Adventures · Inspiration

But it was just a little scary moment

One week ago, Mr. and I went on a 12-mile bike ride.  It was glorious, fun, and we couldn’t wait to go out on a trip again the next day.  The next day came, and it wasn’t as fun.

It was just a little scary moment in my life.

That was the day my rib cage, that protects my internal organs, was injured in my bike crash.  Since then, my protected heart has been a bit broken and I’m working through my emotions as the rib heals.

It’s tough to be an active person, and suddenly not active.

I’m a lucky person, it wasn’t a bad injury, just one that has forced me to slow down and take it easy.  I should be treating it like a vacation or something, right?  But vacations are planned.  I had different plans for this time of the year.  Like being active and outside.  Now, I have an unexpected time to work on getting some papers organized.

Oh, JOY!

While I fight off the joyous blues, I’m forcing myself to find what I can appreciate in the process.  Being grateful always helps me put things in the right perspective.


It also helps me stop to notice things that typically fly right by.  Like the new Robins out of the nest and fighting over the bird bath.  The view from my office has taken on a new joy factor.  Even seen through the darkening thingamagiggy on the window and the screen, the birds are fun to watch.

Jeez…it hasn’t even been a week yet since the crash, and boy, oh, boy, do I have a new appreciation for ribs.  Not the tasty kind, but my protective rib cage and how important it is to the movement of my human body.

I never paid attention to how intricate it is in the bending, twisting, lifting, breathing, standing, crouching, bending to put shoes on or clothing on, and not to mention all the emotions of life.  Like laughing and crying.  And just the simple act of coughing or sneezing, holy shit, the ribs play a big part in my life.  It’s scary how I took that for granted all these years.

Shame on me!

But, dammit, I miss my fully functioning rib cage.  I’m glad it took the blow so that my organs are intact and unharmed, but still.  The moments of missing my physical ability I notice all day long.  I’m positive I’m missed outside because of what I’m now forced to neglect even more.

Like my flower gardens.


I can still water them, but weeding them is out of the question.  So it’s survival of the fittest challenge, for sure.  Me striving against the slow process of healing and my weeds against the invading weeds and bugs.  Thank goodness my legs work and I can still walk around.  My knee is healing well, too.  This morning, I took an early stroll to check out what I’m neglecting in the yard.

You know, to make myself feel better…

This tiger lily is so weird, it’s like a warped combination of a few different ones, and doesn’t quite have the beauty factor the others did this season.  I guess its strange growth pattern wasn’t my fault, but still…


The first Black-Eyed-Susan looks a tad sad for being the first out of the bud.

The poor little Zinnia has been attacked by a bug of some sorts.


And…these tiny little daisies have yet to fully bloom.


Amongst them I found this strange thing looking back at me with scary eyes.


Those darn little mice or squirrels, or whatever, drag the weirdest things into the garden beds.  At least I didn’t see any live creatures or snakes!  Just this shell…what the hell, we don’t have any trees that produce these type of nutshells…?


Oh, sigh…who am I to understand the mysteries of life anyhow?

After full circle around the yard, it was time for a pick-me-up cup of coffee so I headed back inside.  I told Mr. about my outdoor quest for photographing scary being something left to be desired.

I adore how he and Dessy always come to my rescue.  If there was organ music to add…the organized show would’ve been complete.

#31SRW Photography Challenge Day 21: Scary – (rules for the challenge found here).  Post inspiration thanks to Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday:  Organ.  Word of the day – Striving.

PS – Happy weekend to you!  Hope you’re enjoying your summer, do tell, what kind of fun are you up to?  Cheer me up with your great stories of adventures with things that are scary or fun!  


12 thoughts on “But it was just a little scary moment

  1. Hi Shelley. I agree, bike accidents are really scary, and recovery really stinks. Here’s hoping the recovery is speedy and you’re back out on the road again soon.

    Meanwhile, you probably are already well aware of this but some things that can provide relief are ice to reduce inflammation, and anti-inflammatory medications – Aspirin, Aleve, and Advil are your best bets here. Tylenol may give you some relief but won’t reduce the inflammation that is causing part of the trouble. And of course keep moving so things don’t stiffen. (But obviously listen to your body and don’t overdo it.)

    Feel better soon!

    1. Hi Todd! Thank you for your concerns and recommendations! I’m trying all tips and appreciate knowing what has worked for others in the past. I hope to be on the road again before the snow flies! This week, I’m happy to accomplish a 3.0 mph hour 1-mile walk!! Yay for small movement!! Happy travels to you!

      1. Excellent! I suspect you’ll be moving well long before that point. Good on you for getting moving, though.

    1. Thank you! A wise doctor told me one time, ‘move it or lose it!’ I know I have to move what I can. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and concerns!!

  2. Ouch! My husband cracked 7 ribs in a fall once so I know a little of how tough it is. I fractured my patella and had to spend a month in a knee brace. I was not used to having to ask to be driven places and my family had a good laugh at me trying to use crutches. Healing thoughts to you. Wonderful pictures!

    1. Oh, MY GOSH….with only one or two involved in my accident, I can’t imagine 7 ribs at one time! Ouch on the patella – knee pain and immobilization would be so difficult. I appreciate hearing you share “we made it through” stories – it helps give me the motivation to carry on! Thank you!

  3. Rib injuries are the worst. Slow progress for healing and the pain pops up at horrible moments. I sure do love the photos in your post!

  4. Hi Shelley, I as away on vacation and now I’m back. I’m so sorry for my delay responding to your posts and I’m glad you’re on the mend. I hurt my back last summer and it took about two months to heal completely. So I say to you, “this too shall pass.” And…I love that the temporary injury has given you the opportunity to notice some of the smaller parts of the world around your home. That is a gift.

    1. Hi Cathi! I did miss you, glad to know you were off enjoying some vacation time! It seems to be a trend in the blogging world right now, I’m envious…I really should take a vacation one of these days! Oh, my, I sure hope my injury doesn’t take 2 months to heal, but I do know it will pass. Yes, I’m trying my best to appreciate the opportunities it is presenting for me. I’m so glad you stopped by and I appreciate your kind words of encouragement!

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