
Dog’s daydream – it’s a big, big, big world

I’m lying here dreaming of a morning last summer.

I was quiet, looking cute as I always do.  Resting peacefully on my soft pillow bed.  I listened to Mom as she typed away on that box on her desk.  I kept a watchful eye on her because I sensed she had plans for an adventure, and I didn’t want to miss out on it.

I remember it like it was yesterday…


It was a glorious morning…come along with me, relive it…trust me, it doesn’t involve snow, you’ll be green with envy too!


It went down like this…


I know for a fact that she’s thinking about going outside to take pictures.  I know before she knows because dogs know things humans don’t because of our noses.

It’s true, really, it is.  

Don’t believe me, check this video out – my nose helps me see, and I get to know things about important stuff like stinky smells and such just by sniffing the air.

I can see stuff right in front of me and stuff far, far, far away.  When I’m outside my nose goes into overdrive!

Wait…I just heard it…’Click!’  Yep, that’s the noise I was waiting for. 


Mom smiled at me as I watched her grab that little card out of the black box on the desk. She shoved it into another tiny black thingamajig slot, and clicked the small door shut on it, and Yippee! Yes! – she’s got it in her hand, heading out the door – she’s on a mission.

The dog is the perfect portrait subject.  He doesn’t pose.  He isn’t aware of the camera. – Patrick Demarchelier

Oh, man, I’m so excited. 

If I do my cute little dance, she’ll invite me.  She’s going to go outside, I’m sure of it.  Wait for it…here it comes…

“Copper, wanna go outside?”

See, I told ya so! 

Duh, hell ya, it’s about time you caught up with me.  I knew you were thinking about going outside.  Open the door already!

I’m a genius I tell ya!

The sun is rising over the trees.  It’s one of Mom’s favorite times to go outside.


Mine, too.


Now…let’s take a whiff – who was here in my yard since the last time I was outside?  



It was a deer, a rabbit, a neighbor’s Ferrel cat, a fox, a gopher, a mouse, a bird, a person walking their dog, a spider, a leaf from the tree down the road, a pigeon, an ant…and dew drops.

Dew drops…in the grass, oh yeah, I need to get my paws on some of that grass over there.


Mom likes to lean down on the ground, close to the grass with that thing she carries around.  She just keeps clicking away from all sorts of weird angles.  The dew drops apparently are important to Mom, she spends a lot of time in the grass.

She smiles at me when I stick close by her, that makes me happy, too.  


I like to stand in the grass, and pose for her, looking all important as every guard dog should do.  I think she was waiting for me to do so.

What I’m really doing is discovering who has been here and who’s on their way here from down the road or flying over us in the air.  But if I give her a pose or two it’ll keep her interested in this spot, there’s a lot of great stuff that happens here.

But wait for a second, she might be on to something about this grass with all the dew drops on it.  Not only am I experiencing it live as it is happening, I’ll take awesome scents with me on my paws in the house.  I’ll be able to dream about where I was, and who ventured there before me while I nap and recharge for our next adventure.


The dog lives for the day, the hour, even the moment. – Robert Falcon Scott

Mom moved again, okay…I’ll follow her and see what a new spot has to offer me.  She’s probably just trying to get my paws to dry before we head back in the house.  I know her tricks.

Maybe if I sniff some more, she’ll get distracted again.  It works most of the time.

I feel sorry for Mom, she misses so many things.  Sure, she sees the dew drops on the tiny blades of grass, but she skips over other important things.

When she does that, I interrupt her, even when she’s trying to get a perfect shot.

Yep, a rabbit or a mouse most definitely crossed this path last night. 

I’m so lucky Mom takes me and my doggie vision outside.  It’s a big, big, world out there.


Thank you for joining me in my daydream…see you next time…when the snow melts!

Post inspired by Jen H at WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge:  Story

Also inspired by these great photography blogs who shared their story this week:

Chris Breebaart in black and white

Cindi in vivid colors

13 thoughts on “Dog’s daydream – it’s a big, big, big world

  1. Anytime, Copper. I love the last photo where you are communing, silently (even for a dog) and seriously, with the morning sun. I’m so glad you dream in such detail!

  2. What a delightful story! My cats aren’t quite as excited about my photography as your dog seems to be, but I still love photographing them and their surroundings anyway :3

    1. Thank you, Brianna, we appreciate the read and the feedback! Copper knows if he enjoys the photos, he gets to be outside with me! The cats – well, they definitely have a mind of their own when it comes to the camera. But they have their moments of fun like you said!

  3. Great story! Of course I’m partial to dog stories. I love how your captured the soft light of early morning. And that video is fascinating!

    1. Thank you, JoAnna, I enjoy hearing from fellow dog lovers! I appreciate your kind words. I know…me too, that’s what I thought, I learned a lot from that video!

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