Here we are, January 1, 2019. Yep.
You wanted more than that for the 1st?
Really, there’s nothing that special about it.
It’s not like a martini with two olives that a cat will saunter over to sniff.
Or an oily, gooey, cheesy, pepperoni so bad for you it hurts to not eat it pizza.
No, it is nothing like that.
Just look at that garlic-laced pseudo buttery oil…it was a mouth-watering 6 pieces of it later kind of coma-inducing pizza…
But, today is special in a way, it is the day after I successfully convinced myself (last night), after consuming way too much pizza and a martini with a beer chaser…
that doing a Dry January, while also refraining from my salty obsessions, aka, pizza and Tostitos chips will be my self-proclaimed 2019 New Year’s Mini-Resolutions.
For the following 10 days.
Cheers to me (and Mr. who will support my efforts without ridicule…he knows how much I love my chips to munch on while we play games…probably with a beer too, I get thirsty with all those chips).
I’m not an overachiever, just a gal on a mission to not tip the scales at my annual physical appointment in 10 days. There may have been some cookies consumed leading up to the scale-tipping, but they’re all gone too. Plus, if I there is blood work involved at the appointment, the results will be phenomenal as well.
We’ll see. I have high hopes.
And if I’m successful with that, maybe, just maybe, I’ll finish out the other 20 days. I don’t want to disappoint myself and set myself up for failure by committing to 30 days up front.
I know I can do 10 days.
The question at hand, as a Wisconsinite, is it possible to refrain from alcohol as they do in the UK where the Dry January takes place?
January is a cold month, and we sit around and sulk and drink beer. We are known for our alcohol consumption – according to USA Today, the top 4 cities in America are found right here in Wisconsin.
But, this year, I’m optimistic.
I know think a Dry January can be done, but I’ve heard there might be some issues with friends that go missing for a month?

The challenge may be fun to watch…? Possibly even better than a Packer game this year?!
Post Inspiration – Linda G Hills Just Jot it January #JusJoJan and Word of the Day Challenge – Resolutions
PS – How about you, do you get into making New Year’s Resolutions? What are yours for the year? Are you from the UK and join in on the Dry January campaign – what’s it like, does it work?
Happy New Year! I remember a book of Droodles by Roger Price, where he drew a martini glass with two olives in it, and he positioned the pimentos in the olives so they looked like a pair of crossed eyes.
My resolution for 2019 is to make it to 2020.
Happy New Year, John! I had to look Roger’s doodles up, had never heard of him before. I love how you’re so full of tidbits of information! I’m glad you’ve chosen that resolution – I too want to see you make it (and myself) to 2020!
I saw your comment at John’s and headed to
Linda’s to find the link to your post. A circuitous route but worth the effort.
I think I could do a dry 10 days. I’ve done that when on medication. 20??? I’m not sure. 30??? Nope. Not at this point, unless I was pregnant (which would give the world something to write about).
Good luck to you abc good luck at that checkup.
LOL – Dan, your navigation abilities are impressive! Thank you for your encouragement – I always know if I want to get my virtual fix for a beverage, your conversations with Cheryl at the bar will help! Happy New Year to you! Love your photos of the animals enjoying the holiday. I’m guessing you still want your comments closed, so I’ll share here that I enjoyed your post so others may wander over to your site to check the post out! Enjoy that movie marathon and a beer! Cheers!
Thanks Shelly. I’ve closing the comments on holidays just to give people a break. It’s hard, as I love comments but there aren’t many days like this.
And yes, even if I went dry for 10, I’d still show up at the bar
LOL! I completely understand! Enjoy the break – and enjoy a beer for me!
LOL nice one. I’m giving myself today to finish all the left over goodies that I want and officially starting on my goals tomorrow. My husband and daughter will be out of town until the 7th and that gives me a chance to have no one but myself to look after and I know I can get back into good habits! Glad you are joining “#JusJoJan
Thanks, Janet! You’ve got an excellent plan, way to maximize the time alone and get a head start on your goals for 2019! I’m excited to do the JusJoJan too!
First of all, that pizza looks amazing. We had pizza last night but it was gluten free and not nearly as amazing. But passable. And better than no pizza. Good luck with the dry January goal. It IS hard to eat chips without a drink. Water is just not the same, is it….
LOL – yes, the pizza was darn tasty, nothing like bologna pie, though! I think I got my pizza fix for at least 10 days! I’m going to refrain from chips tonight…ONE DAY AT A TIME! Thank you for your encouragement!
One day at a time is right. Chips are so addictive though…it’s hard to stop once you get started.
Yes, they are!!!!!!!!!!!
Go for it. Winter is a good time not to drink. Here in Australia we have Dry July. Also Dry July has a better ring to it

Yes, that does have a better ring to it, but it’s warm in July and a cold beer is refreshing… Hmm… it’s worth considering after 10 days are up, I may have to postpone until July?
Try to stick it out for January. You can try again in July
Okay…if you insist!
You can do it! Although I’m afraid I already failed as I’m sipping a glass of wine.
Happy New Year!
I’ve been hearing about the Brits’ Dry January everywhere today. Since I have my annual physical at the end of January, probably something I should try. A few pounds less after the eat-a-thon of the holidays couldn’t hurt.
The cookies are gone, and I’m still craving sugar, but as my daughter says, fruit is the best boat off Sugar Island. It generally takes me a few days to stop craving. And a glass of wine can be lovely by the fire on a dark evening. On some level, I find January hard enough without giving up my creature comforts, but it’s a new year, so why not give it a try? I’m with you.
LOL – your house sounds just like ours! I’m happy to welcome you to the challenge! Kombucha works too…Coconut Lime is my favorite flavor. Is that cheating? I dunno?
Cheers …with tea!
Oh my – I was salivating over Mr.’s pizza Shelley – did I already ask you if Mr. has a single brother who likes to cook? My NY’s resolutions … 1) learn that DSLR camera so I can go off the “automatic” setting, and 2) be more organized, (something that is slowly becoming impossible to attain since blogging began!) I gave up salty snacks in 2011 and I have fallen off the wagon to have Pepperidge Farm cheese Goldfish (at least they were whole grain), but have no self-control with Goldfish. I tried Pizza Goldfish recently … something new and forbidden down the road as they were so good. And you know I recently went back to sweets after a similarly long hiatus as salty snacks. In moderation going forward, but need a month’s reprieve at well. Good luck with the dry month!
Yes, that pizza (a frozen fundraising one) was delicious. I even refrained from leftovers. Dang…I get that question often, but they broke the mold when he was born, he’s one of a kind. You’ll love it when you use your camera in manual mode. When I figured that out, I haven’t gone back, except when the lighting and movement of the crowd are too much to juggle in manual mode, then I flip to auto. I’m a salt freak, so I hear ya! So far, I’m on day 2 and I’m sticking to it! We can do it, yes, we can!
That pizza looked awesome and I thought Mr. whipped it up. Well Mr. is pretty darn handy in the kitchen and all the meals and treats I’ve seen so far look delicious. I’ve kept that info on and maybe I should just sign up for the videos and download them and tuck them away to watch the day/weekend I immerse myself in learning manual mode. I might just do that and I am sure this was the guy I watched on the basics of my camera. I took some pictures yesterday with the compact which I’ll use in a post tomorrow and I thought they were superior to anything I’ve shot to date with the DSLR. A fellow blogger also is bemoaning she has a DSLR and doesn’t know how to use it and uses her phone instead. We get so comfortable sometimes, don’t we? I bought a bag of the Chex Mix made up. Not had it for years and my friend mentioned munching on some for NY’s Eve last year – I decided I would get one bag, and got some cashews, peanuts and a small bag of Pizza-flavored Goldfish … I HAD intended to mix them all together – what was I thinking? Just me to eat it – do you know how much that would make up? So ate them separately, but shared nuts with critters, ate all the Goldfish and not all the Chex Mix – it seemed so incredibly salty to me after not eating salty snacks all these years.
LOL – Mr., I’m sure, wouldn’t mind the credit on the pizza looking so delicious. He’s gifted in making appealing meals. I can’t wait to see what tonight will be! Froknowsphoto (Jared) videos are what got me playing with my camera in manual mode. The playing part is what helped me see what the camera can do beyond auto. I can’t wait to see what you find out. Ah…munchy, salty foods…they are my weakness. Mostly just Tostitos…! Good luck with parting ways (one way or another!).
I used to love Doritos … and those white cheddar cheese Cheez-its … I could not stop once I started eating Cheez-its, so I can’t have them in the house. I am looking forward to learning more about the camera and next year I’ll put out some Christmas decorations and practice taking the pictures of the lights and up close. We had a nativity scene, only three figures, and it has a vintage look. It was from Italy and we got it at Bronner’s, the big Christmas store in Frankenmuth, Michigan. It is high up in a cupboard – hard to reach and get down as they are in plastic containers that are very heavy, especially the Boyd’s Bears Christmas Tree – I have a little while before worrying about those subjects and maybe my arm will be 100% by then.
Me too, loved Doritos (until I learned more about all the crap they are made out of…still have a handful now and then, though). Yay – sounds like you’ve got a great plan for how to figure out your camera! That arm WILL be 100% by then!
Yes, not so good to know the ingredients and I’ve been eating a bowl of oatmeal daily for decades, then find out about Quaker Oatmeal, and Triscuits (low salt) which I love and find satisfying … do I want to know that harmful chemical sprays are used for two of my favorite foods – SMH. Been icing it more and helps a little but woke up this morning, after the doberman on the corner was barking at 4:15 a.m. – grrr. Sometimes I forget and turn or flip the covers while half asleep and move the wrong way – not smart.
During the day, I am more cognizant of causing a painful move. I could kick myself for not seeing this coming.
Ah, yes…I know my Tostitos aren’t the best for me either…! Oh…I forgot to mention, you might wanna get a My Pillow pillow too. That helped me and my neck pain tremendously! I get nothing for recommending it, just know it helped me a lot.
I do like those Triscuits with peanut butter because the crunch is satisfying to me. Especially if I had a long day at work. I can remember having a bad day at work and coming home and having my hand in the bag of Doritos til I polished off half a bag (I was the only one who ever ate them so socially acceptable.) Good thing I am tall. I just wish the Triscuits and Quaker Oatmeal didn’t have the traces of glyphosate in them. That is a little worrisome. Thanks for the recommendation on the pillow Shelley. I just got some new ones in the Fall when they were on sale and they are already feeling too saggy … I have heard about the “M Pillow” pillow being good – I will look into it – I just looked on Amazon and they carry them. I was sure Bed, Bath and Beyond would have them, but they don’t.
Yes, I do the same thing with my Tostitos! I do worry about those traces of crap, but not enough (until this dry month) to stop eating them indefinitely. You can buy the pillow right from their website. I wrote a review of it eons ago here I do think a quality pillow is beneficial. Plus these are washable and come with a guarantee if you buy them from the manufacturer.
There are other things around, that likely will do us in before the glyphosate but look at that judgment that was rendered last year … can’t dwell on those facts sometimes. I’ve been around for the red lipstick and red licorice scares and continued using them (been years since I’ve worn red lipstick though). Thanks for the link Shelley, I’ll check it out now.
You have me convinced Shelley – I’ve always been a sound sleeper but these last two pillows I bought seem way too soft, even though they were mediums. And I always slept on my left side and that is the side that my arm is sore, so being relegated to sleeping on my right side or back isn’t so great. I thank you for the endorsement, I would like to get a pair of these.
You’re welcome, Linda. I do hope (trust) they will help. We were so convinced, we bought sets for both of our kids and their significant others and they are sleeping well too!
That is good to know – I went to bed at 9:15 last night – sorely lacking on my sleep. Doberman on the corner is out at 4:00 a.m. – wakes me up daily and can’t fall back to sleep. Usually can, but it is the arm. This morning it was 5:00 a.m. – I am not a person to call the cops, but I called this morning and dog is still out there barking – am I the only one seething at it? I said “I work from home and must put background noise on to drown it out during the day” … I got it off my chest anyway, otherwise I would have seethed all morning. Am housebound this a.m. – the trip I had planned this a.m. is scrapped due to freezing fog and black ice … I’ll walk later, but I prefer going to those two locales when it is morning, less people … will have to reschedule. No biggie … taking advantage of the snowless day, and 45 degree temps!
Bummer on the dog issue – how annoying, I’d probably say something too – not that they’ll do anything, but at least it is off your chest. Good idea to wait to walk. We haven’t had much for weather here, and today it is supposed to be warm enough to go outside, so I’ll be thinking of you as I take a short stroll outside! Enjoy your walk later today!
I think I did it as you said to get it off my chest. I was getting up early anyway, but that’s not the point – and often late at night as well. We had some bad freezing fog/black ice and it got better around 1:00 p.m. I went out around 2:00 and went to the Park – six miles, but a different crowd and no squirrels! I did take pictures and we got to the mid-50s – I took a picture of a sign in Memorial Park that was 53 degrees. Unheard of in January!
I hope you continue to feel better! So happy to hear you ventured out and got in 6 miles. I even walked outside yesterday. Only made it a mile though, carrying my little Copper who’s aging hips gave out on him 2/3rds of the way. :-(. Hope you get another enjoyable day at the park!
It was gorgeous here Shelley – I prefer the morning’s tranquility and more chances to see “wildlife” but I couldn’t resist the 55-degree temps so went in the afternoon. Poor Copper – yes that would be painful for him walking too far – here is an option. My first trip to Lake Erie Metropark, which has a lot of walking paths, both paved and through more woody areas, I was speaking with this guy, who walks several times a day at this large Park; he brings his two pooches in a cart for when their little legs give out (scroll to the end of this post:
It sounds gorgeous. Our skies were lovely blue yesterday, hope they are again today so we can try again. I told Mr. that we could take him for a bit, go back, drop him off and head out again. We just found out that there’s a new hiking trail in our neighborhood so I might see if Mr. will check it out with me! Thanks for sharing the post, that’s a great idea. I wonder if Copper would like it or not, he’s scared of his food bowl. But if it did work, that would be awesome!!
Yes, part of a walk for Cooper is better than no walk, especially if a trail, the cold and salt won’t damage his paws. I liked the idea as well … or a collapsible baby stroller as I said in the other post – get him some fresh air. Hey those bowls have a mind of their own on a slippery floor – try the gripper things you put under a carpet or as cupboard liners – it won’t go anywhere and hopefully no little food bits going into the rubbery grid. I’m off to go on a long walk – waited til it got to 32 degrees.
Enjoy the walk! I intend to go out there again today…weather permitting! And I’ll bundle the little guy up and take him along.
You’ll both sleep good! I was getting ready to publish this post and WordPress wigged out on me. I could not get to the area to tag – well, no big deal, and had spent some time on this post and really did not want to have to read it over again as my eyes are bleary from all the walking and fresh air – I even said that in the last part of the post. So, it posted … title only! So, I exited out and was prepared to just log in again from scratch thinking that would happen – I went to drafts and it was there – so I wrote a friend of mine who subscribes by e-mail to ask if they got two versions – I have a few friends who subscribe by e-mail, thought I’d just send the link – Comcast doesn’t work. I am late and will have to just answer comments now – computer gremlins – they are the worse. Do think about the little fold up stroller for Copper!
Ugh…I can sympathize well with computer issues. My followers all say to get a Mac and life will be so much easier. I think WP has a lot to do with problems when I have them. I hope you got some much-needed rest, have ordered the pillow, and that you had fun at the park! Not necessarily in that order, but that’s how my coffee brain works in the morning! I am pondering the stroller for Copper. We’ll likely wait until warmer weather, it turned nasty windy and cold and his little hips weren’t up for a walk yesterday.
It is nasty and cold this morning but I reached my arm out the front door to put some peanuts out for Grady and there was no freezing rain,m or other rain – hmmm. But it was quite windy. So I could have gone out, but due to the mess-up at WordPress last night (and one the day before) I did not get to bed til 1:00 a.m. – don’t want to start that. I don’t know what happened but I hope that is the end of things going awry. Consequently I never got to Reader last night – will have to do it through the day if I get a chance or tonight. I hear a Mac will cure your ills … I have to use Windows for work as a Mac is not compatible with our system, but I’m all for no issues – I did not like when Microsoft was forcing Windows 10 on us … didn’t like their attitude on that at all. I let it go on my main laptop and rolled back to 7 as I had to for work, but put an app on the other laptops to keep it from happening – it worked well.
Good luck with the dry January.
Thank you, Colline! So far, day one was a success :-)!
Good luck, Shelley! I know you can do it, and maybe even meet your stretch goal! I too have decided to go mostly dry this month. I get so much more done when I do–and easier on my sinuses, for some reason (tannins in wine?) Keep us posted, and Happy 2019!
Thank you, Rebecca! We’ll see if I can stretch it out – I appreciate the vote of confidence. I hope your dry month goes well too. I seem to be more productive, and I enjoy my efforts at sleep better as well. Happy 2019 to you, it’s going to be a great year!
Best of luck Shelley, you can do it, lining up a few new projects to occupy any free time might help.
Exactly…that’s what I NEED to do, change up the routine so it doesn’t involve chips! Thanks for your support!
Shelley, I’ll be looking forward to hearing of your new endeavours! Maureen Gaffney in her book Flourishing, says “A key element of flourishing is the ability to rise to a challenge. Turning a challenge into a personal project is an example of flourishing in practice.” “Best of all is to have a range of projects..”
I’m glad you’ll be along for the journey. I’ll have to check out that book, I like that explanation! Thank you for the encouragement and the tips, much appreciated!!
My pleasure Shelley. It is a good read!
I ordered it on my Kindle today!!
I hope you find it interesting and helpful!
So far, so good!
You don’t hang about!
Happy New Year, good luck with the challenge!
Thank you!!