I thought about blog maintenance this morning when I sat down to write to you. I glanced at the menu bar for my blog and saw the nagging little notices that I needed to update some things. I call them things, because, their technical terms elude me.
I freeze when it comes to those things because I want my blogging experience not to be frustrating. Trust me when I tell you I’ve had my share of messes to clean up. I let the nagging blogging notices weeds grow until I HAVE to do something about the things that make things messy.

When I mess with blog things, mostly things happen, or at least they seem to occur without my skills or knowledge as to why they happen. I love it when they magically resolve on their own.
So what did I do? Well, I attempted to update just one tiny section on my blog. Just one. And odd things happened.

I tried to do everything perfectly.

It was a simple message to update my contact form. I tried that, and, um…nothing changed. So, I guess I’m golden with that. Even though the error message still shows.
Then, feeling all inspired to keep going, I moved on to the Widget section for my sidebar. That’s where things can at least be simple, or so I mostly thought.

I remembered that I’ve wanted to update the Goodreads section on my blog for a long time. I made at least 20 attempts to get the Widget to show what I’m currently reading. The mystery of whatever happens to those things in the background was at least close, but mostly out of reach. Could’ve been a cookie setting, who knows? Not me.

All it kept doing, after deleting said Widget, deleting the book from my Goodreads account altogether, adding the book back into a different status in my Goodreads account, etc., EVERY time I changed the status to Currently Reading on the Widget the damn book kept reappearing in the Widget as if it had become the logo for that Widget. (stream of consciousness run-on sentence )

I ended up setting the Widget to Read status for the time being. At least, with all the effort that setting appears to mostly work.

Plus it shows that I have been busy reading, so I get a gold badge for me, right?

And for those of you who know Dan from No Facilities, you can see in my sidebar that I read all three of his books. I hear his fourth book is coming out this month. I look forward to reading it!
After the frustration I felt trying to get the Widget to work, I felt a bit like a pot of mostly done-for-the-season marigolds, because if the photo fits. . .

I thought about how much I’ve outgrown getting overly frustrated since I started blogging.

Now, when I’m frustrated, I remind myself to focus on the blogging friends I’ve met, whom I adore.

One of those blogging buddies is Donna from Windkisses. She’s the Lens-Artist host for this week’s challenge of Time. A long time ago, when I was a newbie here on WordPress, Donna sent an email telling me she enjoyed my blog but couldn’t comment on it and I might want to check my settings. So, I did. After first discovering that was one of those hidden things (aka, settings) I had no clue about. I’m forever grateful for her kindness in reaching out to me to share a tip so I could grow my little ol’ blogging experience.

I was shy with what I shared at first, but then I’ve learned to welcome you to our home through our front door.

I’ve invited you to my gardens, no matter how messy I, and they’ve become, you’ve been there to cheer me and them on.

Ever since that tip from Donna took hold, I’ve welcomed and encouraged every one of you to share your shining comments that always brighten my day. Hint, hint, wink, wink.

I enjoy your unique perspectives, because, we all have thoughts that matter, even ones that bug us from time to time, they’re safe to share space here.

I’ve welcomed you into our gold star kitchen, thanks to Mr. who takes my ideas for dinner seriously. At least as seriously as I take squatting in my favorite photographer’s pose to get a photo. Like the feature photo – had I not been squatting in the yard, I wouldn’t have noticed the Hornworm on the spirea bush.
On a side note, I’ve squatted my way into a healthy pose that we ALL should be doing as we age. Who knew?
Anyhoo, I do that pose when I take photos in the garden, when I weed the garden, when I’m playing with our cats in the house, or anytime I play with my camera.
Here’s me doing said pose as the golden chicken nuggets baked in our oven.

Dang, folks, I gotta tell ya, they were delicious. The golden crispy mozzarella cheese that oozed out was delightful too.

We ate the whole pan in one sitting!

Okay, one more view…they were that goooooood! And easy to make. Let me know if you want the recipe!

As I reflect on the golden moments of blogging over the years, I think my favorite time of the year for photography is summer. Or, maybe early Fall. That’s when I started blogging about my going gray journey. Wow…how time flies. My 7-year going-gray-anniversary is September 12th. Back when spreading your gray hair wings wasn’t an in-thing.

While I’m dreading another long winter to come here in WI, at least there are a few more months to go before the snow flies. Before that happens, I’ll put on my thinking cap to find things to write about to keep us entertained.
I hope the golden tan I nurtured this summer hangs around to remind me of flip-flops, tank tops, and shorts weather. Ah…summertime, I loved the time spent with you even if your drought & heat fried the soybeans this year.
One last thing to end my ramblings for the day. I’ve grown into being able to share a selfie of me, just me and my camera, no make-up, no frills, just me and my wild curly gray hair! Smiling yet again all the way to the end of a blog post to share!

Thank you, all of you, for the smiles you bring to our shared blogging experience!
Post Inspiration: Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “mostly/at least.” Use one, use ’em both, use ’em any way you’d like. Bonus points if they both appear in your post. Enjoy! Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills Sept 10 Monthly Color Challenge: ORANGE and/or GOLD (any shade); and Donna from Windkisses for Lens-Artists #266 – Time.
PS – Your turn, tell us a tale of how you learned a blogging trick. Or a tale of how your blogging buddy turned into a great friend. Or how you’ve grown in your blogging journey. For those techy friends, what do you think of a Widget that doesn’t work properly? For those football fans, are you watching any games today? Let us all remember how we came together in unity on 9/11.
I have always enjoyed your blog for how many years now, Shelley and I look forward to your Sunday posts! The photos today are lovely, and nice job weeding. I sense that you are self-hosted which I’ve done before.
It can be intimidating when you look at all of the many settings available to you. My trick was to be in the Admin area frequently to keep a sharp eye on any changes or needed updates.
I’ve had the Business plan for three years now I think but it’s worth the ridiculous price that WP charges. You look great in the last photo! Now, go update your blog!
Hi John! Yes, we’ve been loyal followers of each other’s blogs – I’ve lost count of the number of years too. I’m glad our paths crossed here and at your blog and Instagram. It’s nice to have a connection to Vegas and someone that gets our weather here in WI at the same time!

Yes, my blog is hosted on Bluehost and through Marketplace where I have Jetpack and WP Admin access. I used to have a paid Theme, but went with a free WP one and that’s been “easier” to use. I only pay Bluehost so there must be something about my plan that makes WP work. I was considering upgrading, but not sure if I really need to. One of these days I’ll try to learn more about what I’ve got set wrong.
You’re definitely more techy than I am when it comes to the blog navigation. And cameras too!
Thank you for the encouragement, as always your thoughts are much appreciated. Once the snow flies I’ll have a bit more inside time to update the blog
I have no idea how many years. One day we should meet and shake hands! I remember when you had a different theme, the current theme is simpler. Happy Monday!
Me either, all I know is you made it on my spreadsheet list that I keep track of blogs I enjoy following. Yes, some day we need to meet and shake hands!
This theme is simpler and free – the best combination.
I hope you’re having a great week!
All is well down here! My theme is free too, I can’t find a new one that works for my kind of. Log.
Yay! Terri mentioned a couple of free ones in her comments, I might check them out. I’m glad the one I chose is still currently working. I might not be brave enough to switch (yet).
It’s not scary. I’d help you if I could!
I’m saving it for a snowy afternoon project – be on the look out for me asking for help!!
I’ll help if I can.
Thank you, I appreciate your help!!
You are welcome.
Hi Shelley! Oh my goodness, do I ever understand how you feel about the technical side of blogging! I pretty much find something new to mess up every time I post! And if I get something figured out and write down the steps to remember for next time – they go and change things!
I would love the recipe for your chicken nuggets! They look amazing!
Hi Michelle! That’s great you keep experimenting on your blog and that you keep notes. I forget to take notes and then have to go through the whole thing again to figure out what worked.
). If that isn’t set properly, it requires the reader to google search for your blog and hope they find it. That’s what I have to do to read your posts. Which, by the way, your 9/5 post about your adorable doll kitchen is OMG so cute!!! I’m putting a link here to the post so other’s can see it. You did a great job on it. https://www.mgdoodlestudio.com/2023/09/05/i-decorated-my-dollhouse-kitchen/
One thing I discovered a long time ago is that the Gravatar is important to have working properly. There is a setting that connects to your blog when you make a comment on someone else’s blog. The reader can then click on your name in your comment and go directly to your blog. (There’s me not being able to explain it in technical terms
And the chicken nuggets recipe: Chicken Nuggets
Chicken, LowCarb/Keto
1 lb ground chicken
1 cup pork panko
1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
garlic powder, to taste
salt, to taste
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Add all ingredients to a large bowl and mix well.
Portion into small balls and flatten into “nuggets”.
Place on a parchment/Silpat lined baking sheet.
Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve plain, or with a sauce of your choice.
A good sauce is G Hughes sugar-free Orange-Ginger marinade. The credit due for where we got the recipe is Neisha where she made the nuggets on this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EM33k4xOnJE&t=884s
Your ramble encompassed a bunch of paths. I enjoyed going along them with you. And I like your selfie!
Hi Neal, thank you! I’m glad you strolled along too. I enjoyed your post about your wife’s birthday celebration – so much fun packed into a nice long weekend

Blogs can be so frustrating, Shelley. I’ve been having some weird errors and the Happiness Engineers are suggesting a new theme. The last time I did that, I was fighting an uphill battle for two days. I did notice your Goodreads panel – thanks for getting that up while my books are in it, and thank you so much for your support.
Your photos are really gorgeous. The food photos are borderline unfair. Great photos, but they are making me hungry, especially the one you’re about to bite into. I love the side view of the Black-eyed Susans and the close up of the bee.
Good luck with any future changes.
Hi Dan! I’ve not had much luck reaching the Happiness Engineers so I try no to mess with things. I think I remember that when you had struggles for days in a row. You, at least, know what to say to get help. I’m not so good at that!

You’re welcome, I’m happy to help share the word about your books. I hope book 4 releases as planned.
I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. I think you’d enjoy the chicken nuggets. I’m hungry for them again too.
Thank you for your support all these years, I’m glad our paths crossed!!
‘Secrets Held Against Evil’ should make it out the Amazon door within the next 7 days.
I know that feeling of posting food photos and then having to look at them after the food is gone – I want that!
Okay, congrats, I’ll look for it on Amazon then!!
It made us so hungry for them Mr. is going to make them again this week!
Thanks Shelley. I’m glad he’s going to make them again, They looked so good.
He did last night for dinner, and they were good again!
All this gold and orange goodness in your post is a feast for the eyes, Shelley. My favorite image is the one of the black-eyed Susans against the fence–fabulous!
Speaking of blog maintenance, I found a new theme that has a right sidebar and widgets. (My theme is Apostrophe 2) and I’ve heard good things about Tenaz and Hever. Are you self-hosted? I gave up on Goodreads in my sidebar. It does take a couple of hours for Goodreads to recognize it and sync with your WP account.
BTW, I try to get my squats in everyday–your pic shows how they are done correctly. My knees hate it but it’s good for ya! Thanks for hopping in this week. Yes another break next weekend but being on the road messes with my concentration on the blog. Have a good two weeks!
Thank you, Terri – I appreciate your words of encouragement. The black-eyed Susans against the fence is one of those photos taken by getting into the squat pose
Yes, I’m self-hosted. I’m taking down notes to check out those themes. Interesting about your take on the Goodreads Widget. It was weird how one setting synced right away, but the other one wouldn’t. Ugh.
Yay for getting in your squats. I’m hoping by doing them daily it will keep my knees working.
I hope your busy 2 weeks go well – and that you help some hoarded items to new locations while you’re helping them set up their new homestead. See you back at your blog when you return!!
I tried self hosting in 2016 then went running back to wp dot com with my tail between my legs! I started losing images and it took their happiness engineer 3 weeks to set things straight.
When my stepmother isn’t looking, I plan to integrate old stuff into the junk pile. We’re paying a pretty penny to have the company haul away it all the day after we leave. Thanks for your support! See you soon!
2016 and 2017…those were my rough blogging years too. LOL!
That’s a great plan with your stepmother’s stuff and do away with it right away – leaving it sit around to be discovered again would not be helpful.
Enjoy the adventure – see you when you return!
Of course when I started to read this, I was remembering that time we “met”, and your daughter helped you through it, so when you mentioned it later in your post, a big smile. I have had to come and go over the years, sometimes FOR a year, and its always nice to see your smiling face, still here, and to see how your blog has grown.
I loved your post and how you took time to weave your story/frustration in to flowers and gardens.
I so feel your pain. The maintenance stuff takes so much time away from engagement, which is why we are here. Why the help is called Happiness Engineers, is beyond me.
Squats for me too. And smiles back at you
Aw, Donna, thank you for remembering the story of how we met. YES – and you remembered how my daughter helped me with your suggestions too.
I’m so impressed at how you could take a year off and still return and thrive as well as you do. I keep thinking if/when I retire I’d have more time to devote to blogging. And then I read you’re traveling AND still maintaining your blog. That is inspirational as much as your blog and photography are to me.

Yeah, Happiness Engineers (who are mysteriously hard to find) is an interesting name indeed.

Thanks for hosting the TIME challenge and for all your support to the blogging community all these years – you’re a true blogging buddy treasure!
YAY – way to do your daily squats along with your hiking. Staying active is so important.
Thank you Shelly, ditto.
My blog celebrated its 10th anniversary this year, but I never interacted with people in the Blogosphere, just those on the “outside” the first 4 1/2 years. That first blogger changed my blogging experience forever. I have enjoyed interacting with everyone and I know that my life is richer from meeting all of you. I have learned a few tricks … even a few from you Shelley. But today I learned you can put a Goodreads widget on your blog. Well that’s fun, since I signed up this year to read 25 books this year. That’s not going so great, so I adjusted it down a tad, well 10 books zapped from that goal – sigh. Then I learned from you that the Goodreads widget doesn’t work so I’m glad I learned that before I fiddled around with it … so yeah, I learned two things from you today! If I squatted down like that I’d never get up again without a chair … I know how I was perplexed momentarily how to get up after my kitchen chair cracked in two and I fell on the floor … not fun and thank goodness for the nearby footstool as I might still be down there.
10 years blogging is a GREAT accomplishment. Isn’t it special when you got that first comment? Does that blogger still blog? I still remember the blogger who commented on mine the first time. I follow her on Goodreads.
I’m glad you weren’t hurt on that chair. I bet you also double check the sturdiness of the chairs before sitting on them now! 
I’m glad I taught you a couple of things today.
The Widget is easy to set up, not easy to change. So if you know what you want to show (aka, READ books) then it should be easy to install on your blog.
I’ve learned from you too (something new every post), Linda, and I so enjoy our blogging friendship. Your loyalty is so heart-warming!
Since you don’t do the squats go at incorporating them gradually! I bet back when you were gardening you did a lot of them?
I value our friendship too Shelley and there are always things I learn from reading your posts. I started walking because gardening didn’t seem to give me enough exercise – the gardening did require me to squat, but I don’t think it was an issue in those days … you betcha … I worry that the chair, which is an identical chair from that dame dining room suite that broke apart, it is wooden and part of a dinette set. I put a lot of furniture oil on it … we brought over the set and the corner cabinet from Canada when we moved here.
Ditto to you, Linda!
Walking is a year round thing (weather permitting) and is very good for our health – you’ve made a great choice in keeping up that habit.
Your chair reminds me of one we have in our foyer. It’s a small chair that fits under the kidney bean dresser (I hope I termed that correctly) and it is so fragile, I’m afraid to have anyone sit on it.
It’s nice that your table and chairs have lasted that long! They don’t build them like that anymore.
Yes, a good exercise without pounding your bones on hard cement. Years ago that chair had a loose rung … I wonder if that helped a bit in its demise. I was pretty amazed to fall down in a heap – wasn’t a pretty sight!
I’m sure the loose rung was an indicator! I’m glad you didn’t get hurt
I should have realized the rung was going to be problematic eventually Shelley … it was a long time ago it broke. Thankfully I was okay and didn’t break anything!
Love that selfie–you look so great. And, funny thing, I was just watching videos of the importance of the squat. I’m building up my squat endurance! One of my boys still sits like that–like it’s just as easy as standing, which it is to him and hopefully will be to me soon. Oh, don’t get me started on blog updates, which I basically avoid at all costs, because I know I’ll mess something up!
Aw, Rebecca, thank YOU I appreciate you so much! You’ve been such a loyal blogging buddy all these years! I’m with you on letting the blog work as is until a mess-up is required.
That’s great you’re working on the squats. My kids always sat in that pose when they were little. One of my favorite pictures of them with their two cousins was when all four of them were in that pose lined up and digging in my garden making mud pies. Ah, the joys of being a kid! My oldest still does squats on a daily basis. She works with kiddos and she is also a master of walking backwards (which is good for the brain). Having a trail of kids to follow you in a line requires you to be able to walk backwards. I never thought of that, but it is true and harder than you think it should be when you haven’t done it in years. It’s helpful to keep knees working properly too. We try to do it on our driveway in the mornings and we wonder if the neighbors think we’ve lost it!

Thank you again for your blogging friendship!!!
A creative way of looking at #SundayStills this week – very enjoyable Shelley and that selfie is fabulous!
Thank you, Debbie, I appreciate your feedback.
I enjoyed your take on the prompt. Happy 5 years of being a grandma to you – I love the Big 5 selfie you shared – your post has me smiling too. So much love and orange which is definitely a color you look spectacular in!! 

What a fun post Shelley – I too loved your happy selfie! My favorite thing about blogging is the friends I’ve made along the way, several of whom I’ve now met in person which is really fun! As for problems, they happen all the time. My theme has been expired for several years now but somehow it keeps working so I’m sticking with it as long as I can LOL.
Thank you, Tina, I’m thankful for your feedback and visit. Yes – blogging friends are the best. It’s so great that you’ve met so many in person. I love reading about those events.
Your theme fits your post so well, I’m glad it is still working for you!! I’ll take that as a good sign I should hang onto my free one for as long as I can too!
Thanks again for stopping by! PS – I love your take on the prompt too – so much fun rolled into one post!
Lovely to see how well the Black Eyed Susans have grown. The marigolds are gorgeous too!
Not sure what I’ll do if/when WordPress stop the classics option in blocks, I can’t get to grips with it at all!
Hi Cathy – yes, I’m tickled that the Black Eyed Susans survived. They somehow make it back each year. The marigolds have had a rougher time this year. I may need to resort to buying new seeds next year. I planted some giant ones that are finally getting buds. I hope they survive and bloom before the frost gets them.
I LOVE the classic blocks, writing a post was much easier with that editor. I’ve adjusted and sometimes play with other ones, but I agree, the other blocks can be a challenge to deal with!
Giant marigold! I haven’t seen any of those. I hope they survive.
I know I’ll have to get to grips with bocks sooner rather than later, but for now I’m sticking with the classic
I hope so too…the temps got down into the low 40s overnight so they better get busy blooming before the freezing temps arrive.
Way to be a classic – that’s always good in my book!
How I feel your pain. It’s always a mess to change anything, I think of changing the theme on my blog only to realise it’s going to be way to much work…! I feel like I’ve started to know your garden, bits here and there and it’s a wonderful thing. I also love your selfie, you look radiant.
Hi Sofia! Thank you for your sympathy on blog changing issues. I dread the amount of work it might take to change mine.

I’m glad you’ve spent time with me in my garden. I love flowers and our weather this year has made it a challenge for them to survive.
Aw, shucks, thank you. With all the time we’ve had to spend outside watering our plants, I’ve been able to get a nice and even tan.
I wrote a whole blog post on my bloging journey today. As for bad widgets, I haven’t run into them…
Wow, John, you have written a blog post 3362 days in a row and counting!!

That’s might impressive in my humble opinion. I love your story about your blogging journey.
I don’t like updating blog things and so I rarely do it. I like the idea of the Goodreads widget. I may look into that…or I may not. Lol. I need to get better with movement and stretching, etc…Those chicken nuggets look amazing. Loved your photos for terri’s theme too.
You’re in great company with all of us who don’t like to mess with our blogs, especially when they’re working. The Goodreads widget seems to work well set at the READ status and is easy to install.

Start with small movements and build up. After my little dog (9#s) passed away I wasn’t lifting anything so my arm muscles started to fade. I decided to do push ups. OMG – couldn’t even do one. So I started with wall push ups, just one, then the next day 2, and built up to 20 before trying to do the kind on the floor that your knees are on the floor and I’m up to 10 of those. It’s amazing how small increments help.
The nuggets are delightful, I can’t wait until Mr. cooks them again.
Thank you for your feedback, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos!
Your photo with the reflection of you taking a photo of what is in the oven is delightful. That’s the best thing I’ve seen all day.
Your turn, tell us a tale of how you learned a blogging trick. Back in the early days of blogging, say 2005, you had to know how to create links on your own. There was no simple WP way to do it. I saw an active link on a blog post written by a retired librarian. I sent her an email and asked her HOW’D YOU DO THAT? She immediately shared her knowledge with me and I felt like I’d learned a trick. Now it sounds like nothing, but back then it was amazeballs.
Hi Ally – I’m glad you enjoyed my oven photo. I was quite pleased that the glass was clean on the oven door and the whimsy of the idea turned out
Oh, I love that tale about WP back in 2005 – thank you for sharing how you reached out via email and got your answer. Sure beats having to go to the library and sort through the card files to find the answer.
Great photos. Gonna need more nuggets!
Thank you, John! Yes, indeed, and we did have more and they were just as delicious!!
I haven’t had to update my blog, but recently had to clean up Google photos, documents, videos, etc. as I was running out of space. I put it off through a month of reminders because it seemed like a daunting task and I didn’t want to mess anything up. As it turned out, everything is fine and I was able to delete most of what was not necessary.
Your flowers look gorgeous and after viewing the food photos on your blog and a few others this morning, I think I need to make myself a late breakfast. Hope you are doing well, curly hair and all!
Hi Mary! Way to go cleaning up your photos, documents, and videos. I’m sure Mr. would love it if I deleted unused, unneeded photos on our server. I’m a sucker for the “I might be able to use a blurry photo of a cat in motion someday” syndrome.
The flowers that are lingering are still pretty – although we did get an unusual two days in a row of rainstorms so I’m thinking they’re near the end of their life this year.
I hope your breakfast was yummy and that Hoshi let you eat in peace! Thank you – I hope you’re doing well and that you’re loving your sparkling hair too!

I might be able to use a blurry photo of my cat…LOL! I still have work to do with all of the photos on my laptop. Out of control!
Oh, yeah, don’t get me started on photos on my camera SD card, my phone, my other camera’s SD card…I’m hopelessly in love with potential photos on top of the good ones I eventually use!

I wish you success – now that you’re retired, you might just get to all those photos! I’m taking notes…for the future retired me whenever that will be.