
Boo Hiss, Deer, Winter’s On Its Way

I don’t want to scare you, but in case you didn’t notice it, winter is on its blustery way. At least, in Wisconsin, where I live it is. I can feel it in the air.

Boo Hoo? Some days, the thought of winter coming just makes me want to cry. And then we get a glimpse of a nice warm fall day. Like yesterday. And it lifts my spirits.

Boo Who is that witchy-haired lady and what is she up to you ask? No good, right? After all, it was the day before Halloween? Why wouldn’t I be up to no good?

Nah, I was too busy to get into trouble. I was on a goblin hunt instead.

There was a goblin that visited the yard and worked some beheading magic on the expired flowers. Before I got a chance to gather all of the seeds. How dare the rascal?

This time it wasn’t a rabbit, but a deer.

A single hoofed deer dabbled here.

Boo-hiss! I wonder if a hunter will take care of the scoundrel?

At least not all of my Zinnia seeds were eaten. I was able to harvest some so that I can plant more flowers next year. So the deer can eat them again. Seems like a vicious cycle? Sigh.

I didn’t stop there. Through spiritual powers in the sky, we were blessed with a beautiful fall day. I accomplished quite a bit. My list included things that Mr. got done too. He got the birdbaths and hummingbird feeders put away. And the garden hose stored away in the tea house. Of course, I did my share of yard work.

It’s amazing what a warm sunny day can do for the spirits. It may seem cold in the house set at 68 degrees. Yet, yesterday, it was only 58 degrees outside. Seemed plenty warm enough for me to take a break in short sleeves to get an extra dose of Vitamin D. You bet I donned my flip-flops for one more day before the snow flies too.

I sure am going to miss sitting outside on the deck. Last year on October 20th, we received 6 inches of snow. Boo-hiss, I don’t want snow, not just yet.

Can you tell what I accomplished before drinking the glass of wine? Take a peek at the before and after photos below. If Mr. and I were hunters, we’d be set. It’s tradition here in WI to wash all of your hunting clothes and hang them out on the line so you don’t smell like a human when you’re out in the woods hunting deer.

Our winter coats are washed and dried. They’re all fresh-air smelling and ready to keep us warm this winter. Boo-hoo, sigh. We’re making peace with the fact we won’t have to shovel doggie paths in the snow in our backyard.

While our clothes were drying, I felt inspired to take care of the dried-up flowers. That accomplishment will give my garden planting event an early start next spring.

I worked like a madwoman. My hair blowing in the wind. It’s quite therapeutic to harvest morning glory seeds. There were a LOT of seeds to capture and plenty that fell to the ground to sprout again in the spring.

Such a beautiful flower looks so creepy when it dries up?!

And I even saw a pair of goblin eyes!


Do you see them too?!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “boo.” Find a word with the letters “boo” in it or use “boo” as is and base your post on it. Enjoy!

PS – I hope you’re having a great weekend. Smile at all the little goblins who visit your door tonight. What’s new with you?

25 thoughts on “Boo Hiss, Deer, Winter’s On Its Way

  1. Great photos, Shelley! You’ve been a very busy bee this weekend. Are you guys going deer hunting? That starts November 14th in Michigan.

    1. Thanks, John. Yes, we’ve been busy. Yesterday was beautiful – today is so darn windy. Bow hunting has been going on for weeks, I’m guessing 11/14 is our opening weekend too. My dad and my brother go hunting. I haven’t done so since I was in Junior High School. We’re always thankful for any venison they get. You’re going home to Michigan before Christmas, are you going hunting when you get there?

  2. I usually go to Alabama for the worst of the winter. I’ve taken Katie the last few years. Didn’t take her this past February, I can’t remember why not. Now she goes to the vet every 4 weeks and I don’t think she’d happily make the two day drive. So odds are I’m here for the winter. I don’t want to wish her life away. She loves snow. I’ll try to learn to love it too.

    1. Aw, you’re in the challenging stages. I’m sure she’ll appreciate you learning to love the snow too. You’re such a loving dog-mom. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Ally, I always appreciate your comments and feedback. Yes, if only our winter wishes will come true. Late December would be fine with me. We did have a few white ball-like flurries on Monday. Thankfully it was just a blustery tease and melt kind of deal. The ground is still greenish brown.

  3. What a productive way to spend an unexpected warm day heading into…gulp…winter. As always, I enjoy your photos. Fun use of the slideshow!

    1. Yes, it felt good to get the last bit of yard work done. The (my) subtle suggestion to get the holiday lights hung didn’t take hold though. We’re counting on another warm day.
      I must confess, I’ve never shot a deer either. I went through Hunter Safety, my dad bought me my own gun, and when it came down to getting out in the woods, the thoughts of shooting Bambi won. It was a win-win, my dad wanted another new gun, so he got that, and I didn’t have to go hunting. I do like venison though, it kept us fed during the rough financial years for our family.

  4. Those pesky deer – after we wrote about the deer on my post, I came here and you wrote about your deer and the damage. I know it would be frustrating as I dealt with bunnies for a long time – they don’t bother the roses so they are pretty smart. Snow around the corner does not excite me either – not in the least and if I had a magic wand, I’d make it go away for both of us..

    1. Having wildlife in the yard has its ups and downs. If nothing else, it gives us some blog topics to chat about with each other!
      I think the weather folks would like that magic wand too!

      1. Yes it does and you could have knocked me over with a feather when I walked in the backyard to find a possum staring at me – it was like “who are you?” coming out of both of our mouths.

  5. When I saw Morning Glory I recoiled with horror. It is a terrible weed here, smothering everything and crawling to the tops of big eucalypts. Good to get a good bit of food in for the deer…..I mean seed saving for next years wonderful garden. Perhaps you need some No Deer signs 🙂

    1. LOL – aw, sorry to spark some horror. My garden is truly full of weeds. They require less maintenance on my part and can’t overtake anything with the wildlife who enjoy munching on them. I try to contribute by harvesting the seeds from plants that survive year to year.
      Hmm…they do read well, they always run through the areas that say “Deer Crossing”.

        1. They are annuals in our climate, we have to plant seeds again each year. But, if not controlled, they can be very weed-like.

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