Nah, not just flowers and chocolate, something even better! Like a magic wand that fixes my issues about time management when it comes to certain things.
And then just when I think I’m fortunate enough to get my wish and have the time to work on the things I want to work on, like blogging, or photography, I have to switch gears and ‘do the right thing’. TAX PREP.
The cats are roped into laying around alone and spying on me as I move from room to room, easily distracted from the pending tasks at hand.

I’m knuckling deep in tax prep that I keep putting off. Week.After.Week. Cleverly, though. Yeah, let’s go with that.

Seriously. I need to get them done. I may need therapy to brainwash me into thinking I should focus on it more. Even Dessy seems to be concerned with my whereabouts and my carting of boxes to and from my office to get a change of scenery to help me plug through to the finish line. Pathetic, I know.

I’ve also been listening to the incredibly relaxing sound of birds chirping and deer chomping. Try it…it’s mesmerizing. I prefer the trough camera view. The bird sounds may have something to do with the cats watching me the room with the sounds, now that I think about it more? Hmm.
Thank goodness it’s cold enough outside to just want to watch the clouds float by from the window instead of going out there in the cold.

I sat long enough daydreaming that I saw a cardinal in the tree. That means something, doesn’t it? I think I’ve heard it means your prayers are answered too? I like that idea. Many of my prayers have been answered this past month.
Just when I was getting into a groove of filing receipts, in the middle of the day, my side-project of doing laundry was humming along. Mid-cycle of the second batch, it was abruptly halted. The machine malfunctioned and was making loud beeps and flashing weird codes. Ruh, ROH.
The serviceman was summoned. Multiple attempts to trick the door to lock and load the rinse cycle were only successful in adding more water to the mix and then repeating the beeps and flashing. And making the clothes even wetter.
The web was consulted and tools arrived and parts were scattered about. The dirt I didn’t know existed in hidden crevices distracted me while the part causing the problem was inspected by the guy with the knowledge of such things. He cleaned it, dried it, sprayed stuff into it, (WD40 and such), and then reassembled it all to no avail.

As I cleaned other things, my mind wandered. Rather than wishing for flowers and chocolate for a valentine from my true love…I had a better wish to make.
I received those pretty in pink items from my partners at work last month for my 9 year work anniversary. I’m still nursing the flowers along. So I don’t need more just yet.
But I do need a new Door Latch Mechanism. I think that’s what it’s called? I’m going to be so surprised when the new one arrives and is installed and working!

I bet you can’t top that for a valentine’s treat to treasure that may or may not cost a fortune? I hope it works. So we don’t have to use a tax refund to buy a new machine? Oh, sh*t…I better get those papers processed soon!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “fortune.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!
PS – I love all of you blogging friends. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve missed all of you terribly. I promise to catch up with you all soon. Happy Valentines Day!
I hope that the door latch is all that needs replacing, new machines are expensive. Dessy is so cute spying on you, sweet kitty. Your flower photos are very beautiful, well done, Shelley! I can hear the deer munching down, wow, I wonder where the live stream is coming from? Good luck with your taxes, I have zero idea how to do them, have a guy in Michigan do them for me still, after these many years down here. Have a lovely day Shelley, I hope you can post more often. Peace!
Thank you, John, I hope so too! Dessy does have a certain charm to her face. She is the best alarm clock ever created. It’s a good thing she’s cute.
Thanks on the flowers too. Yes, the deer are so funny – they chow down 24 hours a day. Until the troughs are empty then return when filled.
Thanks on the taxes – I prepare them for our accountant to save $.
I hope you had a great Sunday and hope your week is full of fun adventures!
Wonderful! I treat my Tax Prep like an alarm clock on snooze. Starting this month I will remind myself continually it needs to be done then about a month later I will wake up with Determination and actually do it. Okay perhaps two months later
Thank you, Chris. I’ve been following that same alarm clock. I usually respond when I get the reminder email from my accountant that if I don’t turn them in by a certain time it’ll be an automatic extension.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you. May cupid bring you a new door latch. I know what cardinals are supposed to symbolize, but the ones around here might not be the best messengers. Kind of dimwitted, you know?
Thank you, Ally. Same to you. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the part works and solves the problem.

Bird-brains are tiny – and apparently able to endure the bitter cold, maybe their good messages are frozen until later this year
I was thinking about you just the other day and wondering if all was well. I guess we (and, by “we,” I mean my husband) will have to get our taxes ready soon. They keep talking about shrinking the forms down to an index card size, but I’m not holding my breath.
Thank you for thinking about me
I appreciate it.
Interesting…what do you mean by shrinking the forms down to an index card size? I’d need a magnifying glass to see it! It would be nice to not consume so much space.
I just meant that they are so complicated. People have talked forever about simplifying the forms (How much did you make? How much do you owe?) but all the special interests want to keep their goodies (and CPAs want to stay employed
Ah, that makes sense, thank you for clarifying! Makes sense!
I hope your part arrives, is not too expensive, and fixes the problem. My taxes were going song nicely until I discovered a problem my employer made in 2019. Now waiting for them to fix that. Maybe valentine’s Day is a day to wait.
Thanks, Dan, me too!
Oh, dear, amended taxes are not fun. Employers amending their records can take time. There’s still time before they’re due or extended.
Happy Valentines to you and the Editor!
I watched the deer eating at night then realised that it was a live feed from the trough camera. That washing machine doesn’t look all that old to be breaking down!!! Oh well better get out the old wringer machine from the shed in the meanwhile.
I am lucky I don’t have an income so I don’t have to do taxes, anyway I have an accountant to sort mine out
LOL – yes, it’s a live cam. Hopefully you can catch it during the day sometime. The pecking order of the deer is fun to watch.
I’m not positive how old the machine is, but it could almost be 20+ years old? I hope the part keeps it going instead of having to get a new one.
Freedom from taxes – nice. I prepare all my stuff to save $ with the accountant. I should just prepare them myself, but that would add time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts – I hope you and your bestie are doing well! I watch the news and think about all of you.
20 years is a good run but not fantastic. Hopefully just bung in a new part and away you go again. We are doing well thanks Shelley. I watch the news from the US and despair at what your country is doing to itself. I’ll have to wait until night here to see some day time deer action.
Keep well and happy. Hugs to Dessie
Yes, machines aren’t made like they were in the olden days. Apparently this is a common part to go bad, so hopefully it fixes the problem.
I’m beginning to think the news is the problem.
A funny side note, I left the video playing last night when we went to bed, and the strange sounds from the other room woke me and scared me until I discovered what I had done by leaving it on. The deer in the video are NOISY all day long. I hope you got to see some deer in action at your place.
Same to you, stay well and happy and thanks for the kitty hugs, much appreciated!
How thoughtful of your co-workers Shelley – what a nice surprise and very beautiful shades of pink. I know I have read and done a post long ago that a cardinal appearing near you or your home means a loved one who has died is thinking about you. Sorry to hear about the washer – the set downstairs here is from 1984 so I hope nothing happens to them. When the appliance tech came to the house to do a routine dryer cleaning to remove all lint, it was a new guy as the other one had retired. He left the drain for the A/C out of the laundry tub and hanging in mid-air. I didn’t think to check it and it was a very hot day in early September. I went downstairs to reboot my computer as it was acting up and meandered into the laundry room while it was booting up to ensure there were no problems. Water was everywhere! Called to have him come and move the washer and dryer out so there would be no mold. It’s always something!
Yes, my co-workers are sweet. I wish your boss would send you an appreciation gift – wouldn’t that be nice?
Yeah, I don’t know how old our washer is. It might be close to 20 years old. Yikes, your experience doesn’t sound good. I’m impressed your machines are still running. They used to make the machines more durable back then.
You’re right, it’s always something!!
Yes, me too. He used to be thoughtful at one time – not anymore. Your flowers are beautiful. The plumber said they were durable since they were Maytags and said the same thing as you – they were made better back then.
It’s amazing when the people who do the repairs say that, it has to be true!
I hope your Valentine’s Day gets better Shelley! Taxes & appliance breakdown are a crummy combo.
Thank you. So far, still waiting on the washing machine part. I’m hopeful it arrives today and we can wash and rinse and spin the day away! I hope you’re well too and that your hubby is healing and getting stronger day-by-day!
Well hopefully this one part will get that washer fired up for another 20 years. We’re doing well. Thanks for the kind words.
The part did the trick! The machine has been in action ever since the part arrived and Mr. installed it!
I’m so happy to hear you and your hubby are doing well!
Oh yes, there’s so many more important things we could receive from our valentines! I’m at the stage where I need time–and I’m so happy my husband has given me that gift. I’m headed to a big writing conference next month and am so excited! Hope you’re well and back in the laundry game. If only we didn’t have use of these washer and dryer contraptions!
Ah, the gift of time – that’s a wonderful gift to receive from your hubby. Enjoy your writing month and all the creative juices you’ll have flowing!
I’ll probably be still washing things.