Our time change week started out in a fog.
Literally – see, here’s proof.

It was a beautiful fog. Very dense. The wind was calm – it stuck around for a long time. As we walked our 2-mile route around the neighborhood (praying and hoping the cars passing by saw us!), I wished I had my camera to catch the sun’s rays through the trees at the cemetery.
By the time I got back to our house, the fog wasn’t as mysterious.

Two days before that foggy Monday morning, Mr. took the Neon by the horn, moved it to the end of the driveway, and put it up for sale. We had several people stop by to check it out.

We’ve had that bright yellow Neon making cameo appearances in our driveway since 2011. It was our youngest’s car.

Two days ago, it sold. (Yes, used cars sell fast!) The timing was perfect. I had less than a week before the renewal of the insurance premium was due. Yay, that’ll help with the hopefully temporary butter inflation. Eggs are still the same price though.

The young man who bought the Neon called us several times during the week to ask Mr. questions. Then on Friday, he called again. He decided it was time to make the move and test drive it. After that, he and his dad ran to the bank to get money orders to close the negotiated deal.
I took a snap video of him driving the car off down the road to its new home so I could send it to my daughter. The bittersweet moment is a memory I’ll hold onto but didn’t record with my camera.
This morning is also bittersweet – there’s no need for Mr. to clean off the snow on the little yellow car. He was dreading having to store the car or try to sell it in the winter.
In retrospect, it’s been a winning week for Mr. He switched out our water heater and installed (still has a bit of work to do on it) an acid neutralizer. Every day he checked the pex tubing and connectors to make sure they weren’t leaking. The day he sold the car was the day the leaks stopped. As I admired his handy work…
Me: Did you take before and after photos?
Mr.: No, you know I just get to work and don’t think of those things like you do.
The cats were relieved to not hear the banging noises coming from below that had briefly interrupted their napping areas.
Plus that meant they’d finally get their greenie treats from Mr. on time. The time change has not gone over well. Patience is not Dessy’s gift.

I feel that, for each show I’ve been doing, there’s a character that dominates. Then in the next show it plays a smaller part, and then in the next it has a sort of cameo piece. So they all have their moment.
Marcel Dzama
When Dessy’s belly is full of food and treats, and she has emptied her you know what onto the rug in the laundry room, she turns into one happy wild cat. So playful, but quite mean to her sister when she’s in that wild mood. The brief howls are frightening.
Mr. can get her to play nice though. See his cameo appearance?
The arrival of this morning’s winter snow is hopefully a cameo appearance. Sometimes it sticks from the moment it hits us, and other years, not so much. We’ll see, it is supposed to melt away tomorrow. It may be time to think about how Mr. is going to get Christmas lights on the house in the snow?
You know me, always the one with the whip-cracking thoughts. Mr. technically could razz me just as much about unfinished projects. Looks like I need to switch out my holiday decorations. And maybe I should finally part ways with the zinnias that for some odd reason are still hanging on to summer too.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “cam.” Find a word that contains “cam” or use it as is. Enjoy!
PS – A special thank you for your service to all the Veterans. How are you doing with the daylight savings time change? What’s new with you this week?
I don’t like the time change at all! This needs to stop, it’s ridiculous that it’s nearly dark at 5PM. Sorry about the snow, maybe you can skip the Christmas lights for one winter? I hope the car has a good home now!
I’m with you on the silliness of the time change. Its usefulness has been exhausted. Snow shows up at this time of year. I’m glad it waiting to almost the middle of November. We’re thinking that the car has found a great new home.
I wouldn’t sweat the price of butter. A good brand of butter here will set you back $5.99. It hasn’t really gone up in the past year, but…
Dessy does look like she’s making mental notes about the Mr’s next evaluation.We aren’t fans of the time change, although I do prefer Standard Time to DST.
It’s good to see snow. It’s even better to see it in your yard and not mine, but I know it’s coming.
I hope yo have a great week, Shelley.
Yikes, $5.99 would be a big jump in price for us. We love Kerry Gold brand.
A true cat owner knows that look. I do prefer the clock falling back instead of losing an hour. I’m adjusting to the 4 am wake-up meows. It just seems like I’ve put in half a day by breakfast!
The snow is beautiful, I do enjoy seeing the first one. I know you’ll get some soon too – and you’ll get some fun photos to share.
I got the book I ordered that you recommended. I’m trying to decide if I should read it before wrapping it or not!
I hope you have a great week too, Dan, thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Fog, snow and a Neon never before had appeared together in a story!
Yeah, when there’s no Cape Cod in my front yard, I take what I can to make a story colorful.
Your post about Cape Cod – especially the last paragraph makes me long to see the beach again!
You got a lot done this week, congrats on the sale of the car
Thanks for the encouragement, Alice! We miss seeing the car, but are glad it has found a new home. On a side note, I clicked your link and it took me to a different website, did you change things up??!
It works the same with having a roof put on. Cats don’t like the noise there, either.
The time change in fall is a lot easier than the one in spring, at least for me. Plus, I’m retired and can (and usually do) sleep as late as I want….
Oh, yes, we lived through the roof noise too. Cats are quite intrigued with the sound of the woodpeckers on the siding. Finicky as per the norm.
I’m adjusting to the cat’s schedule for the time change. Since I work from home, I’m early to work every day. Glad you get to sleep until you’re ready to wake up. That’s good for the brain and the heart!
Both your cats are beautiful! We got our first snow too. Oh, it spit a little snow yesterday, but nothing that stuck. This one is outlining all the tree branches. Really pretty, and I’m glad I don’t have to go out anywhere today!
Thank you, Dawn. Yes, we’re in the snow season now. We did enjoy looking at the way it covered branches here too. The trees are so pretty against the clear blue skies. I was glad to not have to go anywhere either. I bet you were busy choosing photos for your next walking post?!
I should be!
I bet it was a relief to finally sell the car, and gratifying to know it went to a happy new owner. The fog is beautiful… but the snow? I’m happy not to have to deal with that (as pretty as it is).
Hi Janis, great to hear from you! Yes, it was a relief. It was interesting to me that the young man who bought it looked a lot like my daughter’s husband. I did a double-take look at him as he waved at us pulling out of the driveway.
Yes, fog leads to snow in the fall, and then in the spring when the snow melts, the fog comes back.
We’re so used to the snow, I confess I might miss it if we didn’t have winter season. It’ll be easier to deal with this year without having to force my little dog out into it.
Some snows are so pretty – this was one of those moments. When everything is covered 6 feet under snow, not so much. That’s scary!
I’ve spent most of this past week in a daze. Any time changes confuses me. I’m glad your car sold. I like fog, but I’m not sure I could say the same for snow yet. Maybe when I’m more rested I’ll think about it more fondly.
I’m with you on the dazed feeling the past week. I’m slowly adjusting to Dessy’s schedule.
I’m slowly adjusting to the idea of snow too. It’s kind of hygge to snuggle in a blanket and watch it fall. But I’m not so happy about the slippery/ice covered roads for our daily walk. Good thing I’ve stocked up on books to read on my treadmill.
Hello Shelley, I am a new viewer of your blog today. Your previous blogs made me chuckle and it seems I have a bit in common with you. I too went grey maybe a couple years ago for me and enjoy the easy short cut this time around. I really liked your dark brown hair in your previous blog; sorry I am just getting caught up. Currently I am a photographer, I love cats and have a horse and three dogs right now. I remember selling a car similar to you and Mr. I too had to find the right buyer; how can a car be that sentimental – haha! We had our first snow fall last night; maybe an inch. Not sure if I am looking forward to it or not. If I can find something to photograph then maybe I will learn to like it. Love your blog and look forward to more conversations! Have a great week, Cheers – LuAnn
Hi LuAnn, nice to meet you here in the blogosphere! It’s so fun to interact with people who have things in common. I’ve often wondered about going short hair again, but enjoy the versatility of the longer hair. And my original hair color is still mixed in with the gray. I’ll never go back to coloring again.
Your photography is wonderful – I checked out a few photos. I wanted to comment, but I don’t have user logins for those social media sites. Are you planning on adding WordPress?
I look forward to hearing from you again. I have a hunch you’ll find something fun to photograph in the snow!
Shelley, my website is new so I have to ask, did you try to leave a comment and get an error message or request for a login? If so, I will have to fix that as no login in required. I used to have a WordPress website but it became too labor intensive to maintain. This website is from SmugMug and is very simple to use no coding – hurrah!
Have a great day!
Yes, I tried to leave a comment and it required a login. I have both a WP account and my own domain, you’re right, it’s very labor intensive to maintain. I haven’t heard of SmugMug, but it looks great – and so do your photos! Let me know when you get the login in thing figured out and I’ll go back and share some comments.
Have a wonderful day!
Hello Shelley, I received an answer on my question to SmugMug about why they require a login for comments.
This is what they told me: When Facebook or Google is used to sign in to post a comment, the visitor’s credentials are authenticated on Facebook’s or Google’s end, not SmugMug. SmugMug will not “see” the visitor’s login credentials.
So it is just part of their security on their website that they do this. I did not have this when I had a WordPress website. It is how security and websites must be evolving. If you would still be interested in leaving a comment, great! If not, I understand. There is a Contact Me button on the top menu that does not require a login if that is an option you would prefer.
I have been out for a few days with migraines so I see new posts have come in on your blog. I look forward to rejoining the party!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi LuAnn, thanks for the clarification. I was able to send you a comment via Contact Me. Interesting that SmugMug chose to handle it that way. I’m sure many more changes will be coming to how websites work.
I hope you’re feeling better and that you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for you sharing your thoughts here and that you took the time to stop by.
Take care!
Oh, I saw Mr’s hand making a cameo appearance and I also saw the frost on the window – Jack Frost’s handiwork. Well less work for Mr when he does the snowblowing and must move the Neon, but still sad, like a third child going off to a new life. I hope that the snow is gone – we’re having 60 tomorrow – maybe the swan song for Fall for us they say. It will melt your snow, so hopefully you have the same.
Yes, his hand, and the edge of his face and glasses. Thanks for noticing Jack Frost’s contribution too. Yes, it’s a blessing not to have to move and shovel around the car. We’ll adjust. We do not have that nice of weather ahead, it is above freezing today, so we’ll get a chance to walk before the next snow storm. Enjoy your warm day!!!
It got to 60 – like a roller coaster these days. The frost etchings were beautiful – they told me just how cold it really was, that teeth chattering cold that takes forever to warm up again!
Yay – send the 60 back my way. It was 17 this morning…! I fear winter is here!
Wow – 17 is Winter weather in my opinion. It was 32 this morning when I went out but the winds were 15 mph and it was near the water, so very cold. In fact, I thought I was dressed for it and was not – my fingers were frozen in about 10-15 minutes time. We were teased with the warmish weather for so long, that this is like a slap in the face!
I just saw one of my Facebook memories from 7 years ago and on today’s date back then it was 5 below…! It’s cold and wind here today. Crazy weather. Stay warm, Linda!
Oh no – hope that pattern is not repeated Shelley. We are having a bit of a warm-up for Thanksgiving. Happy for small things.
Me too! You’ll be getting wind soon – it was crazy windy here yesterday. Stay warm and cozy! Yes, happy for small things is a great motto!
Oh yes – we got it today Shelley – very blustery and cold. Going to 28 tonight. Must. Get. Out. Winter. Clothes. I’ve dragged out a hat here, a scarf, pair of gloves, but no meaningful effort as the weather got warmer again. That’s a good motto to live by.
I’m sure you do wish your snow was only making a cameo appearance–it’s too early for it to stick around, even where you are. We hope!? It is pretty, but shouldn’t arrive before Thanksgiving. I hope you’re gearing up for a nice holiday. I’m hosting, but letting a caterer make our turkey, stuffing, and gravy–so I can concentrate on pies! (And everything else.) I know it’s weird to want your kids to grow up, but I’m praying I one day have a daughter-in-law who will take over the holidays! A girl can dream, right?
Yes, the snow has mostly melted, and it’s turned very cold. Ugh. It is pretty and shouldn’t show up until the day after Thanksgiving.
We’re gearing up for Thanksgiving – it’ll be a potluck and our daughters will be here!!! That’s all I need to make the day perfect.
Way to prioritize pies. You will someday have a DIL to take over the holidays – those two handsome boys will find sweethearts you’ll love too!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I’m truly thankful for your friendship – Hugs to you!
I had thought that car had gone but guess I was wrong. Enjoy the snow. It was 35C here today with a good amount of humidity. Now there’s a tropical storm…..yay
Yes, the car is gone for good now. The snow has mostly melted, but it’ll return next week. It was on 17 F here today, 35 C would be a nice surprise. Stay safe in the storm!!!
Last nights storm was a cracker too
I’m glad you survived to tell the story!
Thank you Shelley!
With all your pictures around your home and garden, you inspired my last post, wich subject is Edward Hopper paintings.
You’re welcome! Aw, that’s wonderful, thank you for sharing the link!
I came from John’s blog post about Gene Krupa. My dad had always said we were related to Gene Krupa so who knows?! I love your pictures of the foggy morning. Glad the car sold and you have some pics of it. Your pussy cats are cute but the one reminds me of our Kaspar who can be full of beans. No snow for us yet in the Niagara Region of Ontario. I hate the time change and they should just get rid of it.
Hi, Birgit, thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. Sorry, it took so long to reply, your comment went to my spam folder for some odd reason. Wow – another Gene Krupa connection. We should talk! I’m so happy you stopped by here!!! Stay warm in Canada!!
Your photographs that explore the space around your home are the signature of your blog. I like them a lot. My last article inspired by the works of Edward Hopper is refering to it. About “Cape Cod Morning (1950)” painting , my comment is dedicated to you, I see there your typical USA bow windows’ house.
I’m so thankful you enjoy my photos. It’s my pleasure to have you join me here in the blogosphere. Thank you so much for the dedicated comment. I enjoyed your Edward Hopper post. I remember seeing much of his work at the art museum in Chicago when my daughter lived there. I bought small postcards of some of his work to remember them by. The postcards are displayed on a bulletin board in my office. Everytime I see the Cape Cod Morning painting going forward, I shall think of you!
Thank you!
You’re welcome!