rank right up there with ticks as my arch enemies in the garden.
I don’t know what these little yellow bugs are, but they like flowers, too. They don’t seem to eat them, so other than flicking them off the buds, I allow them to co-exist in the garden. We get along just fine, especially when the dandelions are blooming.
Ants are EVERYWHERE this year, including in the house. The dry weather seems to have brought the drought to them as they quarry their way to the surface as they seek water.
The bees are enjoying the flowers. I just let them be, because, bees are important! This flower is interesting, have no idea what it is? The photo was taken when I was in Middleton, WI walking around the pond. Do you know what it is?
Bees are fun to watch, they are so serious when they are working.
Introducing the bug that I wish I knew what it was.
It appears to be some kind of scale insect.
I thought the Japanese beetle was the insect attacking my morning glories, but I caught this bug in action after I inspected the leaves and notice they looked like lace instead of lush green leaves.
The bug looks like poop on the leaf, but when I tried to brush it off, it moved. Yikes!
Upon a closer look, it has tiny legs, and it moves slowly across the plant, eating as it moves.
Ugh…I wish they wouldn’t bug me or my flowers!
I don’t know about you, but I’m on the fence about this whole bug and gardening thing going together. There must be a purpose for each little creature, but if it were my choice, they sure wouldn’t eat my flowers!
#31SRW Photography Challenge Day 30 Bug or Bugs. For those of you following the challenge, I’ve combined the fence and bug post together because yesterday I wrote about Chalkfest instead. We’re coming to a close on the challenge…tomorrow is the last day! Hope you come back to judge my mystery object and to let me know of a challenge I can do next for August!
PS – How about you, what kind of bugs do you have in your garden? Do you know what kind of bug is on my marigolds? Do you enjoy watching bugs, or do they freak you out? What is your favorite bug?
Not a fan of bugs of any kind! Spider webs in the face I can do without .saw a cool looking blue winged hornet (?) Yesterday. Couldn’t get photo .great post Shelly!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Karen!
In late August, spiders congregate on my front porch (which has wooden railing) and create the most amazing, huge spider webs. I marvel at their work.
I bet, railings are a great spot for spiders to weave their webs! Hope you have a conversation with them, too!
Great idea. I’ll see if they feel like talking.
Bugs are fascinating and essential, right? Long as they stay off of me…
Yesterday I discovered a beautiful bug on an outdoor curtain that looked like a beetle, very colourful and beautiful. I wish I had my camera…but I didn’t.
Yes, they are – and I agree, I prefer it when they stay off me! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about bugs – hope you have your camera with you the next time!
Wonderful photos! My favorites are the bees & dragonflies!! The worst are the Japanese beetles
which I get my revenge on by grabbing this year & stepping on
. I would prefer less wasps too, especially the bald faced hornets because hubby is horribly allergic. Aphids are another one on my frustrations list! I think it’s lace bugs that are eating your leaves. I gain more respect for farmers every year. It’s not easy growing things, but that is one plus to growing a lot of herbs is most seem to detract rather than attract pests.
Thank you! I agree with your bug choices :-). You are probably right about the lace bugs. They are sneaky and not so nice to my plants! I’m getting more inspired by the day to do herbs instead of flowers. But…I love to look at the flowers…those that are free of the bugs. Happy gardening to you – your online store is looking so great!! Good luck!!
Thanks so much!!
Beautiful photos, love the detail that you captured!
Thank you!! Enjoy your travels – looks like you two are heading for some fun!!
I think the yellow elongated bug is a Goldenrod Soldier Beetle (to me they look like yellow lightning bugs). I used to see them all the time here but haven’t seen one in a good long while.
You actually got me to google “poop bug” (haha)! I found this. Very interesting! Looks just like your mystery bug. Thanks for educating me Shelley!
Awesome, thank you, Gail! I appreciate you taking the time to find out more about the poop bug and that you know about the yellow bug, too!! You’re so sweet, thank you!!
You’re welcome Shelley. It’s amazing how much you learn about bugs when you raise two bug-loving sons! LOL! I have to admit…. Bugs both fascinate me and creep me out at the same time!
Oh, my, I bet that helps! My daughters liked bugs, but never got into studying them. You’ve learned a lot from your boys, I appreciate you sharing it with me! xx