With a note of warning to you my dear blogging friends - before you read this post, don't be surprised. It isn't my normal garden variety post about the birds and trees. It involves one risky-looking photo and other adorable ones (of ME) as a youngin. (Clickbait, yep ). But, first, I have to show… Continue reading A Few Notes About My Adventures As A Wee Child
Category: Going Gray
Shelley’s Girls Trip 2024 – An Aging Tiny Bladder Success Story
As I age, it's funny how certain things make me worry when I'm about to travel. I don't travel often, but when I do I worry a lot about things. Little things. A few days before I left for my trip, I glanced out the window at the ground and saw this rabbit foraging for… Continue reading Shelley’s Girls Trip 2024 – An Aging Tiny Bladder Success Story
How My Mom’s Journey With Dementia Helped Me Help My Dad With His Journey With Mild Cognitive Impairment
Every February, I get a bug to do good things for the heart and brain. If you've been following me for a long time, you know that my mom died of complications from Diabetes and Vascular Dementia in 2012. Here's the two of us a few years before her diagnosis. Little did I know at… Continue reading How My Mom’s Journey With Dementia Helped Me Help My Dad With His Journey With Mild Cognitive Impairment
How I Roll With Messy Thoughts About Changing and Aging
It's the simplest of things that make me smile. This morning it was tearing off a piece of paper towel off a new paper towel roll that worked as it claimed it would work. Quick, easy, one-handed motion is simply so satisfying. A roll that doesn't tear off clean with each piece is a rolling… Continue reading How I Roll With Messy Thoughts About Changing and Aging
Blog Maintenance Things Reminded Me of How Time Flies When You’re Having Fun As A Personal Blogger
I thought about blog maintenance this morning when I sat down to write to you. I glanced at the menu bar for my blog and saw the nagging little notices that I needed to update some things. I call them things, because, their technical terms elude me. I freeze when it comes to those things… Continue reading Blog Maintenance Things Reminded Me of How Time Flies When You’re Having Fun As A Personal Blogger
A Lazy, Hazy, Reminder Why 1156 Days Is Worth The Wait
If you would've asked me 3 years ago how much time it typically takes Mr. and I to re-rent a rental unit, I'd say, "It depends upon how much work has to be done to clean it up for the next renter - so, 6 months tops." If you'd ask me that today, I'd say,… Continue reading A Lazy, Hazy, Reminder Why 1156 Days Is Worth The Wait