In nature, the ants who play follow the leader to sweet liquid destinations win some times, and other times they don’t.
Along the way, they face challenges and heights that seem daunting. But, their captain keeps them moving forward – “We must…we must…keep going.”
Eventually, they arrive and take the plunge to drink their measure of the treasure.
When they find an obstacle of sorts, is it a dog and mouse kind of game, like a when a human and a cat play with rope?
A clever cat, leads the humans through the orchestrated game. She knows how to keep an eye on the target while looking nonchalant.
Waiting patiently for the human to play, she senses the movements of the rope with her whiskers, tiny hairs, and paws. Ready, willing and able to pounce in a moment’s notice.
The ants, on the other hand, only know there’s a target somewhere, they follow the leader without thinking.
They will persevere on their quest even when a different species normally rules the roost.
They march along faithfully, even when they end up in a sad and soaking kind of death.
In the end…the drunken ants lose their way, and the liquid wins the game.
PS – What is your advice on how to stop ants from attacking the hummingbird feeders?…feel free to share your thoughts!
Post Inspiration #OneLiner Wednesday: A game of dog and mouse and Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Horizontal Lines
We don’t have hummingbirds here, but we get ants though. I wish you well with your mission. I’m afraid I can’t help with this one….:-)
Thank you for your well wishes, Kristian!
I don’t have an answer to the ant issue, but I do LOVE the first and fifth photos of your fur baby. Beautiful green eyes and long, lovely whiskers!
Aw, thank you Mary. Tizzie loves to pose, (sometimes)! It’s a game to me to try and get nice photos of her!
Maybe you should leave the ant corpses in there as a warning…
Pretty kitty!
LOL! That’s a grand idea John! I think Mr. is using that approach – he isn’t in a hurry to empty it!
Thank you, Tizzie adores the compliments!
Fascinating close ups of the cat and an interesting message about not following blindly – that’s what I picked up on, anyway. Sorry I can’t help with the practical question. Though maybe some sort of natural repel ant on the route but away from the feeder could work?
Thank you, JoAnna, yes – a subtle message to not follow blindly – thanks for picking up on it! I’ll look into that idea, thanks for the suggestion!
Good luck!
Hi Shelley, you have some wonderful lines for this week. The wiskers were clever.
Thank you, Cee! I’m glad to hear you liked them…I was at a loss for “fun” horizontal lines, so cropped the photos for a different effect – I’m learning from you!!
Omg when I read the title I immediatly thought of the Spongebob theme song (aye aye captain, ooo) Also your cat is so cute! And no, I don’t know any methods to stop ants from attacking humingbird feeders