What’s the old saying? How does it go? Something like, “Well, that’s one for the books?” I wonder, did Mickey Mouse, Dick Tracy, or Roosevelt ever use that phrase?

Or maybe it’s like a joke, “A couple of guys step up to the bar and start discussing the stormy sh*t that happened over the past week?”
One looks at the other and says, “Are you kidding me…that’s not what really happened is it, you’re full of sh*t, right?”

I’m here to say, it’s been one of those jot-it-down-in-books kind of weeks with some stellar prize-winning moments, and some not-so-much.
Along with some fleeting thoughts – like when I admire the updated bathroom decor and dream about how the lucky snowbirds who wisely fly south for the winter are quite smart. I wish we were going somewhere warm and without snow don’t ya know?

The week started off weird when we witnessed a wild maniac red squirrel who identifies as something other than what they are in real life defeat gravity right before our eyes – right before the record snow started to fall.
More on this cute scoundrel in a moment. He’s not really that shy. He’s just hungry and quite the weather prognosticator. And frankly, I don’t know if it is male or female. I guess it doesn’t matter as it recently identifies as a bird anyhow.

Before we highlight the prize-winning redhead above, the prize-winning moment of the week goes to Mr. who fixed the snow blower! If you remember, it had died the day of the first snowfall of the season back in December, right before Christmas. So yeah, two months later…Mr. wins the DIY repaired JIT prize.
The arrival of a foot of new fluffy white snow we got this past week was the perfect test to make sure it works.
The rabbit, shocked by all the fluffy white stuff, took Mr.’s lead and identified itself as a snow blower too. Back and forth, back and forth, paving an excellent path to and fro the Tea House.
Then to make matters better, or worse, it turned mighty cold the day after the storm. Because we all love below zero temps.

When the sun came out, it produced ice melting/chilling on the Juncos kind of moments.

So we holed up inside the house with a fire in the fireplace. We watched the rabbit who found a cozy spot to catch some Vitamin D-producing moments. Not gonna lie, I was kind of jealous. But, who needs the beachfront property, right? That’ll come when the snow melts, just wait and see little bunny.

I encountered a weird watching the birds through the window moment that happened when a Blue Jay identified itself as an owl, hawk, or eagle.
I think the victim may have been this little finch who didn’t seem very strong and seemed lost during the storm.

As the snow piled up on every surface little birds tended to land on…

and continued to pile up. . .in piles everywhere in the yard which a tiny bird can sink fast into to take a long winter’s nap. It’s a thing…birds will nap in the snow to get warm. Who knew? Not me, but I heard it from a guy (aka, my brother) who’s an expert on watching birds and squirrels. I wonder, did we inherit that gene, our dad does the same thing!?

I astonished him with my tale about how I saw a Blue Jay land on the snow, and grab the tiny bird out of it. Before it knew what had happened, it struggled and lost four or more of its feathers.

The Blue Jay hung onto the little bird with its talons and tried to land with it on the fence. It dropped it twice before the victim broke free and flew off and hit the side of our house. I’m guessing it won’t survive. So sad.

Later in the morning, the attack prints in the snow were easier to see. The Blue Jay feathers are large enough to help it stay above the quicksand-like white fluffy snow.
We should’ve known it was going to be a week to record in the books as the previous snow piles on the deck had mostly melted, and it seemed spring-like, or at least we had high hopes for the snow to fade away until next year. We even walked out to the Tea House to check on things there. Only the two hose reels had burst pipes. That’ll be a DIY repair story for the spring.

We couldn’t have been more wrong about that prediction, so we’ve given up playing the role of the meteorologist.

The male Cardinal, confused about spring’s arrival had returned to the feeding area to share a couple of handsome poses.

And one more because this was the shot that I swear the red squirrel wanted to identify with.

The snow (prior to the storm) had melted completely off of the patio table. What joy it appeared to be for the hungry little redheaded critter who could suddenly fly.
Finally a visible launching pad!

The red squirrel claiming to identify as any bird that could fly onto the bird feeder, appeared extra frantic to fill its tummy. Tizzie and Dessy took turns watching it.

The red squirrel who learned how to fly like a Cardinal knew the storm was coming and the food supply would be buried in the snow. Or that it would be too deep for it to hop through to find the deck stairs to climb onto the upper deck floor where the glorious food was.
Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort.
Theodore Roosevelt
The desperate attempts paid off handsomely and helped the prized bird feeder become all his own. No bird wanted to take this greedy monster on. And, yes, if you’re wondering, the suction cups have held on well.

With a full belly and a flick of the tail, the scoundrel dashed off to hide wherever it is that red squirrels hide. We hope it’s in a tree and not an attic space in the garage or under the cover of our grill. No matter how cute this bird imposter is, we know that red squirrels are scoundrels.

So are the woodpeckers, like this female Hairy Woodpecker, – I can’t wait to count how many new holes are in the railings on the deck from her and the other woodpeckers.

Don’t stress over anything that you can’t change.
Mickey Mouse
Once the big winter storm had passed and the BIRD (not Squirrel) feeder was restocked by Mr., all forms of birds have been back entertaining us all as we watch the snow melt slowly away each day.

I wonder if any of the critters outside will be able to predict when the closing of the temporary restaurant window feeding spot will happen – ’cause once the weather gets nice enough for us to remove said spot from the window they won’t be welcomed here until next year.
Is the enemy of my enemy my friend, or the enemy of my friend my enemy? Or enemy of my enemy my enemy?
Dick Tracy
I’ve recorded many highs and lows of winter. I’m thinking that there will be no looking back at this winter fondly for us once spring finally arrives!
This winter has been a twisted one indeed.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “prize.” Use it as a noun or a verb; use it any way you’d like. Have fun! And Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills Feb 26 Feeding the Birds
PS – What head-spinning tales of winter’s woes do you have to share? Do you have a favorite quote from Teddy R, Mickey Mouse, or Dick Tracy? Did you know that birds will sleep in the snow to keep warm? What is the favorite bird you have that visits your bird feeders?
I’m here for the squirrel photos. They are great even if the backdrop for them is snow, snow, snow. I know that it’s February but don’t you feel like winter should be over by now. Of course as you [and Mickey] said: “Don’t stress over anything that you can’t change.” Stay safe, stay warm
Hi Ally, I’m glad you enjoyed the squirrel photos. This little red squirrel is quite the charmer. Very bold and determined too.
I keep reminding myself not to stress too much about this weather. It will eventually change to spring! Same to you, stay safe and warm
What amazing shots of birds, squirrels and rabbits (oh my!). I just chuckle at your narrative style, Shelley…we would have fun sitting around having coffee telling our colorful tales. I LOL’d at the squirrel sitting inside the feeder. I’m thankful we have no trees to attract them (yet). You guys got more snow too, snow is falling as I type and winter is far from over in the PNW. Glad your snowblower is in working order, hopefully we won’t need ours. Cute bird looking backwards! PS, I just showed my hubby your tea house–he likes the idea of the little covered porch (score!). Have a great week!
Aw, thank you, Terri, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I think we’d have a jolly good time sipping coffee while telling tales!

That squirrel is one determined little chap.
I was happy I was clicking away when that finch turned it’s head around at me. It was kind of Linda Blair like, though.
My hubby designed and built the Tea House from scratch. I told him back then he should’ve kept the floor plans available for others who might like to build one too. He, of course, makes note of things he would’ve done differently. I hope your hubby is able to build you a little covered porch – it’s so fun to have a place to sit outside in!
Thank you, I hope you have a great week too! (PS – it was so nice of you to feature Linda Schaub’s blog too…she just finally got internet service back – after being without power for a few days.). Michigan’s ice storm was historic. I feel bad about complaining about our foot of snow.
Nice nature photos, as always. I love the bright red cardinals…we’ve seen a couple in our trees lately. And the days are getting longer. But the roads outside my house are still a skating rink. I would take snow over ice any day. At least we didn’t lose power…many around us did, and I have a friend in Ann Arbor who is still without power.
Luckily she has a generator. On a brighter note, the SUN is out today. Woo hoo
Hi Laurel, thanks, I’m glad you enjoy the photos!
We’re thankful for the snow for the same reason, our driveway was an ice rink with ruts. We’re supposed to get rain/ice tomorrow so we’ll see what happens to it next.
I’m glad to hear you didn’t lose power!! I was astonished at how many customers in MI did and for how long it was before power was restored. I hope your friend’s power gets restored soon. That’s great news she has a generator. One of my blogging buddies from MI bought one last year and is mighty glad it worked – she was without power for 3 days I think! UGH.
YES – the sun is shining here and it feels so good to sit in the window and soak it up. I feel like a cat ready to cozy up and take a nap.
Great photography, Shelley! Mr. Squirrel is a real piggy, maybe moving the furniture away from the feeder will stop him from eating everything in sight. It was 36 degrees here this morning! This is the High Desert but this is ridiculous. At least the sun is out today and a high in the low 50s.
Thanks, John! We were going to move the furniture then the snow came. Maybe after this round of snow melts we can do that.
BURR, that’s cold for you. Such crazy weather this winter!!! Stay warm!!!!
I see. Try building that feeder I mentioned the other day. It works. According to Siri, it’s 48 degrees now almost noon. Should be much warmer.
I think we’ll be looking at what to do differently next year, once we can get outside without having to shovel snow
We’re expecting freezing rain and snow today. Oh, the joys of winter!
That’s terrible. I’ve been through a few ice storms, they are always terrible. I hope your power won’t be cut.
Yes, they can be bad. Thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as predicted. It warmed up fast so it melted before it could do too much damage. Thank you for your concern, much appreciated.
Did your family lose power in the big MI storm? 400,000 + residents did, that’s a terrible storm they had.
I enjoyed your post very much, Shelley. Poor little bird, but I ove the squirrel and the cardinal especially. I’d quite like snow instead of rain, my dog loves it too
Hi Cathy! Thanks for stopping by, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I enjoyed yours as well, it was so fun to see all the different birds you have in your area. And that you have scoundrel squirrels too!!
It’s fun to see dogs that enjoy playing in the snow.
I wish I could send you some snow
We had a little snow a few weeks ago but it didn’t stick around long unfortunately, and yes scoundrel squirrels too
It’s the small moments of joy that bring the biggest smiles

Indeed they do
Hi Shelley! My goodness you have a real nature sanctuary at your house. Great photos as we all walk around your yard with you. That last shot is amazing. No, I did not know that birds slept in the snow to stay warm. I’ll be on the lookout here
Ahhh…snowblowers…we had one at our house and were glad we did. Better than a shovel any day. Spring will be here in a few weeks – hard to believe.
Hi Andrea!!! It’s great to hear from you!!

Welcome back to blogging. I’m glad you found your way here to my crazy sanctuary which is a tad stir crazy to say the least!
I was so happy to see that last photo too. I was also kind of surprised that the finch could do that with its head.
Yes, the snowblower is such a wonderful thing. I could just see the winter cloud over Mr.’s head lifting as he made each pass on the driveway. Our driveway has brought us many nightmares this winter.
I’m holding you to that promise that spring will arrive soon…………….!
You catch the greatest photos of those birds. It must be your amazing patience plus the birds like you and perhaps are posing.
. Yes, Spring is coming – it says so on my calendar. 
Thank you for the compliment. I don’t know if I have patience as much as 3 fellow bird watchers that tell me with either a meow or a ‘hey, hon, you’re gonna want to grab your camera’ moments that give me the opportunities to snap away. Trust me, there are a LOT of really bad photos that I take!
Yay for spring! 13 days until the clocks spring forward! I hope that means warmer weather and less snow!
You’re welcome. One good thing about digital photography is that you know right away if a photo works out or not. Film, not so much. Sounds like you have a team working for you!
LOL – I’m terrible with digital because every photo has potential even if I don’t use it in a post. Oops!

Yes, we’re quite the team
Fun post! That picture of the bird reminds me of the movie, The Exorcist. I hope the poor birdy didn’t start spewing green stuff.
I think that pin was for FDR, not Teddy (my mother had the same one)… so one of my favorite – out of many – FDR quotes: “We must scrupulously guard the civil rights of all our citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization.”
Hi Janis! YES, that’s what I thought about the bird too. I didn’t see any green stuff spewing, thankfully. I have seen it though in the sparrows that like to eat the tent worms. They are yucky green inside.
Oh, thanks for clarifying the pin!! I have so many pins that I don’t have any history on them. I now wish I had asked for clarification before my step-father passed away.
Thanks for sharing your favorite quote.
That’s a great quote, very fitting of the times.
Hi Shelley, this post was so much fun – the way the three vintage pins led to your quotes from Teddy R, Mickey Mouse, and Dick Tracy
the bird/squirrel/snow photos are amazing and love your play on “identifies as” – lmao
Hi Yvette! I rescued your comment that was identified by WP as spam. WTH? It’s great to hear from you and I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Sometimes the critters just give me the materials that I have to run with! I hope you’re doing well, thanks again for stopping by, sorry it took me so long to find and restore your comment!
I am sad that I was in spam but feel glad you found my comments
and I might have kept my tone calm and cool – but I did not enjoy this post – I loved it and it was bringing me smiles a few times since I left
the nature photos – the humor – dang Shelley – it was so much fun
anyhow, things are pretty good here. looking forward to a nice month of March – and even though we have had a lot of rain and chilly weather – there have been some sunny days
Thank goodness WP got it right this time, as this reply didn’t hit the spam folder!

I’m so happy you enjoyed the post and that I could share a smile with you too.
I’m with you on hoping that March brings warmer weather and many more opportunities to get outside. I’m also looking forward to not having to wear 4 layers to keep warm while walking. Except that does add a layer of ‘exercise’ by how long it takes to don and take off the clothes, plus they weigh more so it’s like carrying weights with us, and the boots, they weigh a lot. Crap…I’ll have to walk further when all I have to wear is shorts, t-shirt, and shoes when I walk!
As always, it’s great to hear from you!
such a great point about the exertion as you put on certain walking gear – really good point –
Thank you, Yvette
I am glad you have been squirreling away Shelley. Life in the snow and the inhabitants is always so foreign to me but I love it. The snow blower is something, better than shoveling
Hi Brian! Yes, we’re stir-crazy and squirreling away the days until spring arrives. Yes, the snowblower being fixed has been a VERY happy thing in our lives!
We’re getting freezing rain now…not sure it’ll be helpful or not, but likely no more or less than a shovel. 
A twisted winter, indeed! Impressive wildlife, Shelley, and suction cups, ha!
Thank you for being here to enjoy the twisted highlights with me

Wow…look at that snow. Love the photos of the birds and the bunnies. So cute. I went for a walk the other day after the ice had melted from teh road (so I wouldn’t fall) and found myself looking for tracks in the remaining snow.
Thank you, Kirstin! It’s fun now that the ice melts faster with the slightly warmer weather. We lost 4 inches of snow in the sun, which we’re not sad about, except there’s more predicted for today.
Yes- seeing the tracks in the snow is so fun!
Nothing like a cute munchkin to brighten your day, whether it is furry or feathered. Great that Mr. got the snow blower to do its thing and he didn’t have to shovel you out. How cute you said the bunny identified as a snow blower making its own trail through the yard. I laughed at that as well as the squirrel identifying as a Cardinal.
I didn’t realize a larger bird would take the initiative to help a fallen comrade from another species … I found that interesting. I am sorry the smaller one didn’t make it though.
I don’t think the diners at your feeder have to worry about it closing for the season from the looks of your yard and/or the weather forecast. I guess Pugsatawney Phil was correct after all.
I also loved the quotes peppered throughout from your Mom’s vintage buttons to the declaration of Mickey Mouse: “Don’t stress over anything that you can’t change.” Mayb that is my new mantra going forward. Guess that means I can only whine about the weather then as there’s nowhere to go with a perfect climate. My late friend researched to find the U.S. city with the most sunny days per year and came up with Las Cruces, New Mexico where he and his wife moved about 5-6 years ago. He’d e-mail me that it was 102 but no humidity and he didn’t even break a sweat, though the dust devils were a force to be reckoned with.
Hi Linda, I’m thankful to read your thoughts on this post, I imagined you would enjoy it.

Yes, I’m sad to admit that Pugsatawney Phil was correct. I’m with you on thinking that Mickey’s advice is a good mantra to take forward. Hmm…or maybe move to Las Cruces, NM?
I’m all for that move – Terry was happy to sell his snowblower and lawn mower, as he had cacti for plants and stones instead of grass. It looked like the stones were bigger than pea gravel, smaller than river rock, but he said the lack of yardwork and outside work was wonderful. Unfortunately he only was able to enjoy it for about five years. He had a stroke, got Covid while living in the rehab facility and passed away March 13th last year. Live for the moment – take Mickey’s advice, though it is not always easy to do so.
I like Terry’s philosophy about yard work. Aw, that’s sad that his health didn’t hold on longer
Yes, you’re right – enjoy each moment!
Yes, I could live with that philosophy. I felt badly … he got a tutor to teach him Spanish. He had taken it in high school or college, but forgot most of it. No book. She came to to see him and put sticky notes all over the apartment. He rented an apartment over the Winter months to see if he liked it. He had a small PR biz, so he could work anywhere … his wife came to visit, liked it there, so they bought a house and he went back and forth for months, transporting “breakables” etc. and then they made the big move. Enjoy the moment. He was gone too soon.
Aw, bittersweet moments there. As my daughter keeps saying to me, “We all make choices in our lives mom, it’s what people do.” We just have to enjoy each moment, even the frustrating ones, I guess. I have a hard time with those, though.
It seems we are always adjusting our mindset … is it society or us getting older?