Another successful week packed with new memories and some unpacked old memories too. All of them written on my heart’s new chapter in life now that brain-fog doesn’t get me on a daily basis.
For 7 years I cared for my mom who had dementia. But you know what, I don’t have to remind you of that (if you’ve been following my blog that is).
Dementia is nasty. All month I’ve been wondering more and more about how much of it could be prevented by lifestyle eating changes. I even wrote an article for our local Senior newspaper and it’ll be published in March.
Reminders of mom hit me out of the blue. Often. Blueberries were one of her favorite healthy food choices.
And I wish every person who is heading into or experiencing their senior years of life that are feeling not so great, with brain fog more often than not, that they start researching if their diet could be the cause as well as the prevention of the onset of dementia.
(Disclaimer – google it yourself to see all the research, this guy’s video is obviously about selling his meter, but it’s a good explanation of how what we eat affects how our brain processes it and makes me wonder why we’re spending so much $ and energy on dealing with the disease instead of spending more on prevention. Don’t get me started on how that question is shushed when it comes to family practitioners who have to follow the recommendations that dementia doesn’t fit in the prevention model so they can’t screen for it, just treat it when it appears. UGH!)
My work world consists of helping people who have dementia. It hits home when we admit someone whose birthday is in the same as the year my mom was born. It really hits home when someone is admitted that their birth year is the same as mine. Yeah … 55-year-olds with dementia.
I’m thankful for those reminders.
I had one special day recently, a reminder of all my 7 years of dedication to work was recognized. The year after mom died, I started my current job. The flowers sent to me were a nice bright sight to see, especially compared to all the white snow versus green grass I see when I look out the windows.
So, here I am reminiscing. Just Lil ol’ me standing here, at my standing desk in front of the computer, rambling away on the keys for Stream of Consciousness Saturday.
I scrolled through my photos this week to see if there’s anything interesting to share besides food shots? Each night, our little buddy bunny in the yard hops out to take a peek at the snow-packed winter world. I bet he’s anxious for green grass too.

As we were eating dinner last night, which by the way, is the BEST beef stew I’ve ever eaten. Mr. did tweak the recipe a bit and cooked it in the Instant Pot instead of the dutch oven. Damn – It’s the BEST tasting stew. And the biscuit. Way better than Red Lobster! It doesn’t matter that this version has more calories than the original version, but the original has 16 g of carbs versus net 3 g carbs (see link to recipe in the photo comments below, nutritional info at the bottom of recipe). We’re counting carbs, not calories. Seriously – and surprisingly delightful is how the radishes in the stew taste and look like potatoes without all the crazy carbs. Each one inch sized radish only has .1 g net carbs compared to a potato with 26 g of carbs. It was our first time using Grassfed beef roast too. There is definitely a world of difference in that versus grain-fed.
Anyhoo … it was a comfort food meal that we’ll definitely eat again.

As I ate, lots of reminders of our now and our future of sticking to a new way of eating flashed through my brain. Hopefully, we’re on the greener side away from chronic diseases, especially dementia. Mr.’s BP is going down too. Hopefully, he can get off the medications that also contribute to dementia with long-term use.
I’m thinking of the conversations Mr. and I have had since we started our new diet. Which we’re not even sure what it is – part Keto, part Paleo, part – “Oooo that looks good, let’s try that recipe.”
I’m remembering our conversation the first week before we started where Mr. said, “We won’t be able to have butter-toasted buns for our burgers. Or pasta. Or rice as sides. Are you okay with that?”

Or the local favorite pizza from Jim Bob’s?

Or beer – which I don’t miss at all!
We are okay without it all, we found out it is doable. And enjoyable!
This Keto version of pizza is just as mouth-watering for me and I can eat 1/2 of it in one sitting without feeling miserable.
Our new version of a burger is way more fun to eat and it fills us up but doesn’t make us feel miserable afterward. (Our new go-to fun recipe location and to follow on Instagram is Bobby from Flavcity. I like that he’s from the Midwest out of Chicago area so at least the recommendations of what he finds at Walmart are easy for us to find as well.)

Sorry to bore you with all this diet talk, but dagnabit, we’re still feeling great about our food choices. I love not worrying about calorie counting. It isn’t a limiting diet. It’s an adventure in fun.
And we don’t have to worry about being pulled over by any carb cops either.

And then I thought of summer – when Copper and I were on a mission to get photos of a bunny who lost his family.
When buddy bunny was little, he lived in the drain spout.
Last night as I was taking pictures of him again, I said to Mr., “Are you thinking what I’m thinking about that little guy out there?”
Mr.: “Yep, the ears look the same.”
Me: “Yep! He’s our little guy, I just know it? I recognize that face.”
Somehow he’s survived. Trust your instincts when it comes to life’s journey. The survival of the fittest is in your hands and what you put in your mouth.
For rabbits, even brown grass seems like grass-fed food is the better choice?
If you’re feeling crappy – munch on what nature provides you versus prepackaged carb-age. You’ll know you’re on the greener side of things when you leave the crap behind you and you feel great!
(Disclaimer – I’m no expert, just a person experimenting and experiencing a better way of feeling – I have no connections to the websites I listed in this post. I recommend that you do your own research!).
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Pack or Unpack
PS – Okay … do you see the resemblance of the face of the bunny? I think it is the same one. What fun do you have planned for the weekend? Have you ever eaten cloud bread?
We try to figure out whether the current bunny is a previous bunny. It’s hard, but sometimes their behavior is the key. When we have a bunny that doesn’t worry about Maddie, we know it’s been here before, or it read the brochure.
LOL the brochure!!! That’s what we’ve been trying to notice the behavior too. This one just seems to act like the little one. He’s very smart for an orphan if indeed it is the same one. I think it’s a ‘he’ too since we haven’t seen an increase in the population.
Thanks for the links. I’m going to try the biscuits. The stew does look great.
You’re welcome! Let me know what you think of them, the biscuits are so yummy too!
Smart bunny to have survived so long .. beef stew not from a can … what an interesting concept. Great post. g
Yes, that bunny seems to be quite the clever chap. He stays in the safety of the fenced in area, unlike the others who end up meeting a fox or an eagle while they roam in the rest of the yard.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, g, it’s always a joy to hear from you!!
I have a hunch you’d really enjoy this stew
I’ve never tried cloud bread, maybe I should make it. As for the bunny, I think definitely the same one. Hope the snow melts soon for him (or her). Your flowers remind me I meant to send some to a friend of mine, yours look perfect, so I’ll get going on that too.
The cloud bread and a 90 second keto bread recipe have turned out to be favorites of ours. Let me know if you like it after you try it!
I think the bunny will have to wait on more grass – we’re expecting up snow tomorrow.
Your friend will be excited by the flowers, I’m glad the post triggered that idea for you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
And – thank you for sharing your post about trucker safety, a topic near and dear to my heart! xx
I think the bunny is the same one – so cute.
I haven’t heard of cloud egg bread, but after looking at the recipe it is almost the same as we make for what we call a fluffy omelet. Instead of cream cheese we use grated cheddar, and we cook it on a hot skillet instead of the oven. Never thought of using it as bread, but sounds good that way.
Thanks Barbara! The bunny is darn cute – I always think he’s looking up at me when he sits there.
I haven’t had a fluffy omelet, but that does sound good too. We also made a pizza crust (not the one pictured) out of eggs and cream cheese – that was delicious.
Let me know if you try it as bread and if you like it or not. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Yes, fresh is best. Just ask your littlle bunny friend. I know what you mean about memories of your mother just popping up out of nowhere. For me it’s chili. She loved it and I can’t make a pot of it without thinking of her with a smile.
Apparently, dormant grass is good too.
Chili gets me too – do you put noodles in yours? My mom always did and I just thought that was normal? It’s fun to see what things trigger memories. I always think she’d be happy to know I thought of her. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
No noodles, but often served with cornbread.
Yes, cornbread is yummy with chili, that’s for sure!
I love the rabbits that come in our garden they live in the woods at the back of the house, we taught the dogs (when we still had them) not to chase the rabbits. I’m from the town and I tend to look at the rabbits as delightfully decorative whereas a lot of people in the countryside tend to look upon them as dinner!
I like seeing the bunnies when they’re little and not eating my plants. This little guy has impressed me being able to survive all the predators and how he’s living on dormant grass. How did you teach the dogs not to chase them? My little dog loves to chase them. Yes, there are people who like the taste of rabbit meat.
My wife did it, the dogs were obedient from being puppies!
She’s a dog whisperer!
Perhaps that’s why I’m so obedient!
LOL – and wise to do so!!
Those bunnies are adorable. Good for you to tell one from another. A survivalist
Interesting video and recipes. The cloud bread does sound just like a fluffy omelet. I’m sure it is as good as it looks. Such great photos of your diet journey!
Bunnies are cute when they’re little. If it is the same one, he’s definitely a survivalist.
I should (Mr. should) try making a fluffy omelet. We do like omelets. The cloud bread is fun to eat.
Thank you for the photo compliments – food has been our focus for a few weeks ;-).
You’re most welcome
That bunny sure is adorable – I think he is the same bunny too. He is so puffed up trying to stay warm – he would like you to extend an invitation to come inside or at the tea house. I have never heard of cloud bread – that is news to me and I love bread.
I thought you’d like the bunny. It’s impressive how he stays warm. He lives under the deck and the tea house.
Cloud bread is dreamy ;-)!
I did Shelley. I like bunnies and get shots of them in the Park mostly, but only in Spring or Summer when they are munching the grass. I don’t see them in the yard too much, however I saw their tracks in the fresh snow yesterday.