If only I could tap into the minds of our cats. Wouldn’t it be nice to wander through life pausing to appreciate the little things like cats do? They have no worries about getting tax papers done, about paying bills, going to work, or wondering what to write for a blog prompt. It is unfathomable to me that life is as carefree as cats play it off it to be.
Cats must have three names – an everyday name, such as Peter; a more particular, dignified name, such as Quaxo, Bombalurina, or Jellylorum; and, thirdly, the name the cat thinks up for himself, his deep and inscrutable singular Name. – T.S. Eliot
Our cats, no matter what name we use to call them are a simple mystery to me, and one I never tire of discovering. I like to catch them napping or when they are doing their weirdo things; the quizzical looks they give me when I grab my camera to catch them in action are inscrutable.
Tizzie (aka, TizzieWizzieWoo) is the first to close her eyes and ignore me. Or maybe it’s the warm sunshine she’s basking in that puts her in a comatose state? Frankly dear, she probably doesn’t give a damn what I’m doing?? As naps are essential for cats – a person trying to disturb them is an inexplicable freak in their natural surroundings (on top of tables, counters, cupboards, you name it if they fit, they sit or lay).
Dessy (aka, ChubbaWubbaWoo) always watches me when I grab my camera. Or maybe she thinks I’m the mysterious one and is fascinated with the clicking sound? She probably thinks it sounds like her treat bag is somewhere behind me – being crinkled by her hero (aka, my husband ‘TheOneWhoFeedsTheCats’).
She’s a discerning cat – always on a watch out for her knight in shining armor who will feed her.
Even when Chubba lounges in her napping position, she can be alerted to the sounds of the camera.
Darling…don’t despair, it is really such a glorious life to be a cat in pause mode.
What part of cat lives do you wish you understood more? What part of a cat’s life do you wish you could do on a regular basis?
Aw, I love this! Thanks for sharing!
Aw, thank you, Leta! I appreciate you stopping by to take a peek! Enjoy your Sunday!!
Nap, I love to nap, I would love to be able to read their mind
Me too!! Hope you find time to snuggle up and take a nap today!
I awlays have a nap!!! Cat naps with me! I’ve been so busy with paperwork I don’t think I have written a post in two days. Hope I can write one today, unless my nap is too long lol!
That’s awesome you find time for a nap! I’ve been busy with paperwork too – I’ve been rationing my blogging time in stages based on what I get through on the paperwork! No time for a nap. Hope you find time for a post to recharge yourself!
Me too, I really miss it!
Feel free to get as carried away about your cats as you like! And oh, those faces! Inscrutable? Not really. The secret is it’s love. My 3 cat poems may turn up …
Will do! I do confess, their faces are loveable. Yes…! Bring on the cat poems!!
I had a cat once. She was 100% white so we called her ‘Tissues’. I was a little girl and I wanted that cat to love me. She never did till once, she came alongside my bed and sat up tall, perfect for me to pet her. As I was petting her, I exclaimed to my sister, ‘Look, look, Tissues DOES love me. Look how she is sitting right up next to me!!” and with that, Tissues backed away and exited our bedroom. When I looked down at where Tissues had sat next to me, I saw that the cat had taken a dump. Right on the dress of my Pollyanna Wanna doll….!!!!!! That cat Tissues was a bitch! I got rid of her that day!
Been loving dogs ever since.
Sorry but cats and I don’t get along.
Oh, my goodness, I think I wouldn’t like cats if that happened to me too! Thanks for sharing your story!
I love the ChubbaWubbaWoo nickname! It’s a bit more dignified than the “Pork Chop” nickname I have for Ziva.
I want to nap like a cat. Maybe not all day long, but always when I want to. Maybe when I retire, I can be more catlike. As far as wanting to know what they’re thinking, it may be best to leave that alone. I’m afraid what I’d find out from Gibbs.
Thank you, Mary! I think Ziva and Dessy are kindred spirits! I hope you get some nap time soon! All that moving has to be exhausting!!!! LOL – I bet Gibbs has some pretty awesome stories to share…??!?!??
I have been catching up on sleep this weekend and I think I might have to go to bed early tonight. It’s going to be a busy week because everyone that left me alone last week will be no doubt filling up my email box. :-p
You DESERVE to get some sleep – go catch some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ’s!!!
Sleep! I’d love to be able to get comfortable in the sunshine on the floor and just sleep the day away.

Thanks so much for linking to Just Jot it January, Shelley, with your lovely post and beautiful photos.
Thank you, Linda! I’m so glad I found your Just Jot it January challenge – even if I’m a little late to the party, it is fun and I look forward to participating again! I appreciate you stopping by and for sharing your thoughts!!
Beautiful kitties! Cats definitely have their own individual personalities, and are so fun to watch, even when the aren’t doing anything!
Aw, thank you!! Yes, they do – our two are sisters and are fun to watch. Thank you for stopping by, it is nice to hear from you!!
Wonderful you have sister cats! We used to have 4, but now only 1, and she is 8 years old. We do feed the outside kitties that come by, too.
Yes, we got them from the host family that worked with the animal shelter. They didn’t want sisters broken up, since we had two girls of our own, why not add two more ‘gals’ to the family! Thanks for sharing your kitty tales with me!