
Crow strut

Crows are a common sight in our yard.  They usually congregate together as they strut around the yard ravaging or cawing at each other when they find debris or remains left behind by other predators.  Frankly, anything they find is worthy of eating, they are not fussy birds.

They’re kind of intimidating looking birds to me.  I’m always reminded of the Alfred Hitchcock movie “Birds” from 1963 as I watch them arrogantly swoop in and land together to momentarily own the yard.

On an extraordinarily windy day here, as I looked outside, I saw one lonely crow strutting his (I’m assuming he, could’ve been she, not sure how to tell) stuff on the roof of our Teahouse.

It seemed as though he had something rather serious to tell his compadres off in the distance.  He remained confidently erect in the wind that bombarded him as he cawed.  When he had enough, he flew off to find a different landing spot.

DailyPost Prompt – Strut