
As the miles turn over…

Whilst I was gone on my road trip, work responsibilities didn’t stop, they just paused.


My emails still kept on a coming, and the work piled up.  Thankfully, I didn’t miss too much…but have a lot to catch up on.

But that’s what happens when you’re off having fun on the road.  Road tripping.


Life’s moments turn over just like the miles turn over.  Wow – I missed the moment of turning over to 100,000 miles.  How did that happen?  I’m paying attention, right?

I’m thankful that I arrived at and from my destinations unscathed.  This trip and all the ones before it, and I hope on the ones to come.

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I’m all gassed up and ready to go again.  Soon.  I hope.


I’m so thankful for the views of everything I saw on the way and while I was there.


The bright sunshine…and the need for sunglasses.


And the memories of the things we/I saw but didn’t think to grab the camera to capture.

“Aw…look at that momma dear and her fawn.”

“That would’ve been a cute photo…”


Or photos I didn’t know were being captured.  While we munched on snacks and talked as the miles drifted on by.


“Man, that trip went fast, I wish we had more places to drive…so we could talk more.”  (And this momma’s heart melted with joy).  With each mile that went by, I’m glad I turned off the radio and listened to the sweet words of my adult child’s thoughts about life.

Nothing better than that…(well…except, maybe all the TON of pictures I took when I wasn’t driving…they’ll have to wait, I’ve got 10000000000000 emails to read and process first!).

PS – Thank you for all the well wishes.  I’m so touched.  I’ll be back to show some of the awesome photos I got while on my trip.  Soon…after all those emails!  

13 thoughts on “As the miles turn over…

  1. Glad you had fun! That’s an adventurous snack for eating in the car! It would be all over me in two seconds flat. 😂

    1. Thank you! Yes, it is a tricky snack – luckily my daughter was along, so she could hand feed it to me!

  2. So glad you had a safe and enjoyable trip. I remember well the trips taken with my adult daughter. Such a bonding experience. I, too, am looking forward to the photos. Glad to have you back, Shelley.

    1. Thank you, Maggie – you’re right, the driving has added to our bonding experiences. I so treasure each moment!

  3. Glad the road trip went well. When I was younger (40s-60s), I loved taking road trips. Now, not so much but it’s still better than flying (which used to be enjoyable before they crammed us in like sardines). But I have to admit my road food it more often things like Twizzlers, Mounds bars & Pringles. LOL!

    1. Thank you, Donna. You’re right on the sardine status in planes. You’re quite creative with travel snacks!!

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