I woke up slightly late this morning. Not really.
But, when I did, I rushed to the bathroom. Everyone with an aging bladder knows why.
On my way there, I rubbed my blurry eyes and saw something bright in the distance.
I glanced out the window and saw the full moon. But I had to pee first. Dang…go fast…
So I peed. It only took a minute tops (I think?).
Then raced to the kitchen to grab my camera and switch out the lenses to get a close-up shot.
I ran downstairs, flung open the door, leaned against the side of the door frame and captured a photo.
I didn’t have time to make sure if it was a good shot or not, but I was pretty sure that it may not be the best shot ever.
I looked at the trees, and yep, my spot wasn’t going to cut it.
The moon was moving fast as it began to disappear behind the trees.
So I ran upstairs, thinking that I’d be able to catch the shot from above, through a window. I captured that photo, too.
I didn’t say they were good photos. My efforts were clearly a joke. But the whiteish thing in the photos is the moon. I blame it on the morning shakes.

I really did see the moon. Really and it was…
A full moon.
Post Inspiration – Cee’s Black & White Challenge – Candid Photography (Animal or Human)
PS – Happy Friday the 13th – hope you have a great one and that you do get to see the full moon wherever you are. It’s really supposed to be full tomorrow, but heck, it’s Friday the 13th so go with what you read on Social Media, right? What do you have planned for the weekend?
Love that photo. May save it for a poem later. Yes I am thankful my aging bladder still lets me sleep all night. I know that day is probably coming. Aging ain’t for sissies. Have a great weekend.
Thank you, Anita – glad you enjoyed Copper’s butt :-)! You’re way ahead of me – making it all the way through the night. I’m more of a frequent flyer. That’s me forever though! Aging ain’t for sissies, is right. You too – enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for letting me know about the full moon on Friday the 13th. [Or thereabouts.] I’m sure this connection would have escaped me entirely. Now I feel very with it and tuned into the sky above.
You’re welcome :-). Foggy skies or not, the moon does its own thing. We have a clear view of the skies in our yard, so I watch it quite often while I day dream or get up in the middle of the night. The deer enjoy the extra lighting too. They were dancing in the field to the light of the silvery moon… I can’t sing, don’t know why I try!
I like the shakey photo a lot
I appreciate the encouragement to shake things up!
Great moon bums! I’ve done the same thing Shelley, seeing a possible photo opp, run for the camera!
Thanks, John! I bet you have. You capture so many cool shots. And when you’re out and about, you have plenty of bum ops to see/capture/photograph on the Vegas strip!
you needed coffee
You got that right!!
Well, a moon is a moon, it’s all an artistic interpretation, right?
Yes, it is, thanks for appreciating my efforts :-)!
Not to worry, Shelley. The full moon has a three day “window” of enchantment. Tonight is actually the full one but last night and tomorrow night will be magical as well
Thank you, Janet – I took your advice and gave this morning a whirl! I simply don’t have the proper equipment to get a great shot. I have fun trying though!
Tonight’s moon is supposed to be gorgeous, too!
Yes, it was – I enjoyed the view of it multiple times. Hope you got to see it too!
So many moons so little time

LOL – that’s what I was thinking too!!
Well I’m impressed you tackled that photo attempt so early in the morning. You are way ahead of me there. No I didn’t see the full moon. I do like your catch behind the clouds though.
It is Friday the 13th. That explains a lot
You stay up later than I do – if you fell asleep at 6:30 after your second helping of Tostitos, you’d wake up at 4 am thirsty too. It works for early photography sessions, that’s about it!
LOL!!!!! You have a point. I’m asleep by 10 at the latest. (apparently Tostitos are an important factor in developing early morning photography skills!!)
LOL – I can’t deny the Tostitos are part of my tricks of the trade ;-)!
Wonderful candid photos for this week.
Thank you, Cee, I appreciate the opportunity to play along!
I’ve seen many an interesting nighttime happening because I have TB. Tiny bladder. Loved you story.
LOL – you know what I’m talking about then!!
oh yes!!
A full moon indeed – how clever!
Aww, thanks!