Here’s the deal, the Mrs. made us felines an adorable scrappy little mouse out of old sheets – and I kinda really enjoy playing with it.
I had no idea that its main purpose is to keep me occupied and away from the tree.
I run, and run, and run, and chase it around the house until I feel the need to collapse and take a nap. It’s exhausting really.
I prefer to keep the toy by my side, so, you know, Chubba (aka, Dessy) doesn’t get it. She can be mean and take toys away from me, so I drag it along with me so the redundant fluffy one focuses on something else instead of MY tea-bag mouse.
Chubba will lounge about waiting for the mouse to reappear – she looks like a poster-girl for the big designer bags left about on the floor (she thought the mouse was still under there…LOL!).
Or she’ll opt for the big decoy boxes. Yeah, she takes the big boxes from me all the time – she doesn’t even need a mouse inside it, she just recognizes she’ll fit inside and there you have it, in she goes.
That, in turn, challenges me to find boxes I know she can’t fit in so she’ll stay where she’s at and leave me and my mouse alone. And we all get along splendidly as a result.
Seriously we do.
The Mrs. joins us in those peaceful moments of the season while she sips her tea and watches the show. My, oh, my, moments like this remind her not to judge her handiwork. They seem to plant seeds of joy for us furry fiends of the house.
Yep, Mrs. knows that I’ll always settle in for a long winter’s nap when I find a cozy box that fits just right – Chubba will stay in hers across the room, and then it’s tea time for all.
Come to think of it, doesn’t the mouse look like an upside down tea bag of sorts? Really, focus hard and you’ll see it too!
The Hoomans appreciate our preoccupation with their clever decoy efforts, because, yessiree, I dare to say, so far I’ve been good, I have still left the tree alone.
Tea time anyone? You can go now…drink your tea…leave me be…I’m being good, yes, I am!
Post inspiration – Special seasonal appearances by Tizzie and Dessy and Dutch Goes the Photo Tuesday Photography Challenge – Challenge
PS – Am I just seeing things or doesn’t that mouse look like a tea bag? Do your pets enjoy the boxes shipments come in? What’s your favorite holiday tea?
I love how cats make a playhouse out of a box or paper bag. And how some big ole cats try to get in the littlest space. They are so funny.
Beautiful shots of them. Have a good day.
Thank you, Anita – hope you’re having a great day too!
Very cute pix of your cat. I don’t have any pets, but a friend with 2 cats didn’t even try to put up a tree the first year she had them. They destroyed everything! The 2nd year was better. Kind of like kids, right?
LOL – yes, cats are kids at heart
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!
Wonderful photos and helpful hints. Is tea time anytime? … g
Thank you, g! Yes, tea time it is. And…I’ve missed hearing from you and Kat – hope all is well :-)!!!
I’m learning alot about cats from your cute posts and cute pictures Shelley.
Thank you, Linda!
I like the first photo with those eyes ready for evil destruction of the tree
Thank you, Brian – she’s a kindred spirit of yours…this morning she had knocked down a gift of a bottle of wine – thankfully, still corked and no damage to the tree. Of course…no camera anywhere near…she’s sneaky!
I have a wildlife camera which has a motion sensor to catch whatever in the act. Very handy for “The Evil Cats of Christmas”
We have one of those too…and we were just talking about putting it outside, I have no idea why we didn’t think of it for the tree! You’re brilliant! Now I just have to figure out the best spot for it to catch Tizzie in action!!
I’m your ideas man Shelley
Don’t let her see what you are doing or the camera will be before the tree
LOL, that you are! Oh, yes, thank you, that’s a good reminder!
WordPress isnt letting me like this, but I do. We put cat-safe (satin) ornaments on te bottom of the tree, The cats can steal those – they feel good, and no damage is done.
Thank you! I was wondering if something is wrong with this post – I have no idea why the “like” function isn’t working. I’m thankful you shared you were having difficulties. Our whole tree has shatterproof ornaments for that exact reason. Plus it’s a budget tree so it can’t hold anything heavy or it drops! I appreciate your cat tips – I know you know your stuff about kitties!
I have had so much trouble with WordPress and your site. I finally just added a bookmark so I can periodically check. I felt like “I have it figured out now” when it wouldn’t let me push the like button. Our little cat will climb up in the tree, but we usually can stop her before she does any damage.
I’m so sorry you have trouble with my site! I’m INCREDIBLY thankful you share that you have issues with it, it helps me look into what might be causing the problems. Aw…I love little kitties and trees. If my two tried to climb our tree now, it would most definitely topple over! Thanks again, Dan, I appreciate your expertise and for speaking up about your issues with my site!
WordPress has been messing with me, Shelley. I have some sites that I’ve followed forever that have been dropped and I have some that I simply can’t seem to add. Don’t worry, I’ll find you.
My daughter no longer puts up a tree. Her cats (two good sized boys) topple it over and drag stuff around. She hangs ornaments from various shelves.
Thank you, Dan – by the way, I gave you credit today for helping me fix the ‘like’ issue. I appreciate your efforts to figure out WordPress and to continue finding ways to stop by here to read my posts. WP is frustrating that’s for sure!
I noticed the pingback on my blog and rushed over there – thank you!
You’re welcome!!
When we had more cats, there was more of a fight over who got to sit in the boxes. Now, none of them seem all that interested in sitting in them. Not strange when you consider their ages (roughly 15, 17 and 17).
Interesting – I guess they are all knowing that a cardboard box isn’t that interesting after all!
Shelley, thanks! And thanks for sharing your great posts every week!
Thank you!