I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought, “Just write a quick post, Mr. and your loyal peeps would want to know how things are going!”
And, then, I couldn’t write.
I couldn’t find the energy.
Mostly, couldn’t find the words I wanted to share. It’s been a wild ride.
- Staff changing regularly
- BP and Seizure Medication regulation
- Blood pressure up and down, up and down, etc.
- Therapy sessions at all hours of the day
- Learning about left-neglect
- “Where is my?” “Scan to the left.” aka, constant reminders that everything you can’t find is on the left.
- Mr. affectionately named his arm, “Todd”, and his leg, “Troy” – with encouragement from all therapists that the more he looks at, touches, and reminds himself of the left the better the odds of overcoming left neglect.
- Fatigue on the newest levels
- Hope on fluctuating levels
- Love (everlasting) on every level
Mr. said to me this past week, “I bet you didn’t know this was going to be THAT part of our wedding vows, did you?”
“Nope, but you have a gift of keeping me on my toes don’t you?”
We’ve laughed a lot during this – humor is great medicine.
Later he said, “Thank you for being here, I couldn’t do this without you, I love you.”
“I wouldn’t be anywhere but here. I love you too.”
So where is where we’re at?
Mr. is getting stronger day, by day. He’s able to sit side of the bed unassisted for 5 minutes. His right side is stronger than ever. He’s able to find and remind staff to protect Todd with transfers. He’s been up in an assisted standing machine and sitting in recliners. He’s gone from peg-tube feeding to regular meals and can feed himself right-handed with reminders and assistance of what’s left on the left of his plate. He’s been a model patient, so patient, kind, appreciative, complimentary, and so incredibly thankful. So young…63…
This past Friday was day 30 at the Swing Bed Hospital. The insurance stopped paying. Today is day 2 of two additional days at a private pay status (holy sh*t, their daily rate DOUBLED in one year). Tomorrow is day 1 of a 30-day stay at an SNF with intensive speech, occupational, and physical therapy. The insurance doesn’t pay for the stay, but, with fingers crossed, they’ll pay for 20 visits of each treatment so Mr. can get stronger and hopefully strong enough to come home to carry on with his recovery journey.
And how am I doing? Well…I’m okay. I’m tired, yet hopeful. I’m scared too of the unknowns. I’m glad, in a way, that I started a 5-year journal at the beginning of the year. I never had a chance to tell you that I went on a journey of curiosity of sobriety starting 119 days ago and I’m still going strong. I remind myself daily that I chose Coddiwomple for my word of the year. Remind me next year, don’t pick a word.
And…my gardens are owned by the scoundrels. They’re happy and thriving better than the flowers!

I think of you all so often and miss reading your posts. I hope you’re all having a wonderful summer, enjoying life, and appreciating the moments of joy each day. I’m (we are) also so incredibly thankful for the well wishes, prayers, and support for us. YOU mean the world to us! Keep praying! And, when I have time and energy, I hope to reply to your kind words of encouragement. Take care…
I was impressed by the Mr’s strength and stamina when rebuilding that wall. Now I am super-impressed. Your blog posts have been missed, and you have been—and will remain—in our prayers. It sounds like he is making progress. I hope that continues at a reassuring pace. Take care Shelley.
You have more important things do deal with, so no worries here – but I greatly appreciate the update. Stay strong, Shelley. You’ve done it so far and your fortitude must continue to carry you forward. Cheers to your man’s progress.
SHELLEY! I’ve been so worried. I feared the worst and am so relieved to read that Mr is recovering and so are you! I reached out to your blog’s email. Stay strong and both of you will get through era of your lives. Thank our God that you were so close by when the stroke happened. Weirdly you yellow flowers are perfect for today’s Sunday Stills. Take good care my friend and know that your family and blogger friends are thinking about you and praying for you all.
I’ve been thinking about you and your husband. Thanks for the update. Progress is progress so I’d lean into that idea. Take care of yourself and for the love of all that is good do not pick Coddiwomple again!
Thanks for the update, Shelley. I’ve been thinking of you and the Mr. and wondering how it was going. Good to know things are progressing, slow but surely. Take care and know we all wish you the best. <3
Shelley, I have been thinking about you guys, I am so glad that Mr is getting better! virtual hugs for you both!

I’m so happy to hear Mr. is progressing nicely. I hope you’re taking care of yourself as well. It’s exhausting for both of you, I know. It makes me sick to hear that the insurance isn’t paying for stuff. I appreciate the update!
Oh my. We’ve been so worried, but we’re not important. You are both going through so much, thank you for thinking of us during all of this. Left Neglect…I didn’t know it was a thing until I read Lisa Genova’s book titled that. It’s a wonderful book and maybe someday you’ll have time and energy enough to read it. You guys are in for a long haul, but your husband is right, it’s good you have each other. Just make sure you find time for you to take a breath once in awhile. We will all be pulling for you!
Wishing all the best to your husband and to you. I hope that major improvements will happen soon.
Good to hear from you! I’m happy Mr. is making good progress. The prayers continue from here…
Oh Shelley, I’m so sorry! I’ve not been as regular on my blogging lately. I just read this post, then the last one. I believe in prayer! Will send prayers up for you, your family and your husband!

Every bit of progress gives both of you strength for this health journey. I hope your next post/progress report will be even better than this one. Take care of yourself too Shelley – you need to be strong for both of you now.
There is no need to comment back to any of us. Just know you are both in our hearts. That is why they say growing old ain’t for sissies. Hugs and prayers for quick and complete recovery.
Hi Shelley Sorry to hear about Mr. But he is heading in the right direction and using his stamina to keep going. Go one at one day at a time.Rest when you can prioritise what needs to be done and what can wait. Don’t worry about blogging we understand. Hugs with love Julie
So glad to hear from you, Shelley! You are in a tough space, but it sounds like Mr. is making good progress, and you have a strong relationship, which is SO important. Thinking of you and wishing for the best for both of you. Hang in there!
I’ve been thinking about you, and I appreciate the update. I’m sending you all my best wishes.
Praying for you two. Yes, no more word of the year! And take care of yourself. Sure wish I was around, but know that you have cheerleaders all over!
Shelley, sending prayers to the Mister for healing and strength, and to you, for all you have done to be at his side and support him in love. I can tell you two have an everlasting love, through thick and thin, and this is getting you both through the thin. Please make sure that as the caregivers and healthcare staff take care of your husband, that you are taking care of yourself as well. Hugs!
Sometimes life throws down a gauntlet. It is all we can do to plow ahead, head down and shoulder to the wheel. At times like this, we don’t see our inner strengths at work, we cannot appreciate the feats we are capable of, even while embroiled in such challenges. These times shape our lives and forge our souls in ways we will not know and understand until much later. There will be better days ahead.
Only a fool would try to imagine these things when we make that promise, “THAT part of our wedding vows”. But when the time comes, there is no more noble and loving act in humankind than upholding that vow.
I wish for you strength through your trials.
“But I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep”
-Robert Frost
All my best,