
All Eyes on the Mysterious Elements of Owning Rental Properties

Mr. and I have been landlords for over 20 years. With 20 years under our reconstruction belts, we thought we had discovered every mysterious element of the crappy stuff we could encounter.

After flushing out the lists of ups and downs we’ve dealt with, not too many things scare us anymore. That was the case up until the last few months. Creepy things started to rear their ugly heads.

We’ve had one of our rentals open since June 2020. The pandemic threw a wrench into things and we just didn’t have the spirit to work on the place with the other large rental repair we were doing that year.

When the last renters moved out of this scary place I’m about to tell you about, they complained about the tub backup.

“Whatever, we know,” we said with a shrug. Not to them, but to ourselves.

We knew that tree roots were always an issue, so we had Roto-Rooter do their magic and clear the lines. Their tool ended up getting stuck at the end, it spent the winter frozen there and in the spring the guy said, “We’ll never do that again until you get a clean-out access tube in the basement.”

Mr. added that to his long cornstalk-length to-do list.

Enter the city streets crew for another disruption to the place rented plans. Not to help us, mind you. They were there to add to our tax burden by doing the 2nd street water pipes and drainage lines. This rental is on a corner, so that meant we’d be paying again for the curb, gutters, and sidewalks. They’d take the tree that caused blockages out for ‘free’.

They did that work and then we just had to put in the clean-out access tube in the basement. Mr. scheduled that work. For $600 + dollars it was done earlier this spring. In retrospect, it looked fairly straightforward, with nothing mysterious about it, Mr. could’ve done the work. But we paid the bill and I said, “We can finally rent the place.”

But…the tub continued to back up. Not too bad at first, but it was still backing up. We had Roto-Rooter clean it out, but then it got worse. Each time the upstairs renter washed clothes and showered, the lower apartment bathtub backed up.

Here’s where the elements of mysteriousness got more creepy and crawly. Mr. went there to check on things and noticed a lot of small flying bugs.

Like in Amityville Horror. But not as large as a stink bug with creepy eyes on its back.

He went into the bathroom and found the horror along with the most disgusting smell. Not only was the tub full of crud, but the toilet also looked as though it had exploded all over.

Mr. called Roto-Rooter again. That damn already-removed tree must’ve regrown roots at record speed. Or maybe it was another tree or something else?

They came, and this time, their tool made it all the way to the street side and came back all polished. He said, “When that happens, it means we’ve not hit tree roots, but we’ve hit the sand. You’ll have to contact the city streets department.”


Several days later, the city employee met Mr. there and took a look at the street plans. He discovered the crew had cut off our pipe on this street thinking it wasn’t needed because it should’ve been re-routed to the other street with the previous repairs. The pipe they cut off wasn’t going anywhere, the new pipe hadn’t been connected to our rental property, and the backfilled sand started to block the old sewer pipe.

It was their error. They had to fix it. Out came a very large tree, a redo of the yard where that tree was, new piping, a new sidewalk, and new curb/gutters. Thankfully, they were able to reuse the cleanout tube Mr. had arranged to be done in the basement. So we got reimbursed for that as well. I wonder if the crew that made the mistake still has a job.

The only thing we didn’t think of asking was to have them pay for the cleanup of the mess in the bathroom.

Mr. made one attempt to make it shine and wasn’t sure how to get through the sludge. In the meantime, the sludge got to dry on surfaces nice and hard. Unsweepably hard.

Is that even a word?

It fits the elements this stuff was made of.

Then the mouse totaled his car and we had to get that fixed. We did, and not for $7k either. We paid $600 cash. While we came away with one new crack in the headlight, it’s fixed, and we’re happy with the price paid. The Durango is back in style and Mr.’ll have to paint the fender himself.

So last Sunday…I entered into the story as the mysterious element crud clean-up crew of 1. Who, btw, desperately needs to cut her wild mane of hair, but I digress…

All eyes on the bathroom results…drumroll, please…how many faces do you see? I see 3!

2 hours later, I think the bathroom looked renter ready, don’t you?

We’re thankful the mysterious elements of the exploding tub and toilet have been solved. Now we wait until the next mystery appears.

See you back here next week (with or without all of my hair) I’m off to research haircutting techniques again, and I’m going to treasure my grounded thoughts…thank goodness for nice weather to de-stress in!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “element.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun! And Terri Webster – Sunday Stills – Mysterious.

PS – Do you know anyone interested in buying some rentals? 😆🤣😉 Let’s take a non-political vote, do you think the street staff should’ve paid me to clean up the mess? Yes or No? Do you think I should use the unicorn, wolf, or butterfly cut for my haircut? What’s new with you this week?

58 thoughts on “All Eyes on the Mysterious Elements of Owning Rental Properties

  1. I think you should leave your hair as it is. What a mess with the crew outside tearing up your plumbing! How maddening. The bathroom does look renter-ready though.

    I would have a paint shop paint the panel and door so it is hopefully done right the first time. Stink bugs are so nasty, we had them in big numbers in Michigan, stinky!

    Have a great week, guys!

    1. Thanks for your vote on the hair, John. With curly hair it’s important to give it a trim or cut to help the curls refresh. I did grab the scissors and ended up with a nice trim. Not too short!

      Yeah, the whole ordeal was frustrating. I’m thankful the city did correct their error.

      We’re trying to keep the cost of the ‘repair’ under the value of the vehicle. 🤣😆😉 A few coats and a clear coat on top should do the trick. We hope.

      You’re right, those stink bugs are STINKY and nasty. They’re ugly too!

      Hope you have a great week too!!

  2. What a great take on the theme, this week, Shelley! It would be a mystery to deal with rental properties for sure. I know your sewer pipe woes well. Our former home in Sacramento paid the salaries 2x a year for root clean-out. We did not get that kind of cruddy back up like yours, but one feminine product (in a home with three females) stuck in the roots was an ender! After years of this, dealing with cleanouts in the front yard and the city side, a wonderful employee of a roto company offered to run the camera line for free, normally a $200 charge, which back then was difficult on my single-parent salary. Not only did I have old clay pipes, there was a joint near the street that was broken allowing the roots. ASAP I saved my tax refund and spent $3K to have them run the rubber lines through the old ones which took care of the problem for good.

    As for your hair–I would go to a hair stylist–I wreck mine every time I try to do it myself! Best wishes on your new style!

    1. Thanks, Terri! Oh, my, you do know our woes well. And we know all the Roto-Rooter tools too. This place, they brought out ALL of them to help us figure out what happened so that the city would listen to us. It is expensive to get those pipes repaired. We ended up opting to have the water lines redone too, so $$$ added to our yearly taxes.

      I need to find out if my favorite hairdresser is still cutting hair. It’s been over 5 years since I had my hair cut professionally. Thankfully curly hair is fairly forgiving. I tried the ponytail cut this time and it WORKED 😉 Whew. 😅😊

      See you again next week for the Paths and Trails prompt, as always – thanks for hosting the challenges!!

  3. Wow. I definitely think you should be paid to clean up the mess, but I definitely wouldn’t bet on it. Man, you guys sure have some rental adventures. 😜

    1. Thanks for voting that I should get paid. I’d be extra happy if the clean bathroom resulted in a new renter. 😉 I’m sure the city won’t reimburse me for my time.
      We have had lots of adventures…we’re getting closer and closer to wanting to find other kinds of adventures to occupy our time.

    1. LOL, you know our feelings for sure. After I cleaned the place and we drove home, I was complaining about how disgusting it was. Mr. reminded me of a few other places that we’ve dealt with that were worse! Imagine that. YUCK. While it is rewarding to see the before and after photos for me, I’m getting less and less energized to do the work. Especially when our own home could use that kind of TLC 🤣😂🤣
      I’d rather be out taking photos of birds like the ones you shared in your post. NICE work!!

      1. Thank you, glad you liked them. I agree…my own home needs stuff done…the rent didn’t make cleaning up after other people any better…so we got out early.

        1. Yes, I did.
          I keep telling myself that this winter when I can’t go outside I can do attend to all the items on the list. We shall see if that theory pans out or not! 🤣

  4. Sorry I can’t help with any of this, including the haircut. What an ordeal. I’m not sure the city will help, but I’d ask. I hope you have a better week/month.

    1. Thanks, Dan. It’s been one of those months that I’m thankful we survived. It’s kind of sad, it likely had to get this bad for the city to look into it. 🤔🤨 I wonder if they’d consider my time at $100/hour? 🤣

  5. Yikes! At least the mystery was solved. I guess you can always ask for them to pay for the clean-up but I’m pretty sure the answer will be “no.” I am so, so happy to be out of the rental market. We have house issues now and then, but they are OUR issues, and we don’t have to fix them on a renter’s schedule.

    1. Yikes is right. I look forward to the day when I can say the same thing, “I am sooooooo happy to be out of the rental market.”
      We are at the stage, it’d be nice to only worry about our own home issues. Or travel 😉

  6. Wow, Shelley, that was really bad and disgusting. I would have gagged at all of it, especially the bugs. Ewww.
    The bathroom looks great now and I hope you find a renter who appreciates the new space.

    1. Hi Mary – yeah, it was disgusting. Thankfully, the bugs were dehydrated and just needed to be swept up at the point I entered into the story.

      Thanks, we hope to find a renter who will not only pay rent on time, but will take care of the place too.

      It was great to hear from you – enjoy this lovely weather we’re having here in WI! Dessy and Tizzie are sending love their way to Hoshi and Gibbs!

  7. I’ve never tried to cut my curly hair, nor have I/we owned rental property, nor do we have a Durango. Yet here I am saying “hello!” to you. Happy Halloween, Shelley.

    1. Hello, Ally – I’m always grateful to hear from you, thank you for stopping by.
      I’m happy to report that my haircut turned out , my curls have extra happy bounce to them, and I’m glad that I have enough length left to pull it up into a messy bun. That seems to fit the style well 🤣😂😁

  8. I know what it’s like having to deal with the government on problems that they managed to create in the first place. We have a sinkhole in our front yard that’s directly related to sewer work the county did years ago (even before my stroke). The county comes out and fixes it, it stays fixed for a while, then it comes back. Last time, we had to wait several years while the county ran around trying to get the money to fix it. Hopefully, it stays fixed now.

    Off the subject, I like the mane.

    1. Oh, man, I’d be so frustrated if a sink hole keeps happening and they’re not fixing it. Ugh. We have a problem like that in another rental unit, and one of the holes lead to Mr. injuring his lower back. I hope your sink hole stays fixed now!

      Thank you on the mane. It’s still longish after my trim/cut. The curls are happy to be relieved of the dead ends that needed to go.

  9. Oh Shelley – how do you get so much done? Working full-time and helping Mr. every weekend while trying to make these places habitable after (usually) the renters were slovenly. That’s good the City will pick up the tab. You deserve that after all the angst … the photos of the mess were terrible. What a month, that included the debacle of the mouse and the Durango and a haircut to boot … the haircut was by far the happiest event. Hang in there!

    1. Oh, Linda, there are many things that go undone. I just highlight the big things that do get done. We are relieved that the city picked up much of the tab. Now we have a tree to get removed on Tuesday for another $1200k. The tree removal business is raking in the bucks this year!
      Yes, the haircut turning out was a treat.
      Thank you for the support and encouragement! I hope you have a great week.

      1. Yes, for sure – let them foot the bill for you. I still wish I’d pulled out that little maple seedling next door – 14 bags to rake the front and I didn’t do the backyard … lots more to come down. None of them my trees mind you – mine is an ornamental Japanese Weeping Maple and hasn’t lost its leaves. My neighbor’s two magnolia bushes have buds on them! Crazy! I actually broke down and worked in the house all day today … at least I know where everything is now – yay! (Still looks like a gypsy or a hoarder lives here.)

        1. WOW – 14 bags…oh my, that’s a lot of leaves. I’ve heard that magnolia bushes can be messy.
          Yay for getting the inside of your house ready too! We have all winter to get ‘organized’ right?! 😉

          1. Yes and now I am sorry I wasted time inside yesterday when it was nice as we’re having rain this Saturday and and a wintry mix Sunday. Ugh. And I got up this morning feeling like a Mack truck rolled over me – extra bending and lifting – I’m not limber. Well, if it’s crummy, maybe I can get a post ahead and finishing sorting all the photos from the small camera card. I already did my Thanksgiving shoot, also with the small camera. Today’s reflections were also from the small camera.

          2. I know that day after yard warrior pain. I hope you recover quickly. The weather is chilly…we’re just going to have to admit it, autumn is done and winter is closing in fast on us.
            Man…I’m so impressed you’ve got so many posts already prepared!!!

          3. Yes, I’m still sore today. I think the Summer party is done and now we move to reality here too … too bad as it’s been a great ride. Well, the posts are in my head Shelley … I have the pics sorted for the rest of the month but have to write ’em. Then December is planned out in my head as well, but pics not all sorted. I have a grid of what I’ve taken in pictures since July … had it all organized but there are exceptions to stick in sometimes.

          4. I hope you’re feeling better today. WOW – that’s so impressive, Linda!! I’m lucky to get one post done a week. 🤣

          5. Finally I can move again Shelley … for all the walking I do, I am not limber in the least. Well, I only can usually get one post a week done as well. The Wordless Wednesday post is easy to do. I probably won’t get back to the post I originally was going to write until near December as I have harvest-type photos I’m going to use next.

          6. Do what you can, and remember to stretch often!!
            Again, I’m impressed you have blog posts planned that far in advance!

          7. I really have to stretch more often … I actually should have enough on the camera card from July, September and October, plus holidays, blogiversary, recaps, to last to Spring. Good thing I wrote summaries of each trek to make it easier to do posts.

          8. I need to stretch more often too! We should hold each other accountable.
            That’s SO impressive, Linda. I don’t think about what I’m going to write until I read the prompt on Fridays/Sundays. 🤣😂😉

          9. Yes we should – get it done that way. I went and bought the yoga DVD after I fell into the snowbank and had a difficult time getting up, (but in fairness to me, I had the small camera in one hand and didn’t want to wet it so try getting up with one hand), so a fellow blogger read the post about that fall and recommended a yoga tape for seniors which she said she did so she could climb down on the floor to play with her grandchildren. I ordered it from Amazon that night – I’m not sure where I put it and it is still shrink wrapped.

            I’ve never done a prompt and don’t know if I could.

            I had the handyman fix my storm door which he said had moved slightly – no more fear of mousies.

          10. I would’ve protected the camera too! 😂 I think we donated exercise videos that I bought thinking I’d use them too. Now it’s just as easy to search YouTube for exercises to prevent falls in seniors. They all are good and easy to incorporate into daily routines and breaks during work.
            YAY for the door being fixed, I’m so happy to hear that!!!

          11. I have a DVD player, but I unplugged the TV in 2010 when I cancelled the cable. So, I guess it would work by turning the TV on … it is combo VCR/DVD player and I never used the DVD portion, just the VCR portion of the player. I have to do something … but truly, I am just sitting at the kitchen table, nothing that is a proper desk or chair. I did buy a riser for the Windows 10 – still waiting for Ron to load Office 365 on there – he has the software (probably forgot to get a license and I’m not buying it – Windows 10 had two driver issues, a brand-new laptop, really only used to do updates, which I can’t do because of the driver issues). I’m lazy and stay on Windows 7 – if I could get all the photos, notes, posts I have done in draft (when I return from long walks) and move them, I might be more enthusiastic – it has a bigger screen which is a draw at least. I deal with so much other stuff at work, it often seems like the least of my worries.

            Yes, I am happy about that. I was getting worried after your post, plus if there was a big snowfall that banks up, some would come in that slit, so now taken care of.

          12. I’m impressed that you can still keep Windows 7 running. Right now, every work computer I maintain with licenses for work is being forced to go to Office 365. I’m guessing that your computer wouldn’t even be able to load that software. Is that a sign Robb will need to retire soon?
            I recently had to unload all of my photos from my SD card (Mr. actually did it) and there was a new update to Windows that automatically turned any vertical photo I took to horizontal. I don’t know if I’ll be able to rotate them………….. it makes me so sad. Computers are a blessing and a curse!
            Yay – having no mice in your house is a GREAT thing!

          13. Wow – I didn’t know that about Office 365. I have Word 2010 here on Windows 7 and a backup Windows 7 laptop I have. I got both as a download which Robb paid for as our computer system is down a lot, so I can work on my own. And … I have my very first laptop which I got in 2009 and I have Word 2007 on that laptop. I use it just for storing my photos so it doesn’t slow this computer. I am so bad about archiving pictures off … I used to do it quarterly. I will tell you this … I have a Vista OS desktop connected to a printer – I have used neither since buying the laptop in 2009. I don’t use a printer for my job – he scans in work and I do screenshots of the scan to edit or type stuff from scratch. So I’ve had three desktops, all downstairs: first one, a Gateway crashed; second one a Dell had monitor issues – we shipped monitors back and forth three times as it didn’t display properly. The Vista desktop was fairly new when I bought the first laptop when my mom was confined to bed – I didn’t want to be downstairs all the time. The three Windows 7 laptops are all HP laptops – knock on wood, never an issue with them. The oldest one no longer has a battery, but I always plug in my laptops, so not an issue and it lost its backspace key. Other than that, they’re great and working fine. When we were getting the Windows 10 desktops for work and laptops, I told the computer guy I wanted an HP only with the largest screen available. He got a Dell and the Dell, now three years old, never used except for updates and now has driver issues. I would always go with HP … I’d really go with a Mac but it’s not compatible with our system. I am not going to Windows 10 unless he loads Office 365 on it – I’d prefer he gets the license with a “forever license” as I don’t need anything but Word on it – I don’t use any other features. I can always go to “Open Office” and download it for free – it is a word processing program.

            I think there is a way you can select a group of pictures, apply the format for them and they all turn the other way. You’d probably have to group them by vertical and by horizontal, then fix the wrong ones this way (thanks to Google) and the little blurb was from this year, so likely Windows 10. Just select the entire group (Control A, Select) and they’ll flip (hopefully).

            “In the Categories tab, select Media. Under Image Editing, tap Rotate Image/Video. The default rotation is 90 degrees, clockwise.”

            Yes, if I saw a mouse I’d have been hysterical and given how many other things went wrong this year, I would not be surprised to have one more thing go wrong.

          14. Wow…you’ve got quite the collection of computers. You might be able to sell the older ones on Ebay and make enough to buy a new HP with all the updated Windows on it.
            Thank you for the photo tips, I’m going to check with Mr. and see what we can do. Dang Google, Microsoft, etc. updates. I get it, but I rarely want to be changing things as often as they do. I so appreciate your tips, thank you!
            Let’s just hope that nothing else goes wrong this year, you’ve paid your dues! 😉

          15. I always had a backup laptop in case one crashed so I had one for work. When the backspace key came off the original HP laptop, I went on YouTube to see how to replace it (it has a stub with a white hinge that sits on top of the stub for lack of a better description). The tutorial said “lift off a corner of another large key gently, so you can see how to place the original key.” Well that key popped off also. I use a pair of cotton gloves to use the laptop, as two keys are missing. I use a wireless keyboard for my Windows 7 laptop and also bought one for the Windows 10 that sits on the stove. My boss had a big case and we were busy and at the end of it, he asked how my laptop was doing – did I need a new one? I said “I can always use the one with the missing keys that I use for pictures as a backup” … he said “just order another one, so I did. However, in doing an update or Service Pack update, it wiped out my ability to get into work, so I started using the one Robb bought. It works for everything else and in this one crashed, I could get the computer guy to put another VPN on it. I actually have the software to populate it but will let him do it. I actually like the Windows 7 interface – no problems with any of those Windows 7 computers because they are HPs and I have Malwarebytes Premium so it stops viruses, as does Microsoft Security Essentials. The Windows 10 laptop, here since 2019, is not eligible for an upgrade to Windows 11 which I understand is a bit buggy. I’s already had another problem besides these two drivers. I’d really rather have a Mac with less upgrades, etc.

            I thought at one time you could resize a whole group of pictures in a folder at one time by copying the formatting of one photo but it may have been just for Windows 7. I thought I researched it rather than resizing the gigantic photos to the size I usually size them to use on my blog.

          16. Oh, my, I’m impressed with your perseverance. I can’t think of a version of Microsoft that isn’t buggy. I hope the computers hold out for you until retirement day. I can’t help but think that if Robb saw your set-up he’d offer to buy you a nice desk/workspace! Maybe even a Mac as a retirement gift, that’d be nice, right?!
            I think Mr. found some tool, I’ll need to get it installed on my computer. For the time being, I’ll use any vertical photo right away and save it to our server after I use it on a blog post. That way, I won’t feel so bad when it rotates. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

          17. Well I had lots of issues with those two desktops and I’m therefore no fan of Dell and Gateway is out of business now I think. I do think my boss offered to buy me a set-up for the kitchen when I had the shoulder problem … I didn’t want the mat in the kitchen (tripping hazard) and the rollers on the bottom of the set-up I looked at would have damaged the floor. In the other rooms it would be kind of closed in – the kitchen is better as it’s close to the phone port, plugs, better light. I did buy a stand for the kitchen table to raise it higher when I put the Win10 on it … whenever that is. I have to work on the drivers or have the computer guy do it if I can’t figure it out.

          18. I have some bad memories of those brands as well. I’m so impressed you’ve been able to work through the obstacles and have a space that is workable for yourself. I hope you find the computer guy to help resolve any outstanding issues. It’d be nice to have a smooth year prior to retirement!

          19. I am going to try the Dell again tomorrow when I get home … if I can’t figure it out, I need to contact him. I am all for a smooth year ahead as this year has not been smooth with all the things breaking around the house, even new things!

          20. Well I came home from walking yesterday and decided to do the Win 10 downloads and deal with the driver(s). It had disconnected itself from the internet (again), the drivers were to sync with work and the computer guy syncs it with his company (???), so I couldn’t do that – there were a handful of updates that took from 12:30 until 7:30 p.m. and I kept popping over to check them. Half an hour in to the updates, I heard a strange beeping. Thought it was the smoke alarm – I usually change it at the time change weekend, had not done so. Nope, not the smoke alarm, not the carbon monoxide alarm. Went down the hall to the weather alarm – it was flashing red/yellow and green at the same time. Pulled it out of the wall to give it new batteries and when I removed the batteries, it erased my set-up, so had to do that all over again. I at least will be able to watch a movie with a bigger screen and also I noticed my blog landing page has too much empty space around the edges. I don’t see that with Windows 7 – it is proportional and looks fine. I’ll have to play with that another time – I had three posts to do this weekend due to Thanksgiving. But at least I have Win10 working again. 🙂

          21. YAY! Congrats on getting Windows 10 working and your weather alarm too.
            Your blog always looks good to me, I also view on a smaller screen, so maybe that’s why I don’t see a lot of empty space.

          22. Yes, I cannot believe how long those updates take – Windows 7 did them and you could review them and download them while working or when I’m here at night, but then configuring them I’d plan around as I don’t want to go out or go to bed if it’s not done in case of a malfunction and its running without shutting down, which happens occasionally requiring a hard shut down. Maybe it’s the way he has configured it? Yes, the weather alarm – I thought “I’ll bet this computer has an alarm of some type and I’ve set it off somehow.” First time for the weather alarm doing that. It does a weekly test on Wednesdays, so hopefully I set it correctly. The CO2 alarm went off in the middle of the night one time – it was Summer, so the furnace wasn’t running but the alarm could have woken the dead.

            That’s good because on the Windows 10 laptop, it is a two-inch bigger screen, so I see lots of flowers in the background … like it is divided into three segments. If I change my background I doubt I can go back to it because it is a 2010 theme, likely not available. I keep waiting for an e-mail from WP that they are sunsetting my theme.

          23. Don’t get me started on how long updates take! I’m so impatient with running those. It’s like time sits still!
            Yes, that is a fear of mine too, the free themes may require updating over time. I dread that day!

          24. I don’t remember any other updates taking so long – since I don’t use that laptop, I’m glancing over there all the time and it goes to screensaver almost instantly. Not a fan of this laptop. I heard HP is laying off 6,000 workers – yikes, but it is over three years, not an Elon Musk-style termination.

            I wouldn’t shut down my blog, but unless I could not get a comparable theme, I’d be up a creek without a paddle since the only tweaking I’ve done in the last ten years ago was adding a photo gallery and I should really update it.

          25. I’m guessing that your operating system isn’t up to speed enough to handle the updates? I find it frustrating that I think they do that on purpose to encourage the purchase of newer models. I hadn’t heard about HP laying off people. WOW.

            You’re lucky you’ve found a theme that has lasted long, that’s a good thing. Update when you feel like it or add that to your when you’re retired to-do list 😉

          26. This Win10 I’ve had since 2019 … I should look when it was manufactured, but I do know in the updates section it has a message that it cannot be upgraded to Windows 11 (hope Ron did not get some inferior laptop that it says that – my guess is that he bought an older model cheaper). I was surprised about HP, though they stressed it is not like Meta and Twitter and even Amazon tech laying off as they are doing it in stages. Amazon tech laying off … I wonder if that will spell some type trouble for Prime. I’ve actually had no issues with Prime – two deliveries came a day late, one came the next day … the snow rake, which I hope I don’t need for a while. Sometimes Amazon is an over-achiever.

            I did pick the easiest theme since I was a newbie. 🙂

          27. I think that no matter what operating system is used/installed there are issues to discover.

            I had heard that 6000 Amazon employees were going to hold out for raises that would cause shipping delays while negotiations happened? I dunno if that’s true or not. One night we had a Prime delivery truck stuck in our driveway until the fuel truck came to fill it up. That was a new thing to see.

            Yay for easy themes, they’re simply the best!

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