One of the aspects I’ve found to be a challenge in my empty nest is not having my daughters around to critique my outfits before I go out the door. There’s a lingering awkwardness involved that is hard to describe.
I’ve come to rely on their expertise, versus my own – so I can stay trendy, don’t cha know?
I love how they can take a quick look at me…
and give a thumbs up, a thumbs down, or a try it this way, and then the outfit magically works. They even help make sure the colors go well with my gray hair.
They inspire me to try new things – new colors, new styles, and new shoes and socks. They know how to judge without judging, and make me feel all hip and happening, right down to the fingernail polish, yep – they inspire me.
I’m trying to be brave on my own, though. I can’t live in my old comfort zone forever.
I gotta break free from the 1980s some day.
If you’d ask me though, I can tell you with a straight face that, “I’m damn mad I donated my high-waisted 80’s – 90’s mom jeans…I could be making some serious money selling them now, or I could wear them myself!? – Sh*t, that kinda really pisses me off.”
But they’re gone, never to return – they are on someone else’s butt right now. That’s okay, I finally just got used to wearing low-rise, or mid-rise skinny jeans – you know the type of pant I’m talking about, it remains in contact with the skin with every move you make? They fit like gloves.
I do like the comeback of the poncho look though, it covers up the need for a thong when you wear the skinny jeans. Yeah, I just said that, don’t judge – I guess what underwear one wears with certain pants is important as well?! So the Pink kids tell me…
I don’t know if my butt or legs would be happy or freak out if they had the room like they had decades ago when they were able to freely expanded with the fabric of the pants? That’s where the extra stretchy fabric of the new skinny jeans of this decade has become a fun friend of late.
It helps the pants fit like a casserole carrier, and it is mighty nice.
Anyhoo…I got brave yesterday – all on my own. I put on the carefully pre-chosen combo outfit that I bought for myself on Black Friday (with the help of my critique crew). Even new socks.
Holy crap, I haven’t bought colorful socks in I don’t know when.
I guess they are the in thing now (again)? Who knew I could wear cool socks and become trendy over the course of a weekend?
The thing is, I don’t know if I was trendy looking or not when I headed out the door? I was meeting with a bunch of women my own age, give or take a decade. No one raved like my kids did when I went to the meeting in my new outfit. It took place in a dark coffee shop. Despite the warm cup of tea I held in my hands, it was cold in the place, so I stayed covered up in my scarf and coat, and we sat at a table the whole time. It wasn’t a fashion show for goodness sake! What the hell was I thinking…was it flashbacks to 1980’s high school trying to fit in all over again?
When I left the meeting I had to walk down the street a block or so. As I was doing an 80’s confidence strut down the street, a cop stopped his car so I could cross the street in front of him (in the crosswalk – I wasn’t jaywalking). I was walking carefully in my new shoes (I didn’t fall as I walked fast). And since he was waiting for me, the guy turning the corner toward me had to oblige and wait for me to cross too. It had nothing to do with my gray hair blowing in the wind…
…the blasted silly 1980s girl in me was damn sure they stopped to notice my trendy shoes and socks…!
Post Inspiration – Dutch Goes the Photo – Contact
PS – Do you remember slouch socks from the ’80s? Do you still have a pair of them? I do…!
I can definitely relate with you, Shelley. My daughter helps me with my wardrobe too. She’s my number 1 critique lol! Great post, Shelley! I love the socks.
Yay, maybe it is because we both must’ve taught them fashion sense when they were little and depended upon us, right?! Thank you for sharing your thoughts :-)!
I absolutely agree with you! You’re welcome, Shelley!
Same here, it started at a fairly young age with them especially on holiday in France each year. They had plenty to say even as 10-12 year olds about t shirts, shorts, socks/no socks. Then it continued back home … ties, shirts, jackets, suits, shoes. Nowadays my daughter restricts herself to me wearing bow ties, shirt colour, jacket. But it’s not beaches and camp sites of course, it’s 5
restaurants, hotels, wine bars …. with the expression “come on dad ….. standards!” It’s no wonder our dear son used to call her “Your Worshipfullness” which I think came from Star Wars!
I love it, she’s keeping you well refined, like fine wine
I count on my younger sister to help me stay somewhat current, though I don’t care as much as I used to. I’m glad socks are back in because I hate to have cold feet! Love those socks of yours!
LOL – younger sisters are great (at least my two daughters think of each other as great!). Do tell, I wonder if you do have a special pair of lucky writing socks?
Sounds like you’re lucky as well for having fashion consultants in the family! I love how you can switch it up between the two depending on your mood – that’s great!!
Haha, yes, that is really great!
Socks definitely are not plain anymore, although I don’t have any colorful ones. I had the girls come shopping with me when I tried to find my party dress recently and they were very helpful. Most of the time I’m dressing for comfort though, not for show. Love your shoes!
I was so surprised at the wide variety of socks available. My mom adored fun socks – I think she convinced my daughters to be that way. I’m with you – comfort is my main goal and that style fills my closet ;-)!
I love being old enough where it doesn’t matter if I am trendy or not. Love the socks by the way.
Thank you, Anita! Maybe once your foot heals you can find a fun “I’m DONE with surgery” type of sock – a celebratory pair sounds kind of fun?
Maybe the ones with the individual toes like a glove. LOL
LOL – Toe socks! YAY – I had a pair of those a few times in my life!
Socks can be the best thing. Get them out and show them off to every cop you see. Too many things in this post had visuals that may have or not been proper

LOL! Way to pay attention!
This was a fun post and I used to have fun socks and no longer – guess I thought they were too lively and wore them under boots where no one could see them but me. I used to have a pair of knee highs that were made like gloves for your toes and each toe was a different color – now how cool is that?
Thank you! That’s what I always thought too – or that the goofy socks were just to be worn on laundry day!? Yes – Toe Socks, I had some of those too!
I found a pair of them a few years ago and thought “really?!” Tucked them away for walking in the Winter, but just like gloves do not keep your hands as warm as mittens, those Toe Socks were cute and goofy but didn’t work to keep your toes warm.
Exactly…and one would think individual toe gloves would be warm? But they weren’t/aren’t!
No, and when I took the bus and the bus was often very late in a snowstorm or bitter cold (sometimes they broke down and they didn’t always send a replacement bus), my fingers and toes were the first things to get cold. I had the warm coats and woolen accessories, but I can remember stomping my feet, trying to warm up my toes. I had Polarfleece mittens to keep my hands warm and when the bus arrived, sometimes it would be one bus with two busfuls of passengers so I had to stand. I always brought gloves with grips to hang on to the bars. So my mom came up with the bright idea that we get a pair of lighweight Polarfleece mittens and she hand stitched the two thumbs down and I slipped the wide mitten part over my toes – worked wonderfully!
Sounds like your mom was very clever, and you’ve got those clever genes as well!
You’ll make my head get big!
Hahaha! You go girl! Those photos brought back some memories. Those slouchy socks…the leg warmers! What about the socks that had the toes??? I had a pair that were rainbow colored. Didn’t wear them much though.
Thank you – yes, TOE socks were big, but I didn’t wear them much either. But, I still have some of those slouchy socks