Adventures · Inspiration

Ah…to be a kid again!

Fireworks and the Fourth of July go hand in hand with kids of all ages.  If only we could be kids forever, right?


We’d pose to see our reflections in the pond.  Wondering if there really are monsters or tadpoles at the bottom?


We’d anticipate getting our brand new clothes wet.  It’s fun to be naughty, isn’t it?


We’d hold hands as we took the maiden voyage across the wide little sea.


We’d splash, cuz’, you know, we’re already wet.

We’d race through the smoke from the smoke bombs.

We’d chase the parachutes from our daddy’s favorite fireworks.

We’d shoot bottle rockets – just cuz’ they make a loud bang.

We’d briefly settle in our chairs, cover up with blankets and watch the ground show start.

When it’s dark enough for sparklers, we’d grab them and run again…

We’d land back in our chairs to watch the big show begin.

Ooohh…ah…the beauty of the fireworks…even in black and white…

The night always ends, and the smoke clears…until next year!


When we can act like a kid…again!


#31SRW Photography Challenge – Day 5 Fire (Challenge Rules Here)

(Special thanks to the amazing models in this post – my niece’s kids are adventuresome and always up for action-packed fun!  If only we could bottle that amount of energy…we’d all be kids forever!  And hugs to Grandma and Grandpa who have the yard where the fun happens! xx)

PS – How about you, did you run around and chase the sparklers last night?  Did you enjoy the fireworks?  Or are you like my little dog, who HATES them and is still recovering from the sounds that went until 11pm?  When’s the last time you jumped in a pond with your new clothes on?  

For those of you participating, or critiquing the challenge, please rate my pictures to help me grow!

Rate Photos with Stars*

1 * A photo of the object

2 * A silhouette of an object

3 * A reflective silhouette

4 * A creative story along with a reflective silhouette

5 * All of above in color and add a photo of it in black & white

6 thoughts on “Ah…to be a kid again!

  1. As we did last summer, we allowed The Girl to spend the day with friends at their lake house. The Boss, The Boy, and I spent the day at my parents’ house with other family enjoying Dad’s slow-cooked BBQ ribs and their swimming pool. The past couple years, we went to a nearby town’s extravagant fireworks show, but this year, I bought a sackful of fireworks and let The Boy and my nephew have fun with them. It was a sweltering night in middle Tennessee, and I enjoy shooting bottle rockets from my bare hands, so I was sweat-soaked, soot-covered, and exhausted by 9:30 PM. I also have a lovely burn on my neck caused by a bottle rocket that backfired then blew up in my hand. Ouch!

    1. Sounds like a fun-filled day and evening! Glad to hear you only have a small burn!! Yikes! Fireworks can be fun, and they can be dangerous!

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