There’s nothing like a great night of sleep. Right?
Sure…I guess…
Humans need sleep to function well. Duh. I guess…
The truth is, I don’t remember having a great night’s sleep, in, umm, you know, well…I can’t remember when was the last time I had a great night of sleep.
Yikes, that’s not good! Nope. I hear it happens during child-rearing years, teenage raising years, then peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopausal years. Poor sleep for women covers a lot of years.
The literature of menopause is the saddest, the most awful, and the most medical of all genres. You’re sleepless, you’re anxious, you’re fat, you’re depressed – and the advice is always the same: take more walks, eat some kale, and drink lots of water. It didn’t help. – Sandra Tsing Loh
I’m pretty sure for me a good nights’ sleep was a long time ago. Yeah, that’s it. A LONG TIME ago.
Because of that, it provides me with the excuse to go to bed earlier than most folks my age. That way I spread the night out long enough between sleep sessions so that I get the required 6-8 hours of sleep, (eventually) over the course of the night. I know, that’s wrong to do, but it works for me most nights.
Last night was an exception to my theory working. After dinner, we walked outside on our deck to check out the storm rolling in.
That was my first clue it was going to be a sleepless night.
When the weather is unseasonably hot and muggy all day long, it’s no surprise the clouds form in wild and crazy patterns carrying with it a storm or two.
The cumulonimbus clouds reach high in the sky and are gilded by the golden glow of the sunset.
It’s kinda pretty really. I took a few shots (or more) and sighed…I told Mr. that I might as well go to bed and read for a bit before the storms hit. That was at 6:30 pm.
Shh…don’t tease me, some days it’s okay to embrace the empty nest freedom from the to-do list and go to bed early. I like to read in bed. Plus I’m trying to get through the Devil in the White City by Erik Larson.
It’s a fascinating book, but very detailed, so not the best read for a tired brain… I read a paragraph page or two at a time before I fall asleep. Dreaming about a crazy murderer in Chicago seems like good sleep-inducing material, right?
Fifteen minutes after I settled under the cozy covers, I was deep into the read, and then I heard the sirens going off indicating severe weather. Great…
So I got up to join Mr. at the patio door to watch and listen for signs we needed to take cover…hopefully not. But one never really knows, only the weather forecasters who get paid to be wrong.
Not much I could do…Mr. had the bases covered, so I headed back to bed, he said he’d wake me if we needed to take cover.
No cover was apparently needed, just a few pages were read before I dozed off and slept through the initial part of the storm. It was not a quiet night, the madness continued…the storms rumbled, the wind blew, and I tossed and turned like the clouds in the storm. In between bouts of sleep, I dreamed of the windy city of Chicago. I think Erik Larson’s cover designer sure picked the right kind of clouds to indicate a storm.
And there you have it…some great gilded photos of the storm and a devil of a useless story about a woman who couldn’t sleep.
Post inspiration: Nancy Merrill’s Photography Challenge – Gilded (with a warped and twisted nature’s gilded take on it, I hope she doesn’t mind that I’m such a rebel).
PS – What is your trick for a great nights’ sleep? Is it night’s sleep or nights’ sleep or night of sleep…I could google it, but it’s more fun to hear from experts on grammar, especially when my brain is too tired to think straight. Have you read Erik’s book? Don’t be a spoiler…I’m not done reading it yet, but what did you think? Did you like it?
The clouds. What inspiration. Excellent choice Shelley
Sorry can’t help with the good nights sleep. I have times of sleeplessness but they are caused by anxiety over something. Exercise helps me and a cut down on screen time prior to going to bed. Sex helps with sleep too (more exercise)
Thank you, Brian, I appreciate your feedback and helpful tips for improving my sleep ;-)!!
You’re welcome
we’re alike, you know —- sleep? WTF is that? And yes, I read Devil in the White City. It didn’t grip me right away, but I could NOT put it down once I got going. Hey, if it’s about a serial killer, I’m reading it.
LOL – yes, we’re alike that’s for sure! Since my daughter lived in Chicago, I’ve found all the details interesting. I’m just getting into the serial killer parts…maybe I’ll be able to stay up late one of these nights and finish the book! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and support ;-)!
If you come up with a sure fire way to solve the “after a certain age” sleep problem, please post it. You’ll most certainly become famous! I think it is a “night’s sleep” – that’s my vote. Going to bed early, avoiding TV and noise…that’s all I can add. Oh! and avoiding reading intense or scary stories. Thanks for this post – good to know I’m not alone in this quest for the ultimate sleep solution.
Ditto to you – sleep is a hot commodity for us hot flashers!
Thanks for the grammar vote, and for the tips for better sleep. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and encouragement. I’ll get back to you if I find the perfect cure!!
Sleep…what is that? some new things to try to do to relax. Hmmm, maybe I will try it out. That storm was crazy last night. The radar line stretched from Wisconsin down through the rest of the midwest and barreled east. It was short lived here but rough thoroughly elimination the concept of sleep. Finally crashed around 4. Good luck in finding the magic formula.
LOL – you KNOW what I’m talking about!! Yes, it was one crazy storm. That’s about the time I finally fell asleep too. I’ll let you know if I find a magic formula
If you’re talking about one night, it’s ‘a good night’s sleep’. If more than one night, you could say ‘several good nights’ sleep’ or something along those lines, but it would be a bit less awkward or ambiguous to say ‘several good nights of sleep’ or ‘several nights of good sleep’.
I had to redefine a good night’s sleep for myself beginning at age 35, which is when I started routinely having to get up once a night to use the bathroom. Now, though, a good night’s sleep means not being awakened for any reason more than twice per night. I’ve always been a light sleeper, but never more so than now. An owl hooting a half-mile away wakes me. A Hawg or crotch rocket 3 – 5 miles away wakes me. My cat tearing through the house outside my door at 2:00 AM wakes me. The goddam Amber Alert that goes out to all cell phones, even inactive ones used solely for alarm clocks, wakes me violently and entirely too frequently. It is much more common for me to have to get up to use the bathroom twice a night now instead of just once. So the most accurate definition of ‘a good night’s sleep’ for me now is ‘a nightly pipe dream.’
As for getting to sleep, that’s rarely a problem for me. On the infrequent occasions it is, I lie still, stare at the ceiling, and focus on relaxing from shoulders to toes with each expelled breath. If that doesn’t work, I try to meditate. That’s guaranteed to do it!
I haven’t read that book yet, but it’s just a matter of time.
Denny!!! I knew I could count on you to help with my grammar question, thank you! Wow, you can certainly relate to my sleeping issues – 2-3 times to the bathroom is a good night. I always drink a huge glass of water each trip – I’m sure that does not help, but still. I’ll try your other techniques, I appreciate the suggestions. I’ll watch for your review of the book, I’m curious as to your opinion of it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I can’t help you with sleep info as I have never had a problem falling or staying asleep. Drives my husband crazy as he has trouble doing both. I have not read the book but I am reading an old one called “Son” a true story about a serial rapist in Spokane, Washington. Some crazy people out there for sure! Stay safe
You’re lucky with sleep then! I can fall asleep, just can’t stay asleep. There sure are some crazy folks out there. Thank you for the wishes and for sharing your thoughts.
“Devil in the White City” did a good job of getting me to sleep. Every time I picked it up, I’d read a couple of pages and drop off.
My key to a good night’s sleep (the way I was taught) is to sleep naked and run the sounds of rain and thunder all night. I’ve also found that sleeping on my left side has made a difference; I read that’s what doctors recommend.
Yeah, the beginning is a challenge to get past. Well, that’s a new tip I haven’t yet heard. I did have the rain and thunder all night, it didn’t seem soothing or sleep-inducing. The left side is my go-to when I can’t sleep. Thank you for sharing your tips, John!
I can relate to sleep issues! A doctor friend recommended taking a magnesium glycinate supplement right before bed and it has changed my life. I get it on Amazon and she said to make sure to get the right one because some magnesium supplements are used as a laxative.
I’ve also read that book and I agree…fascinating!
Oh…thank you for the recommendation. I’ll look into it. I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you to catch proper # of zzzz’s! In a few months maybe I’ll get to the end of the book ;-)! Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated!
Nice take on gilded.
Thank you, Margo!
Beautifully gilded clouds. Of course I approve.
I’ve been meaning to read that book. Our daughter and son-in-law live in Chicago, and now I’m fascinated with everything about the city. Thanks for joining the challenge!
Thank you, Nancy! The history of Chicago is quite fascinating. If you can get through all the details in the book, you’ll enjoy it! Thanks for the opportunity to play along with the challenge, I’ll be back again I’m sure.
I haven’t slept well since perimenopause hit so I hear ya Shelley. I love to read in bed too. I’m trying to get through Jane Eyre right now, but I read a page and I wake up later with the book beside me. I wonder if I’ll ever finish it! I haven’t read Devil in the White City but my oldest son read it in high school and I remember he liked it. I went to grab it off the shelf one day, thinking I would start reading it, but couldn’t find it. He had taken it for HIS bookshelf in his home. Maybe one day I’ll get around to reading it.
Aw, Gail, yep that’s when the less than great sleep hit me too. I do recall it getting better (at least the sweats minimized) once I hit the “post-menopause” stage, so there you go, something to look forward to. LOL – I fall asleep reading too, but I doze on and off and read the same page multiple times before I finally set it down and take off my glasses so I can really sleep! That’s great that your son liked the book enough to keep it on his shelf. He must enjoy reading books with details and multiple storylines. One of these days, I’m going to finish it so I know how it ends to see if I want a copy on my shelf or not
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, sweet dreams!