Okay, so Dan, on Wednesday, over at NoFacilities.com plugged the idea in my head that I should try out the new editor Guttenberg in WordPress. Well, here we are with my first shaky attempt. I have no idea what I’m doing. But that kind of fits in with Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Dough/D’oh theme for the day, so I shall just ramble away as I play with the new editor.
Let’s just give it a chance and see if I can do it? Ready, set, here we go.
Yoga always preps one for a new adventure – down dog anyone?

So far, the editor is kind of a pain in you know what. There’s a lot of clicking to format, versus just typing away. D’oh…the programmers are likely saying, “We gave you more options as you create a post.” As if they are even paying attention to the complaints rolling in about the editor? I wonder if they’re keeping a slightly open eye on the feedback or not?
Or are they just assuming everyone loves it? Um…well…I’m not so convinced they’re paying attention. Hey you programmer dudes, what’s up with all the block switching. It’s a pain in the a** to have to change it up every time you hit the return key.

The gallery function doesn’t work as well as the other editor, at least for me that is. I like being able to share multiple photos in a slider fashion, and I can’t seem to figure that out yet. So yeah…it’s got that going for it?! When I tried to delete one photo that I didn’t want to add, the damn thing locked up on me. Nice.
I’m watching…
Well, that was kind of cool to be able to put words on the center of the photo. I have no idea where it will go in the post, though. It’s called the Cover option, um…we’ll just see…
I sure hope they’re not rolling in the dough on this new editor. But, d’oh, I’m right, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it really, really, really isn’t an editor to use for Stream of Consciousness Saturday. The switching of blocks, the plethora of options in formatting, the other options that I didn’t even try yet, sure the heck throw off any stream of thoughts as I typed. And then WordPress logged me out.
Plus when adding a quote, you’ve got to add an extra line (like this one) leading into it, WTH? I suppose that might be needed, sometime…
Writing is a very lonely occupation. To write you need to concentrate, to concentrate you need to lock yourself away. No distractions; you want your stream of thought uninterrupted. – Vikas Swarp
Well…that was fun. Not especially. Maybe if I had all the time in the world and wasn’t writing a streaming thought post. But, on second thought, it was fun in a way, because apparently you can teach old dog like me new tricks. Like this handsome pose Copper shared with me.

But, I gotta tell ya. D’oh, if I was a brand new blogger (in my 50’s like myself) there’s no way in heck I would love using this editor right out of the gates. It’s overwhelming. So there. That’s all I’ve got in me today…sigh…
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Dough/D’oh.
PS – Have you tried the new editor? What do you think? Make sure you check out Dan’s thoughts about it too. Isn’t Copper adorable? Okay, I’m biased, but still…he’s a cutie.
Yes, I have tried it as well and gave up. Why do they have to mess with a good thing? Hopefully they will listen to us. ♥
I’m glad to read I’m not alone in the assessment of it. Yikes, what a pain. I hope they listen too. At least they haven’t forced it on us yet.
Thanks for the shout-out, Shelley. (That rolls off the tongue funny). I’m sure we’ll get past the glitches in due time. Copper is looking good. I hope his yard is back to normal.
You’re welcome, Dan! You’re sounding more optimistic than I am about the editor. ;-). Yes, the yard is getting bigger and bigger for him now. He’s a happy camper, that’s for sure.
I can’t help the optimism thing. I hope it’s warranted.
Me too! PS – your optimism is one of those things that keeps me coming back to read your blog!
I’ve looked at the thing one time Shelley, I said oh hell no. WordPress is becoming more and more a mess. Why can’t these dolts running the show just stop making stupid decisions like this? Fix the Legacy editor, it’s far and away superior to that nasty block thing. In time, this nonsense will eventually drive me off of WP. As is, the Legacy editor seems to be two separate editors smashed together but it does work. Pretty well anyway. The sense of community is the only thing keeping me on WP for a long time now as I started using it in say 2000 or 2001. Apparently, the dolts that run the show here never bother to ask their user base what THEY want.
I feel your pain John! I’m not in love with Guttenberg. And I agree, the community is what makes it worth while on WP, that’s for sure.
I haven’t tried the new editor yet. If I ever do, I will let you know how it goes.
I think you missed your calling my dear. Those pictures are stunning. Your captions make it so that I feel like I know what the animals are thinking.
If you don’t have a need for all the bells and whistles in the new editor, I’d stay clear of it.
Aw, shucks, thank you, Jill – I’m blushing.
I tried it a while back. It reminds me very much of the Divi WordPress theme. I guess I am glad I have some HTML background. Editing is much faster that way — as far as formatting. I am not an early adopter by any means. I also switch from Mac to iPad to IPhone working in WordPress and that is problematic enough.
You’re lucky to have a background that assists you in getting around WP. I could see the benefits of some of the functionality of the new editor, but it is like they threw a party, gave out slips of paper to all those there and said, “Write a function you’d like to see in a new editor, and then we’ll put them all together and roll it out on Monday and see what happens.” I’m impressed that you switch tools that easily. Way to go!
I tried out the new editor in November. https://sprawly.wordpress.com/2018/11/17/testing-the-new-editor/
Now that I’ve been using it for a while, it’s not bad. I haven’t used every feature though.I’m still learning new things about it. I didn’t know you could put text over an image! That’s pretty cool. If you want to… when you’re in the editor, you can click on the three little dots in the top right corner and down at the bottom there’s the choice to change to the classic editor.
That close-up photo of your cat is incredible! Those eyes! The one of Copper is definitely frame worthy too. He looks like “King of the House.”
Way to be persistent and get the editor to work for you! I think there are a lot of functions to make posts look better or more fun, you just have to be willing to play with it to figure it out! Thanks for sharing your link, too!
I kind of just stumble through, happy to get just the basics. Spending a lot of time trying to figure something out is just frustrating for me. I can’t count how much time I’ve spent searching for answers in WP’s knowledge base, particularly when I first got here.
I’m a stumbler forsure. I have PTSD from the first months when I was trying to figure this platform out, and then when I changed my blog’s url…don’t get me started! At least the basics are mostly figured out for me now. Knock on wood. Thanks for hanging in there!
I didn’t realize Copper had two white front feet until now. I get totally lost when y’all start talking about an editor. I am doing good just to create a post.
Yes, and really long nails that I need to figure out how to cut or take him to the vet. He HATES having his precious feet touched. LOL – if you’re able to write your posts, you’re way ahead of the game. Don’t rush to the new editor if you don’t need to!
Yes, Mimi doesn’t want her feet touched either and the vet, the young ladies that do that, make it worse. So I cut one nail a day, keep her trauma down.
You’re such a kind dog-mom – one nail a day! Seriously, though, I might have to try that technique…
I’m still using Blogger and the IFTTT applet to send it to my WP account. Sometimes the format comes out a little differently but so far all has been smooth. The new WP sounds like going from a Mac to a PC and I’m a Mac all the way!
I noticed you had a Blogger account. I have an old blogger blog, and I didn’t know I could send it to WP?! Oh, well, I’m here now with this blog and I’ll continue learning as I go.
I learned how to “simulcast” from John Holton before the A to Z last year and it worked just fine.
John’s one smart cookie!
Such amazing photos. Wow. I am not in any hurry to try that editor out. Not sure if it is worth the aggravation! Let’s keep blogging fun!
Thank you! Yes, let’s keep it fun, I agree!!!
What a handsome little man that Copper is … equally as endearing in black and white as in color. And the up-close cat pics are cute as well … I always enjoy seeing them matching up to your narrative. I am in no hurry to try the new editor out and after reading this post, it will be not until forced to adapt to it. I was sure they would just throw us into the water to learn it and I’m happy they’ve not done that – yet. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is my motto.
Thank you, I appreciate your encouragement! I agree, it’s not yet worthy of a change to it, until we’re forced to or they make it more user friendly.
I haven’t tried Guttenberg yet and have found no good reason to do so. It seems to be universally despised, which makes me wonder why WP is pushing it on us. In a world with constant newness, when I use the current editor I feel empowered. Why is WP taking that away from me?
You’re wise to wait. I do like the current editor, and shall only try the new one again in the future if they make me or if I’m curious to see if it has gotten any better or not!