Ah, every person who has ever crafted something in their lives is brave. Brave enough to utter these infamous words of wisdom.
“But, I can make something with them (it). Don’t throw them (it) away.”
What? That’s not you…you don’t say that? Is it only us turkeys that gather together in rafters to sing the praises of “but…I can make something with it.”
One of us always stands out and takes the risk to share a brilliant idea.
We’ve got plans for those objects of affection stored in every cup, container, or bottle cap worthy place in our houses? Just waiting for moments where our ideas will flow outta them like bottle caps rolled out on the counter. It’s easier to clean up than spilled beer milk, trust me on that.
I thought every kid adult says “but…I could make something with that” at some time in their lives?
Okay, fine. I may be among the millions of undiscovered Dubious MinimalistsTM or alone by myself – in both cases. But…that’s fine by me. Eventually, I’m sure I’ll come across other ‘but I can make something with it’ folks.
So, I’ve got that going for me, too. Plus, if you flip those bottle cap babies over you’ve got a bazillion crafting options. Just do a search on Pinterest and see what you get!
I’m positive that the Tiny Chef says, “But, I can make something with it.” He knows what I’m talking about. And he uses the same thing that I did growing up for making pies. You guessed it – Bottle Caps!
But…seriously, that’s a bit weird, right?
Nah, it’s not. It’s budding creativity.
Just hear me out, and I’m positive you’ll cut me (us) some slack. And you, too, will join the ranks of us Dubious MinimalistsTM – you’ll be storing up bottle caps for blasted creations or the nations of kids that’ll need to pretend to make a pie for their dolls in the future.
Or to decorate your floor with an incredible mosaic pattern. I’m getting close to having stored away enough of these caps…wonder if Mr. will buy into the idea?
I grew up in a family that didn’t have an unlimited discretionary budget for toys, I learned to compromise and be creative with everyday stuff available. A beer budget we had. We live in Wisconsin, what can I say.
My dad’s name ironically matched my other main man’s name while I was growing into my formative crafting opinion age of 10-11-12?? I can’t remember how old I was now. Anyhoo, Barbie had bloomin’ good taste in men – her man was styling – his name was “Disco Ken.”
I loved playing with my Barbie dolls. My mom knit many of Barbie’s clothes and the rugs I used in the homes I created for them.
And Barbie liked to make a pie for dinner. Pot pies or apple pies, it didn’t matter, usually matched what my mom was making our family for dinner. I was sad one day realizing I didn’t have dishes for Ken when he came home from work. So, my dad came to the rescue – a Wisconsin beer drinking fan that he was, and said, “Here, these bottle caps will work for something won’t they?”
From that point forward, the bottle caps became not only the pie tins but the Barbie family’s dishes too. Barbie, et. al, heaven, I called it. I made the doll fam a house that covered the entire floor in my bedroom. It was made out of sidewalk bricks and tented with baby blankets. The couches were bricks stacked on their sides, and the walls were bricks, too. They were cozy and content.
And so was I.
Their house was so cute and I didn’t mind that the furniture or dishes weren’t store-bought. I was hooked on the idea of repurposing things around the house, including bottle caps from that point forward.
But…they’re so cute, I just know I can make something with them someday. Don’t you dare ask how many of them I have stored in plastic bottles…waiting for that perfect idea to use them to create something I can’t buy in a store!?!
Post Inspiration – Dutch Goes the Photo Tuesday Photography Challenge – Roll (can you pick out the photos that fit the theme?) and B for the A-Z Challenge
PS – Do tell, do you save some item or more because “But…I…”? Do you still have any of your childhood toys? Isn’t Ken’s shirt to die for – and those jeans!? Wonder how he got the scar on his chest?
Wow–that floor!
Makes you want one, right?!
That’s a lot of beer!
A LOT! Or a lot of friends who drink beer too or if you work in a bar and collect them each shift?! Maybe I need a part-time job……………
I never thought of bottle caps as pie tins and such. Cool! Sounds like you built a kingdom in your bedroom. Have ever chased wild turkeys down the dirt two-track on a quad while they fly ahead of you? Great fun!
Now you know the secrets to recycling beer caps! Yes, it was quite the kingdom. No, I’ve never chased them. They do make quite the mess of car windows, so I hear. If I ever get a chance to chase them, I’ll think of your recommendation about the fun it will be!
Yea, I am the geek that goes to the craft fairs and refuses to but anything because “I can do that”. You saw my crazy elf wreath last year right. My crafts would never sell, but I enjoy them. Loved the floor. I saw one done similar with pennies. That was pretty amazing. Have a wonderful week.
Me too – and Mr. is the same “I can do that” type. So many projects in the works. I’ve only sold a few teddy bears I made YEARS ago, otherwise, it’s just for fun. I wonder how long it took them to make that floor? Hope you’re having a wonderful week. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Lovely post. Enjoyed it. I couldn’t throw away my daughter’s doll. I used to make cloths, cap etc for it.
Thank you, Indira. So nice to hear that you’re a fellow treasure keeper :-)!
Nowadays giving away to someone who appreciates them.
That is a great way to part with items!
I’m trying to decide how many beers of how many different kinds I would have to drink before I could create that floor. It might be worth it.
I love the notion of incorporating ordinary things in play. Our daughter used to mix her toys, using and reusing things for many different purposes. I think it was a good thing.
LOL – I’m up for watching you figure out the floor plan and which beers make the best tops for the task! That’s awesome, your daughter sounds like a creative young lady with great parents too by the way!
OMG I am trying to clean out all those “but I can make something with it” items so we have more room! I have a whole closet full that I am slowly weaning out to the Studio. Our local schools and second hand stores are getting lots of donations (plus a few items tossed in the garbage!) I love the floor. We don’t drink enough things with bottle caps to make that a reality though, thank goodness!
LOL – I’m so trying to weed out things, too. I hope that the person who made that floor just went around to thrift sales or local establishments and asked for handouts of caps. That’s a lot of caps to make a floor! Schools are a great option for donations. Maybe not for beer caps, but still…they can be painted too!
Aren’t those bottle caps hard to find now? Seems like everything is plastic/twist off these days. Yes, I definitely save stuff. I have sooo many projects to do! But it’s so fun.
Maybe plastic is taking over – I haven’t seen the plastic ones for beer, though. Yes! I love pending projects, now I just need to do a few too. You’re right, it’s fun.
I saved corks from wine bottles. I saved enough to line a shelf in our bathroom with the corks. First thing my daughter did when she saw the shelf was grab a knife, scrape the corks out and throw them in the garbage. Then she proceeded to paint the shelf white, which was the plan in the beginning. Till I got creative. This was the last time I was creative. LOL!
LOL – I save those too……… My kids keep wondering why, and I tell them, I’m going to make something with them. Sigh… What are you talking about? You’re creative every blog post you write! Plus it doesn’t require a lot of supplies!
Thanks Shelly. I’m done with the wine corks. I’m in to sea shells currently. Now, if I can just find the right, clear glass, perfect lamp……..hmmmmmmm
I’ve confined the space for corks too. I’ve done the sea shells too – have confined the space to those in vintage mason jars. Those lamps with sea shells are pretty and would look lovely in your home! Happy shopping – but stick to your budget! PS – that pink bike for your granddaughter is adorable!
Thanks Shelley!
Whenever I think of beer bottle caps I think of Sam Malone on Cheers. He had the one from the last beer he ever drank before going to AA. He kept the bottle cap with him as a good luck charm.
Yes, I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.
That floor must have taken forever to do.
I agree!
That floor sure is different! My mom knit my Barbie’s clothes as well. I can recall a knitted set with a skimmer dress and matching coat and can even picture the colors, but I didn’t save it. I had the black vinyl Barbie case and my mom nicely suggested I should give it to a little girl who had no toys in the neighborhood. That was the end of that but I have Christmas pictures showing that Barbie case, just not its contents. No toys left from childhood from me, but my mom made a stuffed monkey out of felt in the hospital when she was in there four years after being hit by the car. It is in good shape, in a drawer, just needs a tail – she didn’t know what happened to it – one day, I’ll get to Michael’s and do it.
Yes, the floor is different. Looks like way too much work to me! My mom knit a lot when I was growing up. The tiny stitches on the Barbie clothes impress me. I just have a few of my childhood toys. The Barbies I saved. I now wish I would’ve just let the kids play with them. They serve no purpose other than a blog topic and space in a cedar chest. Sigh. Fix that monkey and blog about the adventure. Maybe the monkey can sit in the window and watch for the birds and squirrels? I’m such a goof…!
Yes, I need to fix “Joe” and all he requires is a piece of brown felt and a flat wire – maybe several pipe cleaners together, one is too narrow … I love pipe cleaners and use the short ones and long ones around the house all the time. Yes, it would make a blog topic – another critter, only it doesn’t gobble peanuts down.
Yay – sounds like a fun twist for a rainy day blog post!