
How We’ve Fallen Into A Stroke Recovery Groove

Holy smokes, where did the past 35 days go? I ask the question, "What day is it?" more than I've ever done in the past. The days/nights blurred together during the first few weeks of Mr.'s return home. We got through those stumbling, bumbling, and mumbling (swearing) moments until desperation led us to find a… Continue reading How We’ve Fallen Into A Stroke Recovery Groove

Adventures · Welcome

Homecoming After Stroke: A Journey of Resilience

One day shy of 6 months from the date of Mr.'s stroke we met our goal of bringing him back home in time for his birthday and Christmas. I didn't have time to do any shopping for gifts, but dang, this gal was motivated to get him home, and 🎉🙌🏻🎁 we did just that! The… Continue reading Homecoming After Stroke: A Journey of Resilience


The Journey of Recovery: Our Coddiwomple Adventure

This morning, I sipped my coffee slower than usual. I enjoy the simplicity of holding a warm cup of coffee and pausing to reflect on how to find hope. Today, I didn't cry. Yesterday I did. Tears flow at the most random times. Oh, how I miss our morning routine of passing each other at… Continue reading The Journey of Recovery: Our Coddiwomple Adventure


Unveiling Nature’s Resilience: Pastel Treasures and Resourceful Wildlife

How do I connect my coddiwomple thoughts and photos for 3 blog prompts including a color theme? Some days, it's harder than others, but I don't let those days win. First, I tap into the resilience of nature and pause to connect with the earth. A walk in nature, walks the soul back home. Mary… Continue reading Unveiling Nature’s Resilience: Pastel Treasures and Resourceful Wildlife


My Recipe For Photography Inspired By The View Through Our Kitchen Window

It's June outside adventure time here in my neck of the woods. It's my favorite time of the year to capture photos of things I've been waiting to see since the snow melted. I've been taking pictures of the great outdoors with my current camera, circa 2009 Canon Rebel XSI, since 2010. It was a… Continue reading My Recipe For Photography Inspired By The View Through Our Kitchen Window


Ah…The Freedom To Roam and Bloom In My Gardens

It's Memorial Day holiday weekend here in the USA. True to typical weather patterns at the end of May in WI, we'll be having rain on and off throughout the weekend. I was able to get my flower seeds planted just in time. Hopefully, the rain will be gentle and soaking and they'll survive to… Continue reading Ah…The Freedom To Roam and Bloom In My Gardens