Anyway, if you don’t live here in Wisconsin, or haven’t heard, it snowed here in our neck of the woods. We heard Sunday of last week that the storm was coming our way.
Over the river and through the woods…literally, that’s how it arrived for us.
Anyhoo, as a last-minute decision to beat any mail delays caused by said storm, I rushed and ordered our Christmas greeting cards from Walmart. They were ready for pick up late, but still the same day. Not the 1-hour photo promised. ‘Tis the season. When Mr. picked them up for me, the envelope said, “No Envelopes”.
Said the clerk to Mr.: “We ran out of envelopes and don’t know when the shipment will be in. You can come back again and ask us if we received any in and we’ll give you what you didn’t get when you picked up the cards.”
Imagine how excited I was to hear that news. Anyway, I compromised by using my storage bin collection of free cards or leftovers from when I was into handwriting each card I sent.
Said Mr. to Me: “Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise, you’ve been wanting to part with some of those cards for decades.”

The only problem with this clever solution of mine was that EVERY picture card needed to be trimmed to fit the cards and envelopes. Apparently, 5X7 isn’t standard anymore.
Anyhoo…the project lasted the rest of the afternoon. I sipped on a glass of wine, which helped.

Meanwhile, the storm was brewing and heading our way. Oh, Joy! A winter wonderland to arrive soon. On the 14th day of December, the rain and sleet made their way to end our day before retiring to bed.

By morning light on the 15th of December, A LOT of snow had covered our yard, fence, roof, outside buildings, clothesline, trees, powerlines, and birdfeeders after we had received 3″ of icy rain. That froze on surfaces.
Me to Mr.: “Is the heat tape on and working?”
Mr.: After…some rustling and door closing sounds later…”It is now…”
The wet and frozen sticky factor was overload. Thankfully, we only lost internet for 6.5 hours, but, sadly, across town from us, many people lost power for 48 hours. I hate to imagine that! So many trees have been taken out by this storm too. Sigh.
Those who lost power likely felt like the adorable rabbit who is not so dang sure the snow’s arrival is a welcomed sight either. He’s an odd little critter, he stands on his hind feet to get a peek above the snow. As he hopped by the back door, he gave me the look, “Aren’t you going to open the door like you used to for that cute little dog? BTW – what’s with the lack of shoveling a path too?”
From Dessy and Tizzie’s view, the bunny hopping in front of the door has been a joy to see. Their front door view didn’t look quite as inviting to the rabbits, mice, or weasels.

The view to me looked like dang tough-looking work to be the person to blow the snow. It was hard to discern how tough it was when I couldn’t clearly see the Snow Removal Man At Work.

I think I caught him in action here.

Anyway, I hear it is tough work, especially when you discover your snowblower is broken and you have to borrow someone else’s snowblower to make sure your spouse (aka, me) can get out of the driveway to meet a friend for coffee the next morning. Priorities, right?
He’s my hero. I was indeed able to go.

Anyway, we were both disappointed to wake up yesterday morning to 3 more inches of snow. I think Mr. was more disappointed than I was. I heard from my dad who lives 1.75 hours north of us that they got 18″ of snow, lost power, but not for long, and had a service come to blow out their driveway. I just can’t imagine the arrival of 18″ of snow at one time…

I take that back, I was a tad disappointed, not by the snow, but by the fact, my vintage decorations took a devastating unrepairable suction cup failed tumble to the floor. I wondered what that sound was in the middle of the night. Thankfully, it wasn’t the cats in the tree. Sorry, Brian, so far, the tree is still standing!

It’s gorgeous to look out at the snow though, that is when all I have to do is admire it from the warmth of our house (set at 67 degrees).
Anyway, Mr. has our driveway satisfactorily cleared … for now.

Thankfully, because, somebody, not me, asked Santa for colder weather to make our cozy 67 degrees inside feel like Florida weather this coming week. Ah, I feel the appreciation of said temp as I type. Plus, the amount of snow predicted keeps going down. But…those winds and night temps…YIKES!

I think our inviting yard may have more tracks than this…I remember when we used to tell the kids that the reindeer made those tracks.

As I reflect on the season of winter and the year 2022 coming to an end, I’m missing my little pal, but am thankful he doesn’t have to go out in the snow and cold.

I keep telling myself when I look around, it may be cold, but it’s pretty, it’s winter, and looking a lot like Christmas, inside and out.

Our kids will thankfully brave the bitter cold to be here to share the warmth and love we feel when we’re all together sitting around the Christmas tree.

We wish you to be cozy and happy wherever you are and whatever you do to celebrate or not this week. As for me and our family, we’ll be home for Christmas.
From our nest to yours,

Post Inspiration: Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday: our Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “start your post or one paragraph with the word ‘anyway.’” Bonus points if you start your post with “anyway” and regular points if you use it in a paragraph somewhere else in your post. Enjoy! Terri Webster Schrandt is taking this week and next off. I’ll likely return too on the 1st with a recap of 2022 and a few projects we did this year that you didn’t get to see yet.
PS – Are you a fan of winter and happy to see the snow? What is your favorite playing in the snow activity? How cold is too cold for you? Melt our hearts and tell us a story of how warm it is where you live! Or share a favorite past-time at this time of year. Am I remembering correctly that It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas is the top favorite Christmas song, words penned as he was sitting in the warmth of a poolside view while staying in Yarmouth’s Grand Hotel?
It’s good to see snow. We had two days of rain here – it washed away the snow we had from earlier in the week. There’s another storm coming, but we’re supposed to get rain again. I’d rather have snow at this point. Sorry about the ornament casualty. Sorry also for your first Christmas without Copper. I know that feeling. While we aren’t unhappy about not having to be out in the rain at 5:00 am, we kinda miss it, too.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Thanks, Dan, I’m glad you appreciate seeing the snow. I agree, if it’s going to be cold, snow is better than rain. I hope the storm you have coming will be kind to you!
I know you know how it feels to miss our furry pals who took us outside, regardless of the weather. It is hard to miss them so much!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas too!
We keep saying it’s pretty, too.
We had 27″ a few weeks ago, then rain and it all melted. Now — in the past 24 hours really — we’ve gotten another foot. DH just shoveled our deck so it won’t melt into an ice pack and impede him when (if?) he decides to grill. (Unlikely but who knows?) And next week, we’re going into the deep freeze.
I will say the white outdoors does brighten things up…the gray weather on this side of the lake is hard to take without the snow “glow.”
Merry Christmas!
Hi Laurel – OH MY GOSH…27″ and then it was gone!!! That’s craziness. When the temps dip low like we’re supposed to get this coming week, it’s good to have that additional foot of snow on the ground to help, at least that’s what I hear from my dad.

It has been so gray here too, I’m glad to see the sun today, even if it won’t melt much, it simply seems warmer!
Stay warm and cozy and I hope all is well and that you’ll see your family/kids soon!
Merry Christmas to you too
I really enjoy your winter wonderland from the comfort of my couch Shelley! LOL! May you and your family have a fantastic Christmas and New Year!
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it from the warmth and comfort of your couch!!
I wish you and your hubby a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too! Cheers to peace, smiles, and joy in life!
Anyway, now I have to go research the lyrics of “It’s Beginning…”
Aw, thanks for the research, for those who are interested, I’ve been proven not so accurate! LOL. Better look up where the lyrics to The Christmas Song were written.
As a lover of snow and ice I loved every photo and how brilliant of you with the cards!!
Yay, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos, Chris. I think your tree next to your window would be beautiful covered in the snow/ice we had.
Thank you for the encouragement about the cards. I was thankful for a solution and a use of stored cards. It only supports the notion that things will come in handy some day if I keep them! LOL
Merry Christmas to you!
Although I know you love it, your post made me so grateful for our weather (65 – 70 degrees lately) and our no Christmas gifts or cards seasonal celebration. That was a great way to get rid of random envelopes, though. I have a few of those lurking around here.
Hi Janis – oh, my, I would certainly appreciate those temps you have and am often jealous of them, especially during our winters. This morning we’re at -2 degrees…

There is something peaceful about not being involved in the seasonal activities. I’ve enjoyed measuring my efforts or lack there of this year. I found myself saying, ‘enough is enough’ and have talked myself out of any baking. We are going to try your recipe though…the shocking pink color will look great on our display of snacks!
It was quite the discovery to find how many cards/envelopes I had and still have! The bin shall be organized before I put it away this year.
Wonderful snowy photos Shelley. Love the trees and their snow shaped branches. I have never trusted those suction cups for anything. You have been using mystical powers to keep from the cat tree destruction unit.
Rain and hot sun is bad enough.

That is a lot of snow I guess. I cannot fathom living with snow being the determiner on what I can do.
Have a lovely family Christmas
Thanks, Brian, I’m glad you enjoy seeing winter from afar!

LOL on the suction cups. We placed 6 of them on our half-circle window to hold CD’s that sparkle to scare off the Pileated Woodpecker that found its way to pecking at the window (another longer story to come soon) and within minutes two of the suction cups failed to do their intended purpose. So far 4 are still hanging on. The cats were not impressed with the falling CDs. They do, however, remain intrigued by the tree.
It’s plenty of snow, more to come, then I’ll be able to say, “That’s a lot of snow!”
I can’t imagine lots of rain and hot sun. I am envious of it this morning though…it’s between -2 and 0 degrees F.
Thank you, same to you and yours Merry Christmas
Can’t wait for the Woodpecker story especially THAT window. It’s quite chilly this morning 11C
Glad to hear you’re interested in our monster woodpecker invasion!
I’m jealous…I’d be getting out the lighter jackets at that temp!
Hi. Your husband saved the day! Somehow my area, southeast PA, didn’t get snow. I’ll be glad if that remains the case all winter.
Hi Neal! Yes, he saved the day and is looking at the opportunities in the week ahead to do so again, and again, and again. A horrible year for the snowblower to break down.
I hope your winter wish comes true for you. Has that ever been the case where your area doesn’t get any snow for the year?
I’m still smiling at the Hey Senorita song – what a fun beat!!
We’ve had enormous amounts of snow in various years. There wasn’t much, though, last winter.
I thought I remember hearing that before. We were with less snow last year too, I guess we’re due, even if we’re not ready for it!
Hi. Not sure if my comments a few minutes ago went through. Anyway, we’ve had loads of snow in some years, but very little last winter.
Hi – yes, the comment went through. There have been some server issues at Bluehost where my website is hosted. I appreciate your persistence in making sure your comment came through! I’m always thankful to read your thoughts.
As beautiful as it can be, I am still not a fan. Our first storm is due here Thursday. Yay! Have a safe and warm Christmas.
Yes, I agree, Anita. If we can have snow for Christmas and then move on from it to warmer weather, I’d be a happy camper!
Stay safe and warm with the coming storm…I think we’re all going to get some of it!
Merry Christmas to you too!
When Wisconsin “does” snow, it doesn’t fool around. The snow on the trees is pretty, especially with the birds among the snowy branches and freshly fallen snow is always pretty, but not laced with ice. That’s not a good combo and once you get that and the cold weather persists, you’re stuck with that mess for weeks. Kudos to the girls for making the drive to mom and pop’s house so you can stay home and not deal with it. I love the card from the family, even the fur kids … very nice, but what an ordeal with the envelopes … I would not be happy, so I hope the wine helped.
I have some of those oddball envelopes too. Get your envelopes when they are available in case they pull that trick again.
I took the bus for years and years … the bus stop was around the corner from my house, so I didn’t need to drive and it dropped me off right at my building downtown, but in Winter, if we had snow, the busses were invariably late and a bad snow, they’d chug along, every so slow … we’d be packed like sardines as one bus may not come and waiting for the bus in brutally cold weather was not fun, so I accumulated a lot of warm woolens to wear. So really cold weather I am prepared for plus my storm coat from Land’s End. In fact, the early prediction for this weeks 22nd-23rd storm was cold weather only, no talk of snow, so I figured I’d get out and get some long walks in while the crowds were at the malls, but all that changed with the snow predictions. Not a fan of snow, especially a wintry mix. If it is especially slick, I only walk to the Park on the weekends when I can go mid-day, but I feel badly for doing that as I know my furry and feathered friends count on peanuts/seeds, especially in the Winter months.
Yes, Wisconsin does winter storms well. Normally a wet snow like this doesn’t last as long, so people rush out to get photos. My Facebook feed is full of them. I feel bad for the trees and the critters as now with the bitter cold, the snow is going to hang on to the branches longer than it should. Plus more snow on the way…

We’re looking forward to the kids coming home, that’s for sure!
That’s a great point…I should go get the envelopes…they might come in handy if I do cards again. It seems that is not a thing people really enjoy doing as much nowadays.
Can you imagine being a bus driver in the winter, yuck. My brother is a semi-driver and he doesn’t enjoy it at all. Mostly because the other drivers aren’t so good at navigating driving in the snow.
You’re wise to stay home when the roads are slick. The critters are likely hiding from the snow too.
I hope the storm coming is kind to you. Merry Christmas dear blogging buddy. Stay safe and warm!!
The snow on the branches is very picturesque and a few years ago we had a snowfall, wet heavy snow, on a Sunday, Veteran’s Day. That was early for that much snow and it warmed up and was gone by nightfall, but very pretty. The critters were out more yesterday than today – it was quite windy and cold. Strange thing at the Park. A furry lump in the middle of the grass, not by the bushes. Another walker and I saw it yesterday – we thought it was raccoon, not sure if it was dead/alive, but it was in a ball, but we could see no face or tail. I called the police non-emergency # yesterday but they said they would not go out til today. I got there today, it was in a different place – very strange, so it is alive. It might be a dog all huddled up like that, it’s too big for a cat, but once again, no tail, no face. I’d love to know what it is. I thought Animal Control might come when I was there this morning, but no.
Yes, I’ll take the car for another spin tomorrow morning, then likely not for a while til the snow/ice is gone. It could be a while. If we get the wintry mix like they are predicting, it may b a while to walk. I hope I see this woman at the Park who picks up the peanuts and puts them in a bag … she still feeds the squirrels, but that is not the point. I give them to them in abundance all Fall, especially when I know I may not be there there for a while (like as a result of this brutal storm).
Yesterday I tried to knock some of the snow off of one of our trees, it didn’t budge, it is 4″ thick and frozen solid. It’s no wonder so many branches are falling off. Ice is heavy. I wish we were going to get some warm weather before more snow, but, nope, not the case.
Wow…that’s weird about the strange ball you’ve seen. Sad, I hope it is either rescued or finds a safe place to hide for the winter.
Yes, take your car for a spin before it gets too cold. We used to tell our daughter to simply start and run the car with the garage door open every couple of weeks just to keep the computer and the fluids running properly. Maybe you can do that if you can’t get out due to ice in the driveway?
That’s an interesting woman? Are you going to ask her why she’s doing that? The critters count on you, she’s disrupting the flow of the peanuts.
That’s a lot of snow on the trees – too bad as tree damage and then your tree is misshapen – hopefully not toppling over.
I took my car out today and backed out of the garage and always check the white paper towel I laid in there for drips. I had a drip to the side of the paper towel. I took the car out anyway as I know it won’t get out for a while now, but I do have it on a trickle charger and I got a new battery in May. But this leak – really? I decided to call OnStar for a final diagnostic (they are sunsetting my car at year-end because it is 2G). The car only has 10,300 miles. Called OnStar and was told they sunsetted it yesterday. I resisted the urge to say “ya, but OnStar members can call and find out about Santa’s preparations all this week and where he is on Christmas Eve.” I’m getting a credit of $8.76 since I said “I paid til 12/31.” I’ve not become a nice person this year.
I don’t know what to say to hr and a couple of the walkers who first told me said they didn’t understand my frustration. Well, today I left a lot of peanuts, sunflower seeds and an apple at two locations. If she picks it up it defeats the purpose – I may not get there for awhile. I am irritated and don’t know what I’m going to say, but this morning I was mad about the car, so good thing I didn’t see her. It didn’t leak in the hour I was at the Park.
The lump was not removed by the Animal Control Officer. One of the walkers arrives earlier than me and said he saw it walking around in the area where we saw it sleeping. It was a raccoon – it must have had its tail underneath its body and face tucked under the body/tail. I looked online and the fur was the same color, kind of brown/golden looking. I thought raccoons were gray. But the walker saw it … wish I had taken a picture … one more critter for 2022. I still think it is odd it would not sleep near the bushes or trees or reeds, not in the middle of the grassy area inside the walking loop. That makes me think it must be sick.
I had the guy who kept taking the peanuts off the picnic table and I said they climb up there anyway, then the woman who carried a stick, then got herself a golf club to “beat up any squirrel that comes close.”
Yeah, it will be interesting to see what trees survive this. We were saying yesterday that our view looks like what it may look like in Antarctica. I can’t remember a time when the heavy snow stuck around this long.
Dang on your car…I’d be mad too. I’m guessing you’re not the first person to be mad at OnStar’s procedures.
I think you’re right about the raccoon being sick. That’s strange behavior for the winter!
I wonder if some of the thieves are eating the food themselves? That’s strange to carry a stick to beat up squirrels…. People amaze me.
I am hearing there will be power outages from wind rather than tree limbs as the trees are minus leaves now, but we still have this large dead tree which wreaked havoc on December 2nd. I wish I did not have this sense of impending doom with this storm, whether the generator is fixed or not.
I had bought some insulation wraps for the downstairs pipes and kitchen pipes and when I had the plumber tighten the upstairs, I wanted them wrapped while he was on the floor with the wrench. He told me I wasted my money and it wouldn’t help. I just listened to a plumber on the radio saying “the best thing you can do is use newspapers on your inside pipes (1/4 inch thick) (something I do not have) or using insulation wraps. I have no clue where I put them, but will look for them.
I am mad about the OnStar and pulled the car out to see if it leaked more and it did on the paper plus made little leaks down the driveway so I put it back in. When I returned from walking, the wet marks were there, so not just water condensation, but I looked out mid-afternoon and the spots were gone. Irritated about everything – I will have to take it to the mechanic, as I wasn’t going to do that today. It could have leaked Monday when I might have gotten in … it is not an oil leak, Googling it seems it is some type of coolant leak.
The raccoon is gone now, but yes, why park yourself somewhere in plain view. No other animals are bigger in this Park, but we do have an occasional coyote. This raccoon was huge.
I don’t understand what’s going on with this woman and I looked for her this morning, but my walk was tainted by the car issue and I didn’t see her – she arrives as I’m ready to leave. I will say something because I purposely fed them more today to load up and take to their nests (burying not a stellar idea). The woman with the golf club leaves me shaking my head. A lot of people leave me shaking my head lately.
I hope you find the insulation for the pipes. Sadly, we sold/gave away a bunch of that at our thrift sales this summer.
I sent you an email too about our experience so far with the storm. Looking at the radar it is for the most part past us, but the winds that are pushing it are still strong and I can hear the wind outside as I type. It’s -15 and the windchill obviously much lower.
Yes, that could be a coolant leak. I hope you’re able to get it fixed soon. I wish I knew more about what to offer for suggestions, I’m lost when it comes to car stuff.
Glad the raccoon has moved on. With the storm around, they and other critters will take cover.
That woman sure is odd, hopefully she’s taking cover now too and finds a different reason to visit the park when the storm passes.
I’m with you, my head is shaking a lot lately too!
Google is helpful sometimes and that’s what I think it is and a week from today, believe it or not, it will be 49 degrees! Maybe I can get it done then and I will be off, so could pick it up anytime. If he can take me.
I didn’t like it around and figured it might be sick, just plopping down on the grass in the middle of the loop. At first I thought it was dead, but the next day it had moved.
What irks me with this woman, she has walked there for years and usually gets there when I am about to leave. If I am later leaving or its a weekend, she used to say “good you were here and fed them so they won’t bug me.” So this makes no sense at all. I don’t know whether to pick a fight with her or not – I am just so done with a lot of people and a lot of things these days.
The weather and the year in generaly have been a yo-yo. I think you’ve done a great job in navigating all of the ups and downs of the year. Even the encounters with people who haven’t made you necessarily smile have made it to the world of blogworthy comments.
I think people in general are fed up with something or someone or a combination of both. Even though I say this every year, I’m hoping 2023 is all around better.
I agree with you Shelley – I feel sometimes like “who are these people?” I shake my head at this woman in the Park. I decided I’d say something yesterday and she wasn’t there yesterday or today. The guy – SMH at him too. I think the last few years have made people lose it just a little … we have barricaded gunman situations and freeway shooting once or twice a week for goodness sake. People going off on others for no reason.
I agree wholeheartedly – who are these people and what are they thinking! It’s bizarre behavior, that’s for sure.
Hi Shelley, most of my first book takes place in a fictional town in Wisconsin. It covers May – November. Do you ever have snow during those months?
Hi, congrats on your first book! Thanks for checking out the photos and the post!
Yes, we have had snow in early May (we tend to count 3 snows on the Robins tail before it the snow likely won’t happen again until fall), frost sticks around through the middle of June (we wait until the Catalpa trees show leaves sprouting, they are very sensitive to frost so once they burst open it’s safe to plant annuals), our earliest snow typically arrives in mid-late October, and we always get snow in November.
I’m no fan of winter. Why do you think we moved South? We still get some winter weather here, but nothing like what you’re getting…
We have temps well above freezing, which is good because we’re expecting rain through Thursday before the temps drop below freezing through Christmas, then they warm up into the 40’s starting Monday. I go out so rarely anymore, it doesn’t bother me.
As for where Meredith Willson wrote “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas,” one story says Nova Scotia, another suggests Mason City, Iowa, where he grew up. That’s the place he had in mind when he wrote “The Music Man.”
Anyway, Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Hi John, we’ve talked more and more about, “Is this the place we want to live in forever?” Those conversations come about more often in the winter months. This past week and upcoming week are putting our “we love the four seasons” thoughts to the test.
I hope the weather is kind to you and Mary for the upcoming week. 40s and we’d be outside in lighter coats and taking lots of walks.
I knew I could count on you to know the facts about that song!! Thank you for clarifying. I have the sheet music for The Music Man, I learned to play it on the piano when I was in junior high school. Wait…I take that back, I have The Candy Man sheet music, The Music Man is hard to play with the lack of skill I had at the time. Still lack it, but I think I’ll try The Candy Man sheet music again. I pull out the Christmas carols like “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”, etc. from when my grandmother played the piano, back in the 1970s.
Anyway, I enjoyed reading your take on the prompt, so I’m sharing the link here – I hope others take a peek.
Merry Christmas to you and Mary!!
Thanks, Shelley! You and yours Have a wonderful Christmas, too!
Thanks, John!
As this CA weather wimp is “enjoying” (or more appropriately enduring) her first MI winter, I can truthfully say and heartily say that so far there is no part of it that would ever qualify as a favorite anything! On this Xmas day, then, I am thankful that my children got to where they were heading for the holidays before the blizzard hit. I hope yours did, too. I am also thankful that, so far, at least, my area has not experienced any power outages, though in the area where I used to live (and where my idiot ex still lives so in my mind he got custody of that once upon a time happy for me place) there were a few. I would “enjoy” that spite and revenge except that he also got “custody” of one daughter and her spouse for the holidays. Can you see why I know I should adopt the theme of Let It Go as my motto for 2023?
Aw, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think I’d not be happy with the bitter cold and snow compared to the weather in CA. Our kids thankfully made it to their destinations. The roads were mostly good, but still had some slippery spots. The hardest part of the weekend was not having a snow blower that works, so there was some driving over the snow to pack it down creativity happening and a thankfulness for 4-wheel drive vehicles.
Hopefully your daughter will come visit soon.
I’m working on the Let It Go motto for 2023 too…!
I love your snowy pics, Shelley, but it was the cold that did us in, this holiday. Busted pipe in our living room ceiling yesterday–ugh. Otherwise, a nice holiday. I love your Christmas cards, and your work-around. I actually went through every old Christmas card in the house, this year–felt like an accomplishment.
Aw, thanks Rebecca, I made the situation work as best as I could. I was disappointed to see less cards coming in the mail this year. It’s sad, but I think that type of seasonal greeting may be a thing of the past. That’s impressive that you got through every old Christmas card in the house. That is an accomplishment. I think it should be a task on my 2023 to-do-list.
Oh, dang…pipes freezing! Yikes. Was it messy for you or easily fixed? We have friends who own a rental unit in TN and the pipes broke and leaked A LOT, enough to crash down the whole ceiling on the lower apartment. Insulation and water everywhere. Not an inexpensive fix or expedient one either. I hope your busted pipe wasn’t that bad. Nobody wishes for that to happen for a Christmas gift!!