We’ve been scratching our heads in amazement this week since Copper’s new dog food arrived and we’ve started the transition process for him.
Last night, it was like we were transported back into the time when Copper first arrived at our house. Except he’s bigger now. And older, but his alertness and puppy-like behavior are making a come back.
He ate well – no help needed, he cleaned his bowl all by himself. He even begged for more, except he knew he wasn’t going to get any more. We’re following the transition plan ‘to a T’.
He played well – almost like he did with our Golden Retriever back then. He wanted to be a big dog, yes, he did.
He even spent about 10 minutes running in circles chasing Mr. around our pantry closet. It was such a joy to watch and listen to.
Reminded me of when the girls were here to play with him too.
And he slept well.
Ah, yes, it was like doggie Deja Vu. This little guy is still darn cute, and I can’t wait to tell you more – we have 4 more days for the transition to 100% of the new food.
Stay tuned!
Post Inspiration – TGIF
PS – Do you ever head down the rabbit hole of looking at old pictures and lose track of time? Hope you have a wonderful Friday!
OM Gosh! Copper is sooo cute as a pup!! I’m really happy for the little man Shelley!
Thank you, John – yes, he was so darn cute, it was love at first site. We’re happy he’s doing better too!
Dear Copper, From these snaps of you, it’s very clear how dedicated you’ve been to bringing so much joy to your human family! No one deserves a peaceful, pain-and-itch-free old age more than you … kudos to your family for finding a possible solution. Here’s hoping you enjoy many more wonderful days with them, and of course vice versa.
Aw, thank you Ellen! Yes, we’re thankful for Copper and for finding a solution to help him feel better.
So glad to hear that Copper is well and happy! Lovely photos, Shelley!
Thank you, Amy!!!
Copper was one adorable little puppy dog. The pics are great. He’s a nice looking older dude, too. Happy to learn that his new food is bringing out the puppy in him again.
Thank you, Ally, we’re keeping our hopes up that we’re on the right track for him.
Oh my goodness what cute puppy pics (fantastic news that the new food is helping). And cute daughter pics too! Yes I haul myself out of that rabbit hole of old photos constantly – esp since I started this blog. The time just melts away.
Thank you – the hole is so deep when I get into the kid pictures…!
Fun memories. Hope the transition goes smoothly. Was there a reason we are switching? Sorry if you explained earlier – been super busy and not on computer almost for a week.
Yes, fun memories. Thank you – yes, I put two and two together that he had a sensitivity or an allergy to his food, so I’m switching him over and hoping for the best.
Bets of luck.
Well Copper was just “a bit of a thing” as that expression goes … he could fit in your pocket in his puppy days. It sounds like he is regressing to his puppy ways – that’s a good thing and in record time. Copper and you two must be ecstatic!
LOL – yes, yes, yes!!
Great news (and pictures).
Thanks, Dan!
Such a cute pup! How old is he now? He’s still cute! Glad he’s doing better. It’s always great to see them playing and feeling good.
Thank you! He’s 14 and 1/2. It is so fun to see him feeling so good!
That’s wonderful Shelley

Thanks, Brian!!
Adorable. Did wish you he would stay tiny? They make such wonderful and loyal friends.
Thank you – yes, he’s a cutie and very loyal, too! There are days I do wish he’d still be that tiny, but I love him at this stage, too.
Shelley – Monday at 6:00 a.m. … I was listening to the news, still in bed, and there is a raw dog food recall. I didn’t hear the name. I got up and put the news on – will Google quickly. It was food manufactured after July 2019 (I believe). I will contact you when I hear but wanted to catch you before you went to work.
I found the story I just mentioned … I know you have to check SPAM if I send a link, will send it separately … salmonella for Performance raw dog food. Will send the link separately … want you to see this message in case you don’t check your SPAM filter this a.m.
6:00 a.m. – here is the link to the raw dog food – hope this is not Copper’s new food.
Performance: https://myfox8.com/2019/09/27/serious-threat-to-humans-and-animals-fda-recalls-dog-food-over-salmonella-concerns/
Thank you, LInda – whew – it is not the brand we’re feeding Copper. He’s on Dr, Marty’s Nature’s Blend. There are no recalls on it that I’m aware of.
OK, that’s right – now I remember from a previous blog post … Dr. Marty’s … good, I forgot the name andwanted you to get the info ASAP as bad for humans too. So just delete my messages. I’ll note Dr. Marty’s … my friend experimented with various raw food for her cats, so I sent her everything. Whew – you all are safe. Any other time I would be up, but it is raining, so curled up in bed listening to the news. My blog post this morning I did last night …
I appreciate your concern, and so does Copper!! We’re trying the same food for our cats, and it’s not going as well. :-(. Hope it works for your friend. It’s supposed to rain here today too. I’d rather stay in bed!
You’re welcome Shelley – I thought the world of my birds and was upset when I lost each of them, so that is why no more pets for me – I was torn apart, especially since they were companion pets, and I have no family, so I understand how important a pet is in your life so therefore my concern this a.m. I usually am up and at ’em by 4:30-5:00 a.m. daily … disgruntled with this *&^% weather – I knew I was not walking this morning as it is supposed to storm and rain all morning and heard the rain while still sleeping, so was listening to the news all curled up – it is 69 in the house. Resisting turning on the heat right now as it will soar to 85 later and tomorrow.
I was surprised it made the national news as it doesn’t always – I think it was because it is a human health risk – do you handle the food with vinyl gloves … just curious, I can’t recall if Carol did. She is back to feeding canned/dry to her own cats and all the ferals she takes care of.
Yes, pets are important and it is hard to say goodbye to them too. I wouldn’t want to have to do that due to food they ate! I appreciate your concern, your kindness touches my heart!
We’re waiting to turn on the heat too – for as long as possible. It’s supposed to storm here today. Grr. Hope you have a great Monday!
Well I’ll keep Marty’s dog food name in my mind going forward. I worry about your little guy from afar because I know he is a cherished member of your family. I have not warmed up all day despite dressing warm – they said it would heat up later, but it never did as it started out gloomy and drizzly.
Thank you, Linda, we appreciate your concern. Copper is so far doing well. We’re keeping our fingers crossed! If you get the weather we had yesterday, today will be quite warm for you!!
That’s good news – I’m glad for all of you. Yup, we got your hot weather – like an August day!
You can delete these additional comments – the story says the raw dog food is harmful to humans too –
listeria/salmonella. I kjow my friend went thru this with her raw cat food. I was always sending her info I saw on Food Poisoning Bulletin, but this was on the CBS National News in the 5:00 a.m. hour