Adventures · Inspiration

But is that socially acceptable to blog about that?

I’m here to butt into your day and share/talk about a series of buts/butts I have thoughts on about my blog.  I am often protective of my thoughts about what to share or not on my blog, especially over other social media sites.  I’ve read that’s a way to build your audience.  Share over multiple sites.  I share it here, but not everywhere.

But is that a bad thing, or a good thing?

I’m weeding through my thoughts on it as of late.  The time commitment gets me the most.  But…man, it’s a long shot on if I’d look presentable enough to share it across multiple social sites.  In Wisconsin, a lady’s butt shot in the garden is acceptable.

Just saying…(and those shoes I’m wearing, by the way…oh, yeah I forgot to tell you…I heard from my credit card company that the fraudulent transaction issue was resolved.  Yeah…but then the shoes showed up the same day!  WTH?  They are butt ugly…just saying…but they make great garden shoes…but that’s for another post).

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But, I digress.

Sharing a post that is welcome to those who subscribe to receive it is a good thing, but not on every social media site, right?  Are there sites where it feels like a head butting in kind of thing?  Especially if a follower follows you on multiple sites?

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But…supposedly that’s socially acceptable to do so?  Yes, no, I dunno?  But that is how you create the opportunity to meet more folks to share thoughts about the post.

Even in the rain, some ideas just seem worthy of sharing our mutual buts about.  Maybe I don’t write enough controversial posts.

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But then there’s the possibility that someone will butt in to talk about their buts or butts?  And take over the conversation.  And then fly off like nothing ever happened.

Everyone would scatter for a while or forever.  It’s awful when it’s your own but that scared them off.

Or I could but in and talk about some dirt that some stinking bird dug up in my little marigold buckets.  But, why?!  Why?!  There’s an acre of land to pick bugs from!


But then there are the cute butts to talk about.  Wranglers are my fav 😉

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I could talk about the hard workers who keep yard clean butts.  Wisconsin is known for our hard-working folk.

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The farmers around here may have bigger machines to do their work.  But they move fast.  And what he planted in the field is keeping the deer butts busy.  And not visiting us much anymore.

Does that happen to a blogger who finds success?  They drive their original followers away because they’re moving too fast over too many social media sites?  I feel horrible when I can’t get back to checking in with some of my favorite blog writers/followers from the beginning.

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Ever since the farmer’s soybean sprouts have started to grow we’ve had fewer visits by the dearest deer ladies.  Just this lovely deer who meandered in one night to double check the stats.  Seeing her on the trail cam was like hearing from a follower that I haven’t heard from in eons.  It’s so fun to catch up with them.  But…then they’re gone again.  But…dang…

I do that too…it makes me sad some days.  But then I pick up where I left off and carry on.

And I share a surprise butt or two?  It’s not me…in that picture?!   Don’t worry, it’s just Mr. and our little sprout hanging out in the yard.

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We’ve got these two feathered friends who keep up the butting in factor in the yard.  Blue Jays can be so mean.  At least they like each other.

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And these dove butts visit in the morning light.

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And bunny butts by night…

Oh, my, what was my point anyhow?  My butt needs to get moving.  It’s time to hit the trail…for now…

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But, what was my point of this post?  Oh yeah, it was to join in on Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Social is the prompt of the day!  So yes, my dears, that’s why I butted into your day.

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PS – But…don’t hold back, do share your buts or thoughts about social media.  Do you share on multiple sites?  Do you have a preferred site to read from?  But if those questions don’t trigger a thought or a but, share about anything else for that matter!  I enjoy your comments, yes I do!  


52 thoughts on “But is that socially acceptable to blog about that?

  1. Hi Shelley. The only other media I use other than WP is Instagram. The rest are in my view not worth my time, most of all that damned FB. I love the night cam photos of the bunnies, those tiny eyes glowing in the dark! ❤️

    1. Hi John! I love following you on Instagram. Does it just bug the heck out of you that Facebook owns it?! I agree, those bunny eyes are so fun to see! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on social media – keep up the great photos, I enjoy seeing your adventures!

      1. Thank you my friend. Hell yes that bothers the heck outta me. It’s a damn shame in my view that they purchased IG. It opens the door to uncertainty about the fate of Instagram and what changes will be made.

        The introduction of advertising almost drove me off. Each and every time I scroll past one which is about every fourth or so image I see, I Hide the ad. Sick of doing it.

        They need a comment option added to “why do you not want to see this ad” that says I Hate Ads On Instagram. Not joking.

        Consider how invasive advertising has become. We can not escape it on TV, Radio or anywhere on the internet and I call it a plague.

        While watching TV, I automatically mute the audio as I’m sick of the same old ads over and over and… Especially the drug commercials. The US and New Zealand are the only countries that allow these nasty ads on TV to the best of my knowledge.

        If our FCC Needs something to do, get to work on outlawing the transmission of these drug ads on the toob. Who is the biggest drug pusher of them all?

        Anyway, if the frequency of ads increases on IG, I’ll dump it. It’s bad enough with the intrusive ads on WP too.

        1. Yeah, the ads are annoying!!! My youngest showed me how Instagram determines what ads you see – there’s a setting on your phone where you can review all the perceived likes they use to determine what ads you’ll see. It was kind of freaky reading the list my phone showed. YIKES. I agree, if it continues to be so disruptive, I’ll end my fun there too.

  2. This is my social media. I know what you mean about the controversial stuff – I figure if it’s important to you, go for it. Like minded followers will hang on. This post is a hoot. I keep thinking of those infomercials – with the “But Wait!…” followed by the next more exciting discount or extra item added to the Best Deal Ever!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You’re right, if it matters to us we should share it. Glad you enjoyed the ramblings in this post. And I did have fun writing it too. But your bird photo was was a better shot than my trail cam took!

  3. Ha ha! So fun! 🙂 I used to share my previous blog on twitter but found it to be not particularly useful. Now I only have half an eye on the stats; I’m more interested in the dialogue, frankly, or reading other blogs, than to track stats. Having said that, if someone wants to find my blog via twitter or instragram, they can, but they have to do a series of clicking links. I’m not holding a gun to anyone’s head for that. 🙂

    I loaded twitter a long time ago as a way to read something at a practice in a cold rink. I am very careful whom I follow on twitter, so a lot of authors, people who share interesting things, news outlets or literary ones…I don’t share much there (but do occasionally), and it’s more of a fun thing to go to when I’m bored. I don’t even know if I have a lot or a few followers there, I don’t care.

    And yes, there are some indecent propositions that come in occasionally. I block or spam them and never think about it again.

    1. Thank you, Claudette, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I’m thankful for you sharing your thoughts about Twitter. I don’t have a Twitter account. I decided against it after reading the book about Twitter from the founder. I can’t remember what the name of it was, but it was an interesting read. I use Instagram for fun. But…I can get sucked into checking it too often. I accidentally followed a few not so decent exposure sharing people before, I learned my lesson! YIKES! I unfollowed in a hurry!!! 😉

  4. I was sharing on FB until they blocked me from sharing. I am now unblocked but no longer feel like I want to share there.

    I red most posts I folluw from reader. It is easier to have them lol in one place.

    I don’t share my blog often anywhere. I have friends that share EVERYWHERE and I have unfollowed them in many places because it is so repetitive.

    I love all your “butt” or “but” photos and meandering thoughts.

  5. Fun stuff. I only do two social medias cuz your right – keeping up with them is time consuming. Especially when I am trying to get my book finished. Enjoyed your pictures. Critters are so much fun. Stay dry…right? Not this year.

    1. Thank you, Anita. I spend too much time too often on social media. I have to monitor my employer’s site during the week. You’re writing a book!?! Good for you. I am too, but it’s been in the works for YEARS…! Glad you enjoyed the post. Take care – stay dry – and I’ll be by to say hi to you on your blog too!

  6. I wade in and out of social media. I really don’t enjoy it that much, but someone said that I just *had* to have Facebook and Twitter. I’m still on both platforms in order to post announcements of my latest blog posts, but I don’t spend much time on either. I enjoy Instagram, because that’s pictures and pictures make me happy. I prefer antisocial media, myself…

    Then again, blogging is a form of social media, isn’t it?

    1. You’re so good at posting on more than one platform! If it works for you, keep on, right?! You’re right about Instagram and the happy factor :-)! Yep – blogging is a form of social media, so we’re hooked, right?! 😉

  7. I only follow blogs directly and am in a few “private” discussion groups on FB run by bloggers. (Is there really anything “private” on FB? I doubt it.) I do use Instagram (and hate that FB now owns them) and Twitter, but only to read and follow people I like. It’s clear that some people live to argue online, which is just exhausting. And I’m guessing bloggers can become the butt of some crazies’ attention in a non-so-good way.

    My mom is the Queen of the Butt Shots. At some point, we all realized that she was forever taking pics of us from behind and it became a thing. My favorite is a butt shot of a group of us looking up at Mt Rushmore. Yes, the mountain is there, but the butts in shorts are prominent. HAHA. Also, she took a picture of my sis and I in our lingerie bending over a mirror putting on make-up before my brother’s wedding. My sis died quite a few years back and it’s a treasured memory to me now. We are VERY CAREFUL around mom when she is wielding a camera.

    1. I admire your wise choices in social media platforms. Had I not started a blog, I’d be there right with you following suit.
      The craziness of it all is overwhelming to me at times.
      LOL – that’s awesome – your mom the famous Butt Photographer! She could sell the Mt Rushmore photos for postcards…if she needs a side gig. Aw, that’s a precious memory of you and your sister. I wonder if it had reminded your mom of you two when you were little doing something like it? 😉

  8. I have my posts set to automatically go to my Facebook business page and to Pinterest. I am on Instagram but so far have not integrated my posts to that yet. I am going to try it out though because I’m attempting to spark more interest in my Etsy site without getting all in your face “buy me.” Your “butt” shots were tasteful. No “plumbers crack” seen anywhere – LOL.

    1. Thank you for sharing how you handle social media navigation. I should find you on Instagram!!! I don’t post my posts on Instagram either, but maybe someday will try it. Thank you for the approving ‘butt’ reviews, much appreciated. 😉

  9. My main social media site is this one WP. I post a link to FB and Twitter for ever post I do, and that’s about it. There are a few people from both these that will click over to read my post.
    I love the deer and bunny photos! So cute!
    I have a question though… your hanging bird feeder is so tall…do y’all have to get a ladder to reach and refill them? We have a couple of hanging ones here, and the birds sure love it when we put new seeds in them.
    Hope you’re having a lovely Saturday! 🙂

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on social media. I wonder how you mangage 3 sites – I find it rather timeconsuming, but that’s just me! Thank you for viewing the photos.
      Ah, yes, the bird feeders – Mr. fills them, and I think he just takes them down and pours new seed in. I’ve seen him use a later before, but he’s quite a bit taller than I am, so he can reach up to pull them down. We try to keep it quite high so that the bear and deer can’t eat right out of the bird feeders. I had a lovely weekend – spent much of it away from my office. 😉

  10. I have two blogs on on WordPress and one on Blogger and was just commenting on another site that the Blogger one gets very little traffic and other Blogger users commented that they felt Blogger was nowhere as good as WordPress. I have no idea how to drive traffic to my site but I did notice the use of the words but and butt and wondered if this was an exercise in the use of key words and if so does it work?

    1. If only I knew the answers to your questions, I’d love to share the key to this blogging thing! I have an old Blogger blog – that I’m amazed some people still stumble upon to read it. Never comments, though. I think comments are something you’ll find more of in WordPress – the community is friendly.
      LOL – my repetition was simply a rambling. I don’t think too many people search for information on but/butts, but…if they do, they’ll find my post. Wouldn’t that be a pleasant, but it worked kind of deal!? LOL! Thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts!

  11. Once again, amazing photos! As a published author I have a presence on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and maybe some places I’ve forgotten. Oh yeah, then there’s my blog(s). Fortunately I can easily automate some things – I use HootSuite to schedule posts to my Twitter, LinkedIn, & FB Author page for upcoming blog posts. That helps.

    As to FB, I have friends from all over the world and have met probably 75% of them in my travels. They come from my RVing past, motorcycling past, family, old co-workers, school chums, friends from places I’ve lived, friends I’ve met at conferences/events, etc. While I love FB, I also hate it. I think it has helped create a nation of fast readers who scan and don’t absorb. Heck, I find myself doing that!

    But as I commented in your last post, I need to write, to communicate, even when the feedback is minimal.

    1. Thank you, Donna. It’s nice to hear your tips on what has worked for you as an author. It is important to reach out to as many people as possible if you want to grow your blog’s prescence.
      I agree with you on Facebook – I find that too on Instagram – I can only imagine how Twitter must seem. It’s so hard to absorb everything, let alone respond.
      You’re right – write first, communicate and share reciprocal feedback. Balancing it all while working full-time is a struggle for me.
      I appreciate your comments, thank you!

  12. I mainly share here on WordPress. I echo this blog on a facebook page but not many people read it there. Other social is for randomstuff.

    1. Thank you for sharing your tricks of the trade. I’m finding the facebook page linking of a post provides little value when it comes to feedback. It depends on the topic of the day though. Hope you have a wonderful week!

      1. I have a few people who follow my blog on Facebook. I’m not sure it would be worth it if I had to pay to have it, but all I have to do is fend off the Facebook ad offers.

  13. I used to share my WP blogs automatically to FB. Then something changed and I had to create a FB business page in order to share from WP. That worked for maybe a month before FB banned me. I still have no idea why. Quite by accident I share every WP post to my Twitter account. But then I rarely go to Twitter to check anything. There are not enough hours in the day so I had to draw a line somewhere. WP is the main platform.

    1. Dang Facebook and banning you – why…WTH?! That’s weird. I like how you describe that you can share to Twitter by accident. That’s my method too for sharing. I had no idea my blog posts were automatically going to Bloglovin’.
      I agree with you, there are only so many hours in the day – a line has to be drawn to keep sanity!

  14. This was very cute Shelley – I am behind in Reader and I want to read your Friday post with the multiple links you provided. I have only shared my post on Twitter a couple of times, and as to Facebook, I’ve sent posts that I’ve writtten about a specific Facebook friend, sent it to them hoping to get a response from them, not necessarily for them to comment on the blog post, just a sign of life at the other end of the Facebook message since it pertained to them – no response. So, whatever. I don’t share on Facebook and I can’t do Instagram as I don’t have a smartphone. Keep on wowing us with your shots, inside and outside the house and that little man Copper. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Linda. No worries about reading old links – your faithfulness of keeping up with reading current means the world to me. I’m so far behind after taking time off to hang out with my oldest who dropped by for the weekend! Hanging with her took priority for me :-)! We’ve got this week to catch up, right?! LOL!

      1. Great that you’ve now seen both girls in the last two weeks – your oldest daughter was here for Father’s Day, how nice! Well I had pre-written my weekend posts (as you know) so I was able to get lots done in the house since it was such a rainy weekend (grrr). I stayed offline a good chunk of the weekend, so I am behind too. Family first and Reader will be waiting in the wings for you/us.

        1. Yes, it was wonderful to see both of the girls. Way to have pre-written posts. I think I need to do that some days! And, congratulations on taking time to work around the house and be offline for a bit. 🙂 Hope sunshine finds it way to you soon!

          1. Yes it was nice and I it was really needed … but I have more and we have another yucky weekend on tap (yucky was the best way to describe it – Saturday afternoon and Sunday will be stormy and gusty). Tonight I want to write a post … I have five separate groups of photos to make into posts and had to try to catch up in Reader Sunday night and last night, so tonight I’ll write something.

          2. You deserve to take time out to care for yourself! Ugh…when will you have nice weather on the weekend? We’re supposed to have rain too. Sigh. Hope your writing went well!

          3. They say “unsettled” this weekend … they are calling for a gusty storm Saturday night and rain into Sunday to mid-day. We have a similar forecast for tonight and all day Thursday. I really need to get out and prune bushes as I have a small house and they all look a little wild right now and need their new growth taken off. That will be an all-day venture for Saturday. I’d wait until the 4th of July and the extra time off, but I just don’t trust the weather. I’ll try to pre-write something if I can, or just try to catch up on Sunday.

          4. I’d say this weather is for the birds, but I don’t know that they even enjoy it!?! I hope you get to the projects you’re hoping to accomplish!

          5. I think the birds only enjoy it if it produces puddles for them to splash around in. I saw a dove splashing around in my gutters – told the handyman about it, but I have delayed contacting him as he is going to power wash the house with a mildew remover, a two-part job and I didn’t want him coming while we had all the rain. So, I should have contacted him before last night – I have to wait behind his outside jobs and remodeling jobs … it could be forever and hope it does not make problems in the gutters – my belief was like always, wait til the maple seeds drop, and the elm seeds, but they were late this year and I would have assumed all the rain was flushing out the gutters. I hope the weather is good too but it will reduce my “play time” unfortunately since Sunday will be a washout and I find the older I get, the more I am miffed at Mother Nature or inside/outside work that takes away from my own time. It was not so bad last weekend as it was raining most of the weekend, but Saturday will be nice. I have to get outside as it looks unkempt etc. I bought a new wreath for Memorial Day … my house is done in country and colonial blue siding. The wreath has a homespun look with those red berries … winter berries I think they are called, on a rustic dark brown twiggy wreath with a large navy/cream gingham puffy bow, and my description of the wreath makes it sound a little gawdy, but it is not in the least. I think some of the tiny berries are painted navy and white – again, not gawdy, but home spun looking.
            Well I can’t put that wreath up with the front looking raggedy and I thought surely I can feel confident that I can put it up after June when the front yard is cleaned up. June is over in 10 days and still the house looks raggedy. I am not sure I can use the pole cutter due to my arm – hopefully, I can for the tall bushes at the side, otherwise, I’ll let them go. The problem is my house is small and the bushes must be trimmed of new growth, along with the weeping Japanese Maple which sits in the middle and is hanging to the ground right now, and all the barberries and eunonymous around the pole light or it looks raggedy and unkempt looking … I used to do that on Memorial Day but it rained that weekend and has rained every weekend but the two 5Ks weekend and I hate going outside and getting all dirty and sweaty for a few hours after work, plus I get more behind here in WP. I am still struggling to keep up on WP after taking the weekend off and It has become a Catch-22 all the way around. I would wait til the 4th and that 4-day holiday but I can’t trust the weather. The weather BTW … rainy and stormy all day today. Not right now, but rain is imminent so not going to venture out – will try to write a post.

  15. You touch on a point that I have often thought about. As my blog grew, I tried to keep up with my original followers/friends, but they slowly fell by the wayside. For me it has reached a point where I have to blog by reciprocity/loyalty. Those that follow me are followed by me.

    Lovely post as always. No ifs, ands, or butts.

    1. I’m glad you shared your thoughts, Drew. I remember when I first started following you – I wondered, “How in the world does he keep up with all those comments?”!
      I guess followers and bloggers alike only have so much time to devote to the efforts, so something has to give. I’m thankful for your giving spirit – your comments always make me smile. 🙂

  16. My 3 social media from oldest to most recent, are Goodreads, Facebook, & WordPress. I have never had any others. I seriously doubt I’ll ever get twitter, snapchat, or instagram. I almost always post my book thoughts & reviews on both Goodreads & WordPress. I only occasionally post the same thing on Facebook that I do on WordPress. One of things that most disturbs me about this absurd world we find ourselves in is how frequently I am exposed to tweets even though I’m not on twitter and the extent to which tweets drive public opinion and, increasingly governmental policy.

    1. You’re so good about your Good Reads account and your blog. I’ve only done a few reviews. I know the authors appreciate them. I’m avoiding Twitter for as long as possible. I’m too wordy anyhow ;-)!
      I agree this social media world we’ve propagated and grown is absurd – it’s hard to tell what is real or fake news. Unfortunately the fake stuff gets shared faster than the real stuff.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Denny – you always make me think more!

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