Ah, February. The shortest month of the year! The month when big changes happen for short people like me. I shrunk a 1/2 an inch and lost 5-7 #’s in Dry January, and now reality has set in.
I’ve got a little over a month (yeah, we have a count-down going!) until our tropical trip takes place. And the reality of future exposure of my white skin to daylight, that is currently concealed under multiple layers of clothing I’ve had to carry around in January, is hitting me.
February, coined as heart health month, with Valentine’s Day thrown in the mix, creates all sorts of love in hoomans far and wide. We love February’s coats, mittens, scarves, and parkas here in Wisconsin. The thought of taking clothes off makes us shiver!
Except for those planning on taking a trip.
No one is looking, yet, I have time before the beachfront view (Mr. sneaks a peek once in a while, but he knows it’s not time yet for the full-on reveal, it’s still cold dammit). Even if it’s time to pull out that adorable skin revealing wardrobe and don the bikini, I need 21-28 more days to prepare him myself for that!
To get the initial shock factor outta the way, aka, the white snow colored a**, literally. It’s white. It should be, I do keep it warmly covered. Duh!
It’s time though – to go outside and catch some Vitamin D the proper way, instead of artificial bottled version.
I’m tired of being cooped up inside.
Are you ready for sun in the fun?
Run to your closets, get your swimsuit on and let me know when you’re back and ready, I’ll join you.
I’m waiting…
You still have your fleece robe on, too. WTH?
Burr…it’s chilly out here. No, it’s damn cold.
Scratch that idea…well, parts of that. Not the whole idea. Just the going outside deal.
Jeez, cut me some slack already…HELLo……………………………it’s still -5 below here. There’s no way in h*ll (that recently froze over) that I’m doing the bikini in the sunshine thing, not just yet.
I need more time to prepare myself!
February is a short month, one that if you live in the Midwestern states of the US, you literally dread this month. It’s still cold. It’s still gloomy. And if you were a quitter on Quitter’s Friday (2nd Friday in Dry January), you’re thinking to yourself,
“Well, sh*t, why not just give up and drown my sorrows in chocolate, sweets, beer, or chips.”
Stop right there, don’t give up. February is short. It’s easier to accomplish goals by the end of the month.
Whatever happened in January, stays in January. Maybe you had circumstances beyond your control, or you gave yourself permission to quit, or whatever the reason, you’re now feeling a bit behind the 8 balls.
That’s okay.
Cut yourself some slack (trim a pair off for shorts that fit, it’s okay, you can always buy new pants when you lose the weight).
February really is a perfect time to fall in love with your over 50-self, and go for those goals called:
“I’m gonna fall head over heels in love with my authentic,
slightlysagging ol’ natural beach body” once again.
We know all the tricks of the trade that don’t cut it. We could write a book on this sh*t. Right?
Fourteen years ago, stepping out in shorts was so easy!
This time, what went wrong isn’t new stuff to us, it’s the same ol’ sh*t. It’s called authentic aging, sags happen. But for missed goals, it was misdirected focus that happened. Focusing on the loss of what we have to give up never works. We miss something too much when we do that. And then we cave to cravings.
You know what was missing last month? Was it a form of self-love? Or was it a reframing of our thoughts, looking forward to something happy instead? We need to make it fun, focus on the small wins so that when that sun comes out, we’re ready to shine.
So what’s my month of February going to entail? For my white-a**-tail? It’s cute as a fluffy bunny, but sagging a bit more than hoped now that I lost some weight.
I’m giving myself a 21-day time slot in this short 28-day month to complete a challenge. 31-day months like January are HARD…it is such a long time! A full 10-days longer than 21 to build a habit and 4 days longer than February! I know you can do the math just fine on your own. It’s kind of like deciding which swimsuit to wear on day one versus day six of a trip.
My challenge is a self-imposed thingamajiggy, not completely defined yet, still in the works, but I’m calling it,
Fall In Love With Your Over 50-Self February
I’m in preparation mode, called The 7 Days Leading up to the 21-day Spurts of Focused Energy.
- Identify target areas (check out yourself in the mirror – naked, the real deal needs to be revealed).
- Identify exercises (practice each one, once, maybe twice, to warm up to the idea).
- Identify decoys (what blingy, sparkling, sweet, salty, drizzle laced kind of things will take you off course, hide them, toss them, or box them up, don’t buy more yet.)
- Identify distractions (what safe things can you use instead, identify those safe alternatives when the decoys suddenly appear).
- Identify self-love motivations (Prominently place the object of clothing you’re dying to fit into or look FANTASTIC in – so you can’t miss it. Maybe place it next to the Tostitos bag, or by the beer, or next to chocolate package in the box you stored all of it in – dig really deep down, ‘cuz it should’ve been the first item in the box).
- Identify safe spots to cry or laugh, (whatever place in your house that makes you remember you’re human and loved through and through no matter what).
- Identify small rewards and solidify the plan (put it in writing, have someone or all of your blog followers know what your plan is, print it out, sign it and take a sip of beer, a couple of chips, and a piece of chocolate, if that’s your thing).
Go to bed, get a good nights’ sleep and dream of success.
Day 8 – 28 Get your white a** outta bed and FOLLOW YOUR PLAN…duh…………………..
Sh*t…it is DAY 1 – so my defined target area(s) – the mirror revealed love handles, of course, its February. My first attempt at research for an exercise to do, I found this one. Not sure how I’ll pull it off since I don’t have that kind of machine in my house, but…dang, she looks just shy over 20 and that beach-ready bod…the exercise appears to work…
Post Inspiration – I made it all up. There’s no pressure, whatsoever, for you to participate, but if you want to, feel free to link your post with each day so I can cheer you on. Use #FILWYO50SF or share your link in comments. Please know my lovely settings in WordPress will cause your comment to go to awaiting moderation mode. Don’t worry, I’ll get to it, and I’ll read it, and I’ll be here cheering you on! Last, but not least, please stop back – I need accountability partners to succeed!! xx
PS – What are your plans to keep yourself entertained and on target for your goals in February? I suppose those of you in warmer climates are already in shorts, and tan. Lucky, aren’t ya?
The shift from winter to spring is always startling. I’m going to not think about that for a while…
No doubt about it, the shock of reality sets in eventually :-)!
I’m glad ya got the D drops. Have you thought about donning that bikini for a super fast run around your yard?

LOL – I do hear that shivering burns off extra calories!!
Get to it! Kidding.

I’ve heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit, 90 days to create a lifestyle. You’re on the right track to at least forming better habits– maybe a new lifestyle? Your vacation sounds like it’s going to great, btw. So not filled with gray skies and snow…
Thank you, Ally – that’s what I’ve heard too, now I just have to follow-through! I will for sure on the vacation, that is ;-). I don’t intend on packing any snow to take along either!!
February is always a busy (work) month and it always passes very quickly. I just like the fact that by the middle of the month, we are adding about 2 minutes of daylight each and every day!
Yes, that’s an excellent point, Dan! I’ll add that to one of my motivational moments!!!
Such a wonderful trip to look forward to, sunny skies and sand in your toes. I guess when you are 60 something, as long as you medical health is good, who cares about the rest. And I can not see you needing to lose any more weight. If you turn sideways and stick out your tongue, they will think you are a zipper. While I fully believe in moderation, I enjoy life but I am not a chip or alcohol consumer. While I like veggie snacks, I do love that bowl of ice cream every now and again. My extra weight goes behind me so I don’t see it much, I just sit on it. Have a great February.
Aw, thank you, Anita – your perspective is the take I want to live, too. I almost spit out my coffee when I read the zipper line! You’re so funny! I agree, moderation is the key. Ice cream on a warm summer’s day is nice – maybe they’ll have some in Jamaica and I can have a bowl and smile thinking about you!
I’m a long way away from bathing suits but I am up to a minute and 40 second planks. Lovely pictures as usual.
I’m warming up to the idea of a swimsuit. Holy smokes that’s awesome! I’m so inspired by you to do the planks. I’m only at 30 seconds, and my wrists start to hurt. Don’t yours hurt? You type a lot don’t you?!
I do type a lot but I do the planks on my forearms, not full arms stretched.
Gotcha – I’ll have to try those again, I’ve been doing the full arms stretched.
Ha ha … loved these lines “Whatever happened in January/Jamaica, stays in January/Jamaica.” You’re a brave soul Shelley by getting ready to bare it to the world in the space of a month – that would be a good inspiration for me to knock of a few pounds that stubbornly cling on as if I invited them there for goodness sake – how rude of those pounds! So, guess you’ll be having a glass of water and toothpick while watching the Super Bowl on Sunday?
LOL – Thanks, Linda! You’re funny to think I’d bear it all to my readers…that’s the stuff I’m saving for Jamaica ;-)! I won’t need to worry about what I’ll eat or not for Super Bowl – I typically don’t bother watching it when my team isn’t playing. But if I do, there’s always some fresh Kombucha to drink. It turned out great!!
I have never watched the Super Bowl but I always used to watch the commercials online the next day … they used to preview them before the SB but I think so much of the nation was focused on the Polar Vortex they forgot about those commercials. I don’t think they are as good as they used to be back in the day, but that’s just my opinion. Can’t beat the Budweiser horses and the pup though and I used to get a kick out of the Doritos commercials.
You’re my kindred spirit – that’s exactly how I ‘watch’ the Super Bowl too!
I believe that is true! I have a friend who likes the halftime show and tapes the Super Bowl and zaps through the game to watch commercials and the half-time show. Besides – most people figured the Pats would win anyway.
I did watch the pre-game commercial recap, watched the game up until the half-time show, then gave up. The game was a bore, and the half time show was disappointing. I didn’t even see any commercials that I really thought were great!
That’s the recap I heard this morning as well Shelley. People said the game was very boring, and the commercials a yawn. I watched the top commercials – they were so-so. The news said they were mostly high tech and geared to millennials.
So disappointing, since most millennials don’t watch TV – they watch Netflix, right?!
Beautiful photos Shelley and reason to be motivated! Enjoy the countdown and achieving your goals!!
Thank you, Marie! I’m still using Flourishing as inspiration!
Delighted that it is still a source of inspiration Shelley and well done sticking to your goals. Xx
Thank you, Marie, I appreciate your encouragement!!
Seeing other people flourish helps me grow also. Xx
Sounds like a great plan! And if you could complete Dry Jan., I’m sure you can complete this Feb. challenge. Oh and those tropical photos look so inviting!
Thanks, Rebecca, it’s funny what an upcoming trip to a tropical setting can do for motivation! The place is wonderful – pictures are nice, but being there in person is way better.