
Twelve Days ’til Christmas and Mr. and Mrs. Claus Stopped Whining

An email that stood out popped into my inbox yesterday. Leave it to good ol' Seth Godin to come to my rescue and put my oh-so-naughty, slightly negative perspective back on a more positive track. His post is about Whining (you can read it here if you'd like). The gist of it is that it's… Continue reading Twelve Days ’til Christmas and Mr. and Mrs. Claus Stopped Whining

Emptying the nest · Welcome

Empty Nest Santa Confesses to Losing Spirit of The List

I'm making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out how many things I can't seem to bring myself to do this year. I'm feeling like being a naughty Santa this year, I guess? Instead of joyfully checking off the usual things on my holiday to-do list, I'm protesting. My list keeps on growing with… Continue reading Empty Nest Santa Confesses to Losing Spirit of The List

Going Gray · Welcome

A Birthday Interview with a Baby of the Baby-Boomers

With optimism, here's a slightly different type of post from the perspective of a formerly high-risk for viruses baby boomer who lived to be 56 today!  I recently (just 10 minutes ago, while pouring my first cup of coffee) interviewed myself on my birthday (aka, today).  I hadn't even been up 15 minutes and my… Continue reading A Birthday Interview with a Baby of the Baby-Boomers

Going Gray · Welcome

How to embrace your gray hair one morning at a time

Good morning rays of sunshine!  This morning we're at week 5 of the shut-down of the world for the pandemic.  And I imagine there are people around the world (unless you color your own hair and were able to find your fix box in the aisle at the store ...) that are standing in front… Continue reading How to embrace your gray hair one morning at a time

Adventures · Cheers · Welcome

How I broke my blogging break

A long time ago, back when I started blogging, I read a 'what not to write about on your blog' post written by someone else.  The blogger said you shouldn't apologize or even indicate that you'd been away from your blog in a post when you come back from a break in blogging. No matter… Continue reading How I broke my blogging break

Cheers · Welcome

Ow…Wow all it took was 3 days

"Ow!  Ow!  Ow!  Ow!" said me, a crazy, wild-a** gray-haired lady jumping around the bedroom in the middle of the night).  After being jolted awake from dreams of what I got for Christmas?  Or something else, who knows what... "Grrrrrrrrr! Ow!!!!" "Whew...it stopped.  Sort of.  Man, that hurts."  (Does one put quotations on their own… Continue reading Ow…Wow all it took was 3 days