Do you ever have a bone to pick with someone, anyone, about how fast time flies and how our health changes before we know it – especially as we age? Or how the wine looks better in pictures than a glass of water does? I do.
Now that we’re in my 50’s, and it’s just the empty nest for the two of us, and my staycation is almost over, and I (we) have abstained from any form of alcohol (yay me (us)!), I have a bone to pick with Father Time. Each moment is flying by so fast and we thought we were doing everything right, dammit.
But then, I reflect, and realize, I’m thankful I’ve (we’ve) been given the gift of more time to change, more time to discover a healthier path in life. Mother Nature and Father Time aren’t that bad after all. At least they give us chances. (This is a lovely short song…do you remember it?)
It’s been almost two weeks since our scary adventure to the hospital where we discovered it was time for a new path to control blood pressure and cholesterol. We dodged the big one, thank goodness. While we still don’t know much more about the true cause, at least we have time to change and focus on a plan of sorts. We’re reading about what we can do naturally to bring it down within the normal limits.

Which, by the fricken way, dangnabbit – when did 120/80 become pre-high blood pressure? I thought that was normal??
So many questions have popped up as I read. What diet is better the DASH or the Mediterranean diet? We live in Wisconsin – we need Vitamin D, and dairy is a good source, but I thought dairy was bad. I thought pieces of bread and such were bad. Jeez…no matter what kind of dish you serve food on, there are rules to follow to make it healthy.
When by the way did Pfaltzgraff stop making bone china? Dang, our plates aren’t bone china after all. I digress…
I guess none of the facts about how much sodium, fat, cholesterol, etc. change in the ingredients in recipes. Once that is figured out, it doesn’t change. There is so much information available on the web about what diet to eat to help control blood pressure and cholesterol. So far, what we’ve tried for recipes have been damn delicious.

The meals are the easy part. The wine with dinner being replaced with water, that’s taking a bit more time to adjust to. Some diets say it’s okay to have a glass, other ones say, skip it! For now, water is the better choice for us. Maybe if I serve it in a wine glass to make it ‘Instagram’ photo worthy…I could start a new hip and happening trend about water being the go-to beverage? Do you think that would work?…
I’m guessing there’d be plenty of people lined up on my social media feeds to have a bone to pick with me on that? No bones about it, modifying your diet is the easy part, overcoming the marketing images for the long-standing alcohol producing industry isn’t a battle won easily, that’s for damn sure.
Post Inspiration – Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Bone, and Nancy Merrill’s Weekly Photo Challenge – Reflection
PS – What do you think is better DASH or Mediterranean diet? Quick review your social media feeds – how many pictures pictured Wine or Alcohol in them? Do check out the websites for recipes – Lecremedelacrumb and PickupLimes have great recipes. Do you have a great recipe website for us to check out? Please share the link in comments.
Great post
Thank you
No problem
it was a very interesting read. Stop by my blog whenever you get the chance 
Thank you. Done – thanks for the invite to stop by – happy blogging and travels to you!
Find a specialty tea shop near you and experiment with flavors. Strawberry Hibiscus is good (and as a red drink would look fab in your wine glasses! Caution: it’s tart so sweeten with honey).
Thank you, I appreciate your suggestion for tea to liven up the glass!
I thought 120/80 was perfect…that’s the way we were trained in healthcare.
As always Shelley, love your post!
Thank you – I appreciate your feedback on the post and the confirmation that 120/80 was perfect – I still think it is, plus it’s easy to remember too!
It’s so hard to diet but I found Dave’s bread which is wholesome and I always buy Cedar Bay salmon on the plank in the frozen fish case. I don’t have any help on the wine but I drink alot of green tea
Thank you for the suggestions – I didn’t know about Dave’s bread or the Cedar Bay salmon already on the plank! I’ll check those out. I’m getting into the tea more now, it is nice to hold a warm cup of it now that the weather has chilled in our area.
I’ve been taking BP meds for a good while now. I’ve become expert on watching sodium intake, yesterday I gave myself a treat and cheated which of course pushed the BP up, it’s chronic. Keep an eye on the BP through the day, avoid the darn salt where possible. Do you use No Salt? It’s the best alternative I’ve found. The battle is real!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for the suggestion – no haven’t heard of No Salt yet, we’re just so new into this discovery of what works and what doesn’t. It’s nice to get real feedback. It seems there is so much out there to research, each site contradicts the next one!
What I learned when I was in the hospital was that they’re now aiming for an ideal blood pressure of 110/70. Not that mine’s anywhere near that (though it’s around 130/85, much better than the 200/100 it was when I had the stroke), even with all the pills I take.
In a warped way, I sometimes wonder if the lower figure is to help them find more people to take the drugs. But I digress. You’re right, 130/85 is a better # and that’s great you’re keeping it there instead of the 200/100! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate hearing them.
My father-in-law had high blood pressure, and overmanaged it: he must have taken his blood pressure 20 times a day, and if it was a little too high, he’d take a pill, and if it was a little too low, he’d have a shot.
I know my BP isn’t exactly what the AMA or Medicare would consider perfect, but my doctor and I have been watching it, and he seems happy with it, and as you say it’s much better than it had been.
Oh, my, yes, that’s looking at it too closely! It’s most important that YOU and your doctor are happy with where you’re at.
It sounds like you are off to a great start. Your meal photos look delicious.
I think that both of those diets are healthy – the one that you can follow with the least amount of hassle is the “best” :). Perhaps a combo. Either way lots of veggies. A wine substitute? Not so easy as you’ve discovered. Flavored seltzer water? Or a tiny glass of real wine.
Despite doing everything right…the aging body does surprise. Ugh. (No Fair!!)
Thank you – that’s a great suggestion – the one we can follow is the ‘best’. Yes on the veggies, that’s our goal. I thought of maybe trying infused water recipes too – so much to learn and try. You’ve got that right – it’s not fair what the aging body and genetics do for us!
Our doc says 120/80 is still ideal but over that and up to 140/90 to pre-high. The mister is on medication now after trying the natural way. I wonder about the drug companies being in ka-hoots with the doctors but in his case, medicine was a last resort so he feels better about that.
Glad all your recipes have turned out delish. No idea between DASH and Mediterranean. I assumed they were the same. We get most new recipes online these days … any time we are in a rut and want something new, we search. What’s hard is choosing, no many wonderful dishes out there.
That’s the same route we’re on – we tried the natural route and still ended up here – dang genetics? I’m there with you on the ka-hoots thoughts as well as. It does appear that medicine may be the only answer in some cases. :-(! Yes, there are so many wonderful recipes out there, that’s the fun part of this whole thing – discovering new dishes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I so appreciate hearing real stories!
I remember when good sugar lever was 120 as well now that’s pre-diabetic. I think drs lowered the levels due to so many people in America having health issues. Change is hard but at least you know what needs to be done and are doing it.
Thanks, that thought has crossed my mind several times. Anita, your support means a lot to me, thank you for your kindness!
We follow the Mediterranean Diet. Perfect. We’re both on blood pressure meds BUT I had to stop because of excessive allergy to it.
I despise the fact that we have to keep tabs on salt.
We drink red wine on weekends. One glass each. In the summer we add seltzer and make spritzers.
I aim to keep my pressure at 135/71. When you’re older it naturally goes up hubby is at 116/70. Thanks to his meds.
Cheer up. It’s not so bad. It’s rather quite fun. Ever see a Greek or Italian sad?
Thank you, Cindi – I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and advice on how to make it not so bad :-)! Salute’ to you, too :-)!
I also had high cholesterol. In my cast it was because I forget to use salt, and I was drinking way too much water, which was washing the salt out of my body. I was so low on salt, I craved salty foods like chips. As in lots and lost of chips. Not good.
Please don’t over drink water.
I learned we need salt in our diets, but not table salt or food processed salt. Our bodies need a little over 1 teaspoon of salt a day. I started using sea salt, any high quality salt will do.
I tested it. For 3 months I took 1 teaspoon of course sea salt then took the blood test. All my bad cholesterol was significantly down. Up until that test, no matter what I did, all tests went up. Now my doctor tells me my cholesterol is good.
I it without a diet change, but I make all may meals fresh, always have. It didn’t help my numbers. Sea salt did.
Meds were no good. I had a reaction to everything.
I know you will keep looking for an answer. I hope this helps.
Blessings and good health to you both.
Wow – that is so interesting – I’m a salt craving fiend and my blood pressure has been great – my hubby, on the other hand, doesn’t like the salt, and his BP is high…and he drinks a lot of water! The doctors definitely didn’t tell us about any of that…or much at all, just take these pills. Grrr… Thank you so much for sharing your insights and what worked for you!!!
Glad to heat you are well. Sorry for your husband. Unfortunately, doctors don’t know everything. That’s why there are specialists. If I may suggest, try an Endocrinologists. They study hormones. You’ll be surprised what hormones can do to your body when they are out of wack.
Thank you, Phyllis – your suggestions are so appreciated!
Hope it helps. Best to the both of you.
Your kindness means the world to me, thank you!
You also have to factor age in when looking at “normals” as my mom keeps telling the doctors, things change when you get older and “normal” numbers are different for people after 90! I don’t know DASH or Mediterranean so I’ll have to check them out.
Man…there is so much to take into consideration! Thank you for sharing your thoughts – and if you find any great recipes or other tricks, please share, I’m a sponge for info nowadays :-)!
So, water was really not in the picture before you hit the 50’s mark?
Oh, no, I’ve always loved water!
Oh, glad to know that