
How Mr.’s Stroke Helped Us Choose Our Word for 2025

I'm sitting here staring at the blinking line flashing on the screen before me, remembering days when I'd felt the urge to write to you, yet it was hard to find something to write about. I find comfort in knowing that some things about myself will be a steady reminder of life before Mr.'s stroke.… Continue reading How Mr.’s Stroke Helped Us Choose Our Word for 2025


Reflecting on 2024: Lessons from My Year of Change

Here we are, the end of 2024, wow, what a year it was. It's a fitting moment for me to reflect on the closure of our year. I'm willing to finally accept my word of the year as 1/2 of the year was our Coddiwomple 2024 adventure. Much of it is a blur: For those… Continue reading Reflecting on 2024: Lessons from My Year of Change

Adventures · Welcome

Homecoming After Stroke: A Journey of Resilience

One day shy of 6 months from the date of Mr.'s stroke we met our goal of bringing him back home in time for his birthday and Christmas. I didn't have time to do any shopping for gifts, but dang, this gal was motivated to get him home, and 🎉🙌🏻🎁 we did just that! The… Continue reading Homecoming After Stroke: A Journey of Resilience


Preparing for Mr.’s Return: A Recovery Journey

I started a post 15 days ago to give you an update. Then I clicked save and walked away from my computer. I was likely out of spare time. It's hard to come by these days. Here we are at the yearly time change, and I figure, what the heck? I have this 'extra' hour… Continue reading Preparing for Mr.’s Return: A Recovery Journey


Finding Progress in Stroke Recovery: Lessons on Acceptance

Is it possible to accept imperfection more than desire perfection? What do you think? Well...yes, and no. Mostly, yes. Huh...what is perfect? What the hell is perfection in life? Perhaps it's the ability to accept imperfection? Let me tell you this, having a husband who is recovering from a massive hemorrhagic stroke puts one's (aka,… Continue reading Finding Progress in Stroke Recovery: Lessons on Acceptance


As The Pause Continues

I can't tell you how many times I've thought, "Just write a quick post, Mr. and your loyal peeps would want to know how things are going!" And, then, I couldn't write. I couldn't find the energy. Mostly, couldn't find the words I wanted to share. It's been a wild ride. Staff changing regularly BP… Continue reading As The Pause Continues