As I looked out at the sunset last night, it was a glorious beer-free, Tostitos-free sunset heading into the last week of Dry January. An amazing site to see.
Yep, today is the 5th to the last day of Dry January! I don’t want to miss out on celebrating, so I’m going for it today.
Not with a beer, though, with cathartic reflections on the month (so far).
First off, I gotta tell you that, due to unforeseen predicted unexpected moments along the way, I fell off the wagon – a couple few times, so I adopted a self-proclaimed ‘I’m not quitting, I’m cutting myself some slack, yet getting right back on track the next day plan’.
I didn’t give into a full-on quit on Quitter’s Friday. Yeah…it’s a thing, check it out (i.e., Google it). Apparently, the 2nd Friday in January is notorious for the day people quit their New Year’s Resolutions.
Ironically, or coincidentally, that was my day, too, to temporarily quit.
Yeah…sorry, but it feels cathartic to confess I haven’t been perfect with Dry January. I also ate cake and ice cream – it was my mother-in-laws birthday party – I couldn’t say no to her. The one beer and chips tasted great, and so did the cake, by the way.
But there’s more to the Quitter Day fiasco party.
That was the day of my annual physical. If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I started Dry January to impress the heck out of my doctor. I was going to be healthy after the holidays. I was going to be prepared for kudos and all sorts of praise for not drinking and that my blood pressure would be outstanding. It’s normally 110/60 or 120/80 on the high-end when I go in, so, I was at least hoping planning for the same.
Going into the appointment, all full of myself, I had 10 miraculous days of Dry January under my belt. I was feeling damn proud. I had been sleeping well, not eating my beloved Tostitos or drinking beer; I was relaxed – and ready for good news. I even slept well the night before. Plus I only had one cup of coffee in the morning. I was prepared for fasting blood work, too.
The nurse weighed me. Lost #’s. Yeah, me!
Then she took my height. I had shrunk a 1/2 an inch. Weird.
Then we sat down and she took my blood pressure. 135/87.
I freaked out and went into WTH blood pressure racing and pulsing mode. I told her, “Wow…that’s so weird, it’s normally so low…!”
Then she asked about my alcohol consumption. I, of course, bragged about Dry January and said, “None.”
She said, “Good for you.”
She asked a sh*tload of other questions I can’t remember, none about my memory, though – that always irritates me.
Then I said, “Can you take my BP again, maybe it was high ‘cuz I rushed here and you took it right away when I sat down?”
“Sure, no, problem.”
“Well…what was it?”
Sigh…”Maybe I should take up drinking again?”
She smiled, “Maybe…No, that’s probably not a good idea.”
I talked to the doctor about the BP, explained how I had traffic issues getting there, had coffee beforehand, rushed into the room right before the nurse took it, and maybe that had to do with it being elevated? She felt that was possible, and it was within ‘normal’ ranges for my age, so with all that I had said, she wasn’t concerned. I didn’t mention that maybe I was anxious because I knew the every 5-year pap smear event was scheduled for that day as well. But who isn’t stressed about that, I can’t think of any woman I know that looks forward to that.
She asked me about my ‘bump’ on my head. I told her that it was still there, but I planned on scheduling an appointment to deal with it.
Overall, no blood work needed, last time it was stellar. I was ‘the perfect patient’ – healthy, and really nothing to worry about.
But…damn…back at home, I was super bummed about my BP. I took it that afternoon, and it was still elevated. 136/85. Sigh…
So that night, on the official Quitter’s Friday, I took my BP.
126/82. Grr…
Out of pure curiosity, not that I wanted to quit, I grabbed a beer and a serving of Tostitos, consumed both. Then took my blood pressure.
110/82. Damn…
I was still worried, though, about the diastolic reading.
WTH? I guess it is normal for me to be all over the board?
I took it yesterday afternoon. After I had been sitting, reading a book, relaxing, looking out the window, no stress.
Except, I did have a good cleansing cry or two while finishing up the book. It’s not a spoiler – I cry every Nicholas Sparks book I read.
But, still, I wasn’t stressed or exerting myself…in fact, I was damn lazy the whole day. I even laughed while I waited for the bp reading machine to do its thing – there’s no way in h*ll I’m going to wash windows when it’s 8 degrees outside.
My BP reading was = 124/86. WTH?…that diastolic reading is really bugging me.
This morning, wondering if it’s just the day-time readings or if my new normal is diastolic high? Or if, since I’ve given the Dry January 16 more days since my doctor’s appointment, maybe my body back then was just in the initial shock of me having no daily Tostitos with a beer chaser that caused it to be elevated? Even this book didn’t talk about it…
Today’s BP = 109/76.
I’ll let my thoughts float away with that…I think that’s perfectly normal me BP.
Since I’m not sure what the actual 31st day of Dry January will feel like, I am celebrating that I’ve made it this far. I don’t think the next 5 days will feel much different from today. Don’t worry, I’m gonna stick it out until the end. It’s gotten easier each passing night and day, past Quitter’s Friday, that is.
Well…on second thought, I suppose the 31st should feel like the best day, right? Meeting a goal is a good thing! Or are you like me and when the time of a vacation from something comes to an end, there’s some melancholy and sadness felt? I may be stressed and worried if I should continue on or go back to old habits? I don’t wanna go back, so that’s half the battle. I do know I will have an occasional guilt-free cocktail and some chips, (just not daily), in the future.
But I need something to look forward to besides the upcoming vacation on a beach…
That means I should think of a challenge for myself to do in February. Right?
February is about love…hmm…how about exercising and toning up my love handles…or learning to stand up straight, that 1/2″ height loss must be my posture?
…now that I fit into my swimsuit since I lost 6 unexpected #’s so far with the Dry January…I don’t wanna gain it back… I wonder does aging skin ever not sag without artificial help?? Wonder if Mr. will join me in a plank challenge of sorts? He does like to cook salmon on planks…
Post Inspiration – Linda G Hill’s #JusJoJan – Cathartic; Sunday Stills – Via Hugh – Night; and Lens Artist’s #30 – Unexpected.
PS – Okay, experts, do tell…what’s the deal with BP going up when giving up bad things for you? How about those beach shots…gorgeous right? Do you know of any fun plank challenges or exercises for love handles?
I fight that same battle with BP. I know where I normally clock in, but I never get that reading at the doctor’s office. I take it every day at home, and I tell the Drs the average I get, I’ll give them the details if they like, but the complete story like what I knew I was going to find at work, etc.
I think it’s kind of like the weather forecasting… a crap shoot. What’s normal for me might not be normal for you, and that’s okay unless it’s way off the charts. Who the heck gets to decide? The paid officials, right? White coat readings are ‘normal’ so they have to take your at home readings seriously, at least I hope they do!
I think it’s a conspiracy designed to sell more home monitors
I think you’re right!
Good job on the weight loss! My genetics are low blood pressure, so I am in the normal range at the doctor’s office. But when it’s up at all, I panic like you. I’m thinking you def need beer in your life to keep it low.
And I’m convinced our skin loosens as we age. I’m older than you by a bunch and this hasn’t gotten better. But I’m not one to have surgery unless necessary – I’ve had enough of those.
Cheers to upcoming warm weather vacations! We are freezing, too, and bracing for 10 inches overnight and tomorrow. Ugh.
Thanks, Laurel. A sudden spike from normal is hard not to panic about for me. I found it funny that it lowered so quickly right after a beer… I’m leaning toward a tankini versus a bikini…no matter how much weight loss…sagging skin deserves a break from the sun. We’re expecting 5-8 tonight and into tomorrow. Stay safe, and warm, sounds like you’ll be having fun too.
There is hops in beer and that helps to relax you. It’s often an ingredient in teas for better sleep. That might be the reason.
Thank you, good to hear
Oops, have I undermined your dry January now?????!
Nah…I’m glad the last days are at the beginning of the week, if they were on the weekend…well…no telling how my month would end!?
You’ll get there

4.More.Days!!! Yes.I.Can.Do.It…!
Wow Shelley, those are really great BP numbers. Wish I had them normally but I have chronic high BP. Take loads of meds each day. You are blessed!

Thanks, John. Mr. takes meds too, now, so for some people, it is just hereditary and thankfully, the medications help.
Yes they do! I’m grateful for them.
I always feel like hitting a goal gives me a little hit of dopamine. It’s kind of like runner’s high. Way to go for your dry month so far. Tostitos and a beer are only 5 days away!!! You survived Quitter’s Friday!
Thanks, Laurie – Congrats to you, too, even if your hip has been hurting, you’ve been doing great hitting your running goals!
Congrats on the lost #’s, Shelley. That is terrific. I have routinely high blood pressure at the doctor’s office, like even 150’s/80’s but I insist I have “white coat syndrome” since when I take my blood pressure at home or when I used to have it taken all the time before giving blood, it was always normal 120’s/70’s. The last time I went to have it checked at the doctor’s office it started at 156/87 and went down to 135/70 just by me sitting there for five minutes. My doc suggests that I go on blood pressure medication but I’m resisting. I started doing a plank challenge myself of sorts. I’m up to a minute and 30 seconds, although once I got up to 2 minutes! Not sure what writing challenge I’ll be doing in February yet. If you find a good one let me know!
Thanks, Janet. Yes, that ‘white coat syndrome’ is real – my mom had it all the time. You’ll know when or if it is the right time to use medications. Wow – that’s great on the planks. I’ve never been past 30 seconds! I do that every morning in my Yoga routine. Did you find your plank challenge on Pinterest? I’ll let you know if I find a blogging challenge. It’ll be hard to top the JusJoJan…!
I can’t remember where I found it. By the end of 30 days you “should” be up to 4 or 5 minutes but I think the farthest I got was 3 minutes.
Way to go, I’m impressed!!
I like the photos
Little slips up don’t mean anything if you get right back to the goal. Good job and about your shrinking, we all do it. The cushions between our vertebra shrink as we age therefore…. It just more noticeable with those of us who are already short. . Getting old ain’t for sissies!!!
Thank you for your support, Anita! Good to know about the shrinkage…I’ve always been fond of my 1/2″ it put me almost close to the ‘regular’ height clothing. I guess I’ll have to go with ‘short’ and ‘petite’ lengths from now on. You’re right, growing old isn’t easy!
You did good on the lost pounds Shelley. My BP used to be extremely low and when I went to give blood, they’d always fuss over how low my blood pressure was, but somewhere along the line it went up, not a lot, but enough and it seemed, just like you, when I was running late to get to that appointment and a series of things would go wrong to make it be elevated. P.S. – Do share the exercises for planks or others for love handles please.
Thank you, Linda. I’ve been told that as we age, it will naturally go up. Kind of like how our love handles naturally form… LOL!? Will do on the exercises!
I’d be happy to have your BP numbers.
And today is the 28th, so you are almost there.
Aw, sorry to hear your BP isn’t where you’d like it to be. Yes, only 4 more days. This last leg of the journey has been the easiest so far.
Congratulations on doing dry January, Shelley. I’ve never done it, but I do cut down my intake of alcohol and chocolate in January. For some reason, I can’t function without both in my life, even though I seem to sleep much better on the nights I’ve had none of either.
Thanks so much for linking to this week’s Sunday Stills.
Thank you, Hugh. This is my first ever Dry January, and at the end of it I can say, I adore the awesome nights of sleep! Thanks for the opportunity to link up on Sunday Stills. Looks like Terri has been having fun on her getaway – it’s nice to have someone like you keeping the Sunday Stills going. Enjoy the rest of your week!