When I look at this room, I reflect and think, “My Q-Quarters are where good shit is going to happen…someday…!”
One woman’s clutter is another woman’s mess.
Or as my daughter and I call it…
“It’s not cluttered or messy it is the bones of some good shit.”
I think I need to make a sign with that saying, maybe embroidered, or something like that and hang it in my Q-Quarters.
This room houses all my undone crafty kind of shit projects. I really should stop swearing…but clutter messes make me do that.
This room would scare anyone into Feng Shui or the art of tidying up with Marie Kondo.
I really want to work in this room, but I get a bit sad when I walk in there to start a project. This room was the girls’ room. Together, and separately over the years, in this room, they made their share of messes that we I organized and reorganized. Last year, my youngest and I repainted it…got rid of the bright orange.
And reorganized the stuff clutter. It’s nice and neat, but still, there’s stuff to do.
On a personal note, that reminds me that I miss the hell out of my kids some days. Especially when I look at the projects we started together and didn’t finish yet. Also, it’s July. They were both born in July, and this year, there has been no waking up early to get ready for their birthday parties. No presents to wrap – they wanted cash. Nope, just quiet…except for the pets, who always keep me company. Or wonder what I’m up to.
But I think the stuff in this room is calling me…
It’s time to buck up and get started or get some independence from the piles of projects I’ll never get to. Put on some walking shoes, and get the bones of shit outta here one way or another!
But first, the sun is shining outside, and I’m going to put on some walking shoes…
and get outta the Q-Quarter room…for another day…
It’s time to water my garden plants – now that’s a mess I enjoy taking care of!
#31SRW Photography Challenge – Day 4 Clutter or Messy (Rules here) – for those of you critiquing, here are the ratings – I adore your feedback – it helps me grow!
Rate Photos with Stars*
1 * A photo of the object
2 * A silhouette of an object
3 * A reflective silhouette
4 * A creative story along with a reflective silhouette
5 * All of above in color and add a photo of it in black & white
PS – What personal clutter concerns do you have? Do you hang onto undone projects? Do you enjoy reorganizing stuff, but not getting it done? And…Happy Independence Day to all my US followers!
Yours is a room of well-organized clutter. You’ve got me motivated to work on mine. But the sun is shining…..
Maybe I’ll work on my clutter room later when it’s really hot outside.
Thank you, JoAnna – it’s a work in progress! I agree…the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and it is gonna heat up fast! Enjoy your time in the sun and organizing when the mood strikes you!
I have to agree…there are several spots that need decluttering here but the sun is shining and the outdoors are calling me…maybe this winter…maybe
LOL…the longer I think about it today…the more I agree with you! Winter is long, and I’ll need some stuff to do then! Enjoy your time outside!!!
As long as your clutter is being contained in the plastic boxes, you’re good. It’s when your containment escapes into the rest of the room that you need to worry. Going for a walk and being out in the yard is far more important in the summer than cleaning up that room. I think you should save it for the winter months…
You’re an angel, and I’m going to take your recommendations! Come winter, I’ll conquer the ghosts in the room!! ;-)!
I bet the cat is walking around the mirror to try and get at the other cat.
Could be! She also likes to look at herself ;-)!
AH, this is one I can get behind! You have no clutter. You have ideas in the making. What’s a Q-Quarter?
Yay! Q (for Quaint) ;-)!
I think a mess is really a highly creative form of organization.
Yes! Have I told you before that I love the way you think about life and stuff in it? Well, I do!
Feelings are mutual!
Aw, thanks!!