Today is a big day, but tomorrow is a really big day. Today is my 500th post. Yay – thank you for being here to celebrate with me…
Tomorrow is the bigger day. Will we get snow? I dunno…
Maybe?… But it’s bigger than that!
How big is big you ask? Big enough to notice something important…
It’s a big day because, in case you missed the hint above, I’ll be a big girl tomorrow – 54 years old to be exact.
That means the meows of my life have rolled me here and settled me into MID-LIFE.
Whew…that was easier than I thought it would be to say. I always thought 54 was old and I wouldn’t want to admit that I was that age. Not anymore, it’s a big deal to be middle-aged. It’s an accomplishment in life. I’ve earned every gray hair! Damn straight I have.
A lot of happenings have happened under my youthful belt, now it’s time to loosen up and enjoy the rest of the pie. And burn off the calories on the treadmill while I read a book on how to avoid Alzheimer’s.
I’ve got new socks and shoes to prove I know how to still play with my youthful old self. Each year that I turn another year older, I wonder what my mom thought when she was that age? I can’t ask her now that she’s gone, but I remember back to her 54th birthday – I had just had my second child. I do wonder if she felt old or happy to be 54? I think it was the later – she was a happy camper during that time in her life. She loved spoiling her grandbabies and me on our birthdays by buying us shoes and fun socks.
Crap…I am getting older…where have those 26 years gone since our children were born?
Where the hell did the 53-year-old me go?
Oh, yeah, I’m still here. I just look slightly different. My hair is the length I had it when Mr. and I met 29 years ago. Thankfully, we’ve gotten rid of our bangs…and matching pink shirts…we’ve seen the wisdom of glasses and greener grass on the other side of poofy hair and have gone gray together.
It’s fun to look back. So, was my 53rd-year fun for me? Heck yeah – I chillaxed some.
I made a lot of faces as I navigated through the years in the first half of my life. Yeah, I’m planning on living another 53 years. It happens, some people do live to be 106. Okay, maybe not another 53 years, but, you get it, I’m game for more years of living in my life.
What about the faces I’ve worn along the way this past year?
Serious ones – there were plenty of what the hell was I thinking moments to pay attention to.
Playful ones – where I said to bring life on – I’m ready for it – let’s play baby, let’s play.
Blurry ones – where I wished things weren’t so tough to grab onto. But I didn’t hold on to the clarity of those challenging moments, I nibbled on them, then let them blur into the past.
I don’t give a damn looks happened too – One’s length of life isn’t a guarantee – I don’t give a damn about plenty of things, and I care a ton more about things that really matter.
I’ve learned it is okay to have some leave me alone moments –
Those extra special quiet moments of alone time are meant for us to discover what makes life worth playfully meowing about…
I’m happy to report that I have 53 years’ worth of mid-life meows to be thankful for. I’m ready for tomorrow. I plan on playing my way through 54 too!
Post Inspiration – Linda Hill’s (ever forgiving for those wordy folks like me) One-Liner Wednesday – Meeoow!
PS – At what age do you think you’re old? What should Mr. make me for my birthday dinner? Do you say you’ve lived 54 years or do you say you’re just beginning your 54th year on your 54th birthday?
Congratulations on that 500th post! Wow! And have yourself a happy birthday tomorrow! Are you going to have a cake?
Thank you, Winnie! I’m not sure if I’ll have cake, but I might just have steak ;-)!
You’re welcome, Shelley! Nice! You’re entitled to some good food for your special day.
You know, except for the gray hair, you haven’t changed. Congratulations on reaching post #500, and happy birthday tomorrow, in case I forget…
Aw, John…thank you, you made my day!
Very exciting…500 posts! Congrats on that. Here’s to (at least) 500 more. Birthday dinner should be whatever is your favorite – and you don’t have to cook it!
Thank you!!
Congratulations on 500! Happy birthday Shelley!

Thank you, John!!
Wow 500 posts! Marvelous accomplishment. 54? I’ve got almost 10 years on you since I’ll be 64 in March. You are not old. A nice juicy steak is what I’d like for my special dinner. Have a wonderful birthday!
Thanks! I’m going with your recommendation for dinner – I love steak for my birthday dinner!
Congrats n best wishes on your special day! Have a blast…make your day special in every way…enjoy the fabulous fifties!!
Thank you!!!
Congratulations on your 500th post and making it around the sun 54 times! Happy Birthday, Shelley! You look amazing and it appears you have an amazing family. Enjoy the last of the pumpkin pie and your very special day.
Thank you, Mary! I shall follow your words of wisdom :-)!
Super Happy Birthday tomorrow….you are so young! Age is just a number. Back when I was 54, it was some of the best years. You are at an age where you benefit from all the wisdom you have acquired over the years, smart enough to know your limits but still young enough to try crazy new things as well. Congrats on your 500th as well. I was surprised when I hit 100 a couple weeks ago. Time flies when you are having fun. May this be a fabulous year for you.
Thank you, Anita. My 53rd year has been extra special having met you here on the Blogosphere – your kindness and encouragement have been a true blessing in my life. Happy 100th post to you – 2019 is going to be a great year for you and your blog!!
You are so very kind. Thank you.
Happy Birthday! and congratulations! I enjoyed the photos and captions. Nice socks.
Thank you, JoAnna!!
Congrats! On both 500 posts and 54 years.
for some reason your post reminded me of it’s not the years in your life but the life in your years. You’re as old or young as you feel. And the number is relative. So I say no 54 it is not old.
Thank you!! You’re so wise, I so appreciate that gift you have!
Congrats on your 500th blog post … that is a feat, and the fact you post every day is another feat. You should be proud of yourself. Happy birthday to you Shelley – enjoy your day and who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? And a steak if that is your wish. And you won’t have to cook it as you have a built-in chef standing by for you,
Thank you, Linda, – your support means the world to me!
I am enjoying your posts … I think we see the world the same way sometimes … happy birthday Shelley … I have 8 1/2 years over you … not something I really want to brag about though!!!
Thank you, Linda
Extra special indeed Shelley. You found me
Congrats on 500 posts, but even more congrats on what a lovely family you have!!
Thank you!!!