Adventures · Inspiration

Blogging advice from My 700th post

In retrospect, I now know that there is this really long time in a blogging adventure called the growing time.  It’s not the wild success at the end, I haven’t a clue about that.

I’m talking about being able to look back and see how blogging is about growing into something beautiful.

Whatever that may be for YOU!

First, you have to learn to grow into the idea of having a blog itself.  It’s easy to stay all closed up and not ready for the adventure.

Perfection takes time.  Don’t wait too long, it’ll prevent you from starting.


Learn by actually doing it.  Open up your heart and soul and let the ideas begin to pop.

Take those precious moments right in front of you.  When you’re ready to pop open and share your thoughts with the world, it’s a perfect time.

Then have a party – you’re not alone in it, join in on the fun.


Learn how to crank out thoughts, don’t stop any one of them, you’ll fine tune ’em later.  Let them populate your posts, have fun.

Change your focus for a day or two to see if you like that take on things better.


Think back to fondly to ol’ faithful thoughts – the ones that bring back tender memories before they fade away.

Don’t worry too much about the day when you want to start all over.  Don’t give up, that’s a new idea, a new surprise waiting to open up when you’re ready for it.


Take a chance to go all abstract and play with the depths of field in your visions for your blog.

Don’t let nasty thoughts of giving up bug you too much.  They’ll happen.


Don’t let them hang around too long, though.  But pay attention to them.


Let them be there to give you new ideas, or just let them blend in with the rest of your accomplishments.  They can even be a tiny focal point if you let them just be.

Remember to talk a walk in someone else’s yard (aka, check out other blogger’s blog for inspiration).

There might be something that leads you to a great relationship.


Embrace the whitespaces of each day.


Fill it with tiny details that only you know how to tell.

Even white spaces can change you into something different.


Foster those delicate ideas.


Then toss in some bright and colorful thoughts.  Don’t be afraid to be vivid.


Or slightly timid.


Don’t be blue when your idea isn’t met with wild success.


No matter how blue you feel, blue isn’t pretty on you when you’re feeling down.


Mix colorful thoughts together, and see what you get.  You might just be surprised by the tiny details you find buried deep inside of you as you open up and let them free to explore the world.



Don’t stop there, keep going.  There’s more to discover about you and your desires to create a post you’ll love.

Keep reaching.


You’ll come full circle.


And you’ll find you had what it takes inside you the whole time.  It’s all about the growing process – embrace it!


Post Inspiration – Patti for Lens-Artist#54 Details and Becky B #JulySquares and #Blue

PS – Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate you reading this post.  How about the spider shots today!?!  The tiger lilies and daisies are in my garden, but the other flowers I give special thanks to my mother-in-law’s gardening talents.  She’s got a green thumb, every flower bed she has is simply beautiful and rich in details.  She didn’t know that I took a walk in her garden this morning.  Aren’t her flowers gorgeous?  





43 thoughts on “Blogging advice from My 700th post

  1. “First, you have to learn to grow into the idea of having a blog itself.” I love that phrase – so true – it took me over a year just to do that. Your post was full of wisdom and great visuals. What kind of flower is that pretty blue one? I’m working on a post on The Blue Garden, if I ever get it done, sunny weather beckons too much. PS. I just posted my 100th after two years, once a week, and can’t imagine reaching 700.

    1. Thank you, Joni, glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, the first step is to convince yourself to do it. :-). I’ll have to ask my MIL what it is called. It’s such a pretty blue. I like to head out to the garden early, just as the sun is rising. Great photography time of the day. Congrats on writing 100 posts!!! Keep writing, keep growing, and keep having fun! I look forward to seeing your Blue Garden post.

  2. Shelley, happy Sunday.

    This is one of your most beautiful posts. Beyond all of the gorgeous images, there were you inspiring words.
    The garden that is blogging never looked so beautiful.

    On a side note; I wanted to give you a heads up, you and your beautiful blog will be mentoned in my Thursday post. It will be about my love for women’s shoes (a recent conversation between us). It will be comments closed, but I wanted to let you know in advance.

    Have a beautiful and serene Sunday, your post made my day so much brighter.

    1. Aw, Drew, thank you – your kinds words of encouragement warm my heart!
      Oh, my, thank you for sharing your blogosphere space with me, I’m delighted and honored. I can’t wait to read more about your love for women’s shoes!!
      Hope your Sunday stays bright and beautiful – Thanks again, Drew, your kindness means so much to me!

        1. LOL – dang WordPress pingback issues. You’re not alone in the struggle! Ditto to you – enjoy your day 🙂

          1. I should wait to see what you write before I reveal the post I have to write about the not-so-pretty shoes that did arrive afterall… 😉 I don’t think even you would like them! LOL!!

  3. It is so nice to see your flower posts, Shelley. Our flowers have all passed in the heat of summer save a few stragglers here and there. I love your cleverly stated blogging tips. I wish you continued success in your blogging ventures.

    1. Thank you, Maggie, I appreciate your encouragement. Isn’t it crazy how quickly the beautiful buds/blooms disappear when it seemed like forever for them to form?! I do like how the bright flowers cause me to pause and notice them while they last.
      Happy blogging to you, too – I wish you wild success!

    1. Thank you, Alice! I appreciate you taking a peek at the summer scene – yes, way different from what it looks like buried under several feet of snow! 😉

  4. Your advice is so beautifully told through your lovely flower photos, very refreshing, yet encouraging! I agree, it is all about the growing process.
    Congratulations to your 700 milestone, Shelley!

  5. Not sure which are yours and which are hers but they are all gorgeous! I love how you’ve woven them into blogging encouragement!

    1. Thank you, Tina. The majority of the flowers featured were hers, but I’d love to take credit for them, as they are gorgeous. Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate your encouragement 🙂

  6. Congratulations on your 700th post, Shelley. That’s an incredible accomplishment.
    I love the shots of the flowers in your garden, and in your MIL’s! Absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Donna. It’s hard to believe it is 700 already. I appreciate your feedback on the flower photos – flowers are such fun to photograph 🙂

  7. what a beautiful beautiful post, and those blue squares are stunning. Thank you for including me in such an inspiring and encouraging post

    1. Thank you, Becky, it was my pleasure to include you. Glad you enjoyed the blue squares – I love that plant and color blue, it is just so nice and inviting, just like you!

    1. Aw, thank you for your kind nomination! You brightened my morning! The awards are a fun way for new bloggers to get out and meet other bloggers. I’ve been around for longer than I should admit to and have chosen to be an award free blog. Mostly just for the time commitment involved – as a part-time blogger, it’s truly hard to find enough time just to keep up with my own efforts. From the bottom of my heart – I truly appreciate hearing that my support of your blog made a difference in your blogging efforts. Please reach out and share the nomination you offered me to another blogger who deserves a chance to reach out and meet more bloggers! Hugs to you – and I wish you wild successes as you continue on this journey of blogging! Happy Blogging to you!! xx

  8. Great for reaching 700 posts – congrats to you. Also congrats on all the beautiful garden, full of color, and especially your wit in pairing up the narrative to each of those blooms.

    1. Aw, thank you! I’m so happy when you stop by to say hi, it reminds me that I need to check in and see how you’re doing and how that little bundle of joy is doing too! Thank you for checking in!! xx

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