Adventures · Emptying the nest

Cat’s sweet confession to mess obsession

In a world where tidy is in, us two cat sisters would not survive.  We might not survive where thin is in either, but that’s beside the point.  A tidy (thin) world is manageable when we’ve been blessed with a mess.


We have a certain attraction to papers, boxes, and containers of all shapes and sizes.  We call it our sahweet (sweet) obsession.

We must confess, we love a mess.

It doesn’t matter if it is one we’ve created or one left behind by humans.  Now that the kids are gone, they always find ways to make us feel a bit guilty as they stalk us when we’re busy enjoying what they left behind.  How dare they get upset when we’re enjoying a mess?

Hey Santa, is it true?  We hear this week that we have you to thank for the boxes, tissues, and interesting objects that are still strewn about?  THANKS a ton you’re awesome!!

Humans don’t normally leave this kind of stuff lying around for too long. (There was that time though…Nah, never mind, leave that messy story for later!)

We’re thinking it must be the empty nest thing they keep chatting about?  Maybe they’re not putting stuff away because it hurts a little?  Are they remembering the fun they had with the gathering of people, noise and such, and now feel sad that it’s all gone?

Well, that’s a wee bit sad.  They’ll get over it, they always do.  They’ll see our adorable faces and smile again.  They can’t resist our charm.

We, on the other hand, are enjoying how pleasant and quiet it is while we stroll around discovering new places to nap.  We can create our own paper rustling noise and not feel like we have to dodge crumbled up paper balls.  That’s dangerous turf, we’re pretty happy it has stopped for another year.

Our dear humans you see, have moved on from thee.  We’re thankful they’ve gotten busy doing their human stuff, whatever that may be?  It leaves us lots of time to find treasured hiding spots, where we can blend in and not be noticed while we catch a cat nap or two.

We can even sleep with our eyes open.  We have that gift, don’t ya know?

Frankly, we don’t get what’s the rush to clean this stuff up anyhow, there’s always tomorrow?  Leave us be, we know time is a ticking.

Soon the humans will do their mad rush to clean stuff up for that big celebration they do to close out this glorious year of 2017.  Humans and cats alike don’t get much rest that night that’s for sure.

Grrr, what is it with their obsession with catching us in action?  Maybe if I turn around she’ll leave?

We shall never admit to understanding humans and the things they do.  They think we do the darndest things.  Well, let us tell you a thing or two (probably just one, we ain’t got time for much more between naps).

Just today, we heard them say, ‘Baby it’s cold outside’ and then watched from afar as they (he) crawled on the floor (like us!!) as he thawed out the floor with a tiny, but extremely noisy, air (hair) blowing thingamajigger.  When the noise stopped, we sighed and wondered why?  See, that’s a perfect example of what we’re talking about…humans are weirdos…!

Nevermind them.  Even if we have 9 lives, we know each one is too short to figure them out – our little brains have way more important things to worry about.

Yeah, yeah, we get it that it may be cold enough to freeze the water lines, but man o’ man this trusted spot is hot no matter what (mess or not).  The humans even left me a paper pad to scroll a little love letter upon (if only I could write – lack of thumbs gets me every time).

Whatever, it is a perfect sunbathing spot!  I’ll just stay here a bit until they give me the boot.  Again…with the humans…they need to confess to me as to why sometimes I’m cute here, and sometimes I’m not – weirdos I tell ya!

Daily Post Prompt:  Confess

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