I thought to myself, while intent on my own task at hand, “Just give me ten seconds and I’ll be right there buddy.”
His hints entailed subtlety that he was ready to go to bed or outside. One should come before the other, but I wasn’t quite ready for either.
Plus I had the entitlement to decide departure time, you know – being the hooman in the situation, it was my right. Right?
Why no, my dears, instead he went for signs of voiding entrapment? It’s not like he uses any type of netiquette to send me warning messages to my phone or over the cable TV. After he licks his paws, he just quietly sniffs around.
I just need to watch him and pay attention.
What was I so dang busy doing instead?
I was busily preoccupied with a net-zero goal of clearing the bag of the last chips standing in the nethermore section of the bag. I had made a serious dent in the Tostitos bag, washed ’em down with the last swallow of my beer, and my tiny bladder said it was time to pee.
Apparently, so did Copper’s bladder.
As I rounded the couch, on my way to the bathroom, I entered the area where he was standing – one leg raised and peeing with his eyes closed. Enthused with the idea of marking something on the carpeting?
Or…sh*t, is this a sign of entropy in systems of an aging bladder?
My first thoughts blasted out of my mouth, “WTF – you naughty pup…stop!”
He was oblivious to me yelling at him. It’s hard to stop an aging bladder, trust me, I know things about such stuff.
In just ten seconds and he had gone from licking his paws to peeing in defiance? Or is this a moment where I need to dig down deep in my soul to find some tenderheartedness.
He knows better than to pee in the house, and so do I.
Anyhoo, the pup was prominently tossed out into the yard to finish what he started.
While I cleaned up the mess with well over ten paper towels. I was not entertained at all. I was considering what kind of safety-net we need to put in place so this doesn’t happen again. Crap, does this mean I’ll need to search the internet in the morning?
All the while I still had to pee and was hoping my bladder didn’t leak on the floor too. Hoping and crossing my fingers across my heart legs – oh, dear, this better not be a new stage for both of us?
Ten seconds of serious intent is all it took. And I bolted to the bathroom just in time. At least I paid close attention to one of us.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – where she gave us the entertaining prompt via Dan from No Facilities (way to team up you two!!) – Your Friday prompt is “ent” “ten” “net.” Use one, use two or use all three (bonus points for using two, double-bonus points for using all three). As Linda would say, use ’em any way you’d like. Enjoy!
PS – What fun do you have planned for the weekend? Have your pets ever had an accident on the floor, while you’re in the same room with them? What creative title would you have come up with for this post?
Oh, Shelley, I feel your pain. Well, not your bladder, but the dog thing. We’ve been through “leakage” periods. Unfortunately, Irish Setters have a curious shape that causes the diapers to leak. Wet dog, wet rug, wet wet wet. We opted for the absorbent “piddle pads” which work well, but since they have an attractive scent (for use during training) I think they encourage accidents. I guess the moral is, take the dog out with your legs crossed
Thanks for supporting the prompt today. Have a great weekend!
LOL – I’m hoping that it is just a phase of detoxing going on for the pup. I can’t imagine Copper ever putting up with me putting a diaper on him. I have a hard enough time getting his harnass on so we can take him for a walk.
I like your advice to take the dog out with my legs crossed!
Thanks for the opportunity to play along and thank you for hosting while Linda was away! Hope your weekend is great!!
Hosting #SoCS has been my pleasure.
You’re a wonderful host!!
Dog diapers? Oh my – well I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Don’t we all? LOL I hope the rest of your weekend is accident free. (title idea: Pee for Two)
Yeah, hopefully it was just a one-time me being too slow kind of deal! Great title idea!!!
Wow, I hope the weekend will be dry Shelley!
Thank you, John, me too!!
Yep, we’ve been fortunate so far. I try to push the limits of Benny’s bladder sometimes too because occasionally he wants to go out before I’ve even had my coffee!
YAY – yeah, I think all pet parent’s do that – wait as long as possible. Coffee first doesn’t happen in our household.
Hah! This is too funny, and all because of Tostitos! I’ve always had this problem,(even when I was not old) so this stage of old age will be nothing new to me.
Thank you!! I’ve always had tiny bladder syndrome, I’m just not ready to admit the reality of it!! Poor pup – hopefully I’ll pay attention to him better!!
I doubt that it was an accident, but yes, my cats have had “accidents” while we were in the room.
Dang pets!!
Dog diapers! No way! I’d rather mop up the mess until the dog learns to hold on!
Answers to your questions
What fun do you have planned for the weekend?
Yes – lunch at a remote restaurant in the countryside with friends.
Have your pets ever had an accident on the floor, while you’re in the same room with them?
I can’t remember and exact incident but I remember training a puppy when I was a kid and my mom telling me to rub his nose in it if he went indoors! I couldn’t bring myself to do that!
What creative title would you have come up with for this post?
Piddling Pup Puts up a Paw to Pee
I’m with you on not wanting to go to diapers for dogs!
Ooh, your weekend plans sound delightful – hope you had fun!
I remember that technique – I don’t think it worked great for us. It’s all in the timing so they make the connection.
I love your title, very creative!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts – your photos for Cee’s challenge made me smile!
I imagine if you would have peed on the floor the doggie would have smiled.
LOL – I bet he would too, and he’d tell me, “It’s okay, accidents happen, let’s go play!”
Our 17 year old beagle mix used to sleep in the corner of our bedroom, but due to her night time wanderings and accidents, she now sleeps in the little side room that used to be a porch. The floor is covered (sort of) with pee pee pads. She still goes pee outside a lot of the time, but leaks over night. Old dogs, gotta love ’em.
Aww…it is tough when they get older. Your dog is lucky she has you for her mom. You’re right, we love them and feel for them as they age.