Here we are, July 4th, 2019. Where did the first half of the year go? I’m still in shock that I feel like it went by way too fast.
Even if I felt like I was in the right spot, at the right time, sh*t happens in life, and we either go with the flow, or we change directions. We’re independent now in our empty nest, and we’ve still got a lot of undone stuff to occupy our time with.
Instead of waving a white flag admitting that I’m shocked or dismayed at how quickly life has gone by this year, or all the years before, I’m admiring the waving flag that represents innocence; and hardiness and valor; and vigilance, perseverance & justice.
And to me, it represents our freedom to make choices in our lives as we live here in the US.
I’m disappointed in myself for not using the first part of the year to get many unfinished projects completed. I need to surrender to the facts that I haven’t completed many of them. They are still bold and beautiful and rocking there on my to-do list. I’m not perfect like the others that have completed their lists.
It’s what we do here in the US, we see others on social media, doing the cool things and try to keep up with the Joneses.
The ones with the cute little houses, perfect size for them…
until they outgrow it. It looks so cute and perfect in the meantime.
Eventually, they’ll discover they’ll need to part ways with the home, sweet, home and move on to bigger things.
I’m not into moving on from our home, the kids did that. I just need to find a new home for the unfinished projects, things I don’t need anymore, and those things that just don’t matter now that the nest is empty.
Those things that are busy collecting mold, dust, dirt, and just plain old sucking up valuable real estate space.
Stacks upon stacks of keeping me from the freedom and independence to do fun things. Like the Joneses do.
Did storm clouds of life roll in and stack up things you’ve had to deal with? Things that felt heavy and burdensome?
I feel like I need a break from workaholic status – yeah, that’s it, I need a vacation to get sh*t done. So good thing it’s a holiday.
Perfect time to pause and reflect and remember the freedom I do have to do so when I have a huge PTO bank waiting to be used.
Another day, this is a paid holiday. LOL. Ah…this is nice.
Today, after I take a nap, I shall make a promise myself to do just one thing that moves me in the direction of Independence From Unfinished Projects #IFUP.
Post Inspiration – Independence Day; and #JulySquares and #Blue
PS – Happy 4th of July. Did you spend the first half of the year down some rabbit hole of life and get behind on things you’d like to have kept up on? Were you chased there, or did you go voluntarily?
Happy 4th Shelley. This first Half of the year went by so quickly. I started the Blog just in June, wish I would have started it earlier..So I was partially in the rabbit hole.
Thank you, LaShawn – Happy 4th to you, too! Starting a blog is a BIG accomplishment – give yourself the gifts of patience mixed with perseverance! Blogging to me is an in the moment deal – rejoice in each step you take.
Thank you so much, your blog is very inspirational..I love forward to all your posts
Thank you, I appreciate your encouragement!
Happy 4th!
Happy 4th! I’ll never live long enough to finish my To Do List. But I make a short one daily and hope to get that done. Cannot believe it’s July already, either. Enjoy your day off!
Thank you, Laurel. I should make shorter lists – I’ll try that today ;-). It’s back to work again, though, so…um yeah, it’ll be a really short list! Hope you had a great 4th!
I think I will always have an unfinished project. Which explains the multitude of post-it notes everywhere with things to do. Small and large. I’d like to think that I used to just remember everything lol. Downsizing and moving were my major life changing projects. So everything since then (2016) seems minor. Happy Independence Day to you! Love your flag photos.
LOL – I like your take on the post-it notes. That technique frees your brain from having to process and keep track of all those notes. I’d like to downsize in our home as it is, before we’d chose to move. Then if we did, it wouldn’t be such a huge job.
Hope you had a wonderful 4th! Thanks for the flag photo kudos!
The #IFUP hashtag is pretty fun.
And this was an interesting read – I like how your little
Motors helped convey your current aims and all that.
The bunny is cute
And really enjoyed this –
“our freedom to make choices in our lives as we live here in the US”
Our country is not perfect but proud to be an American
LOL – when I read that you thought the # was funny, that literally was the first time I really read it outloud. Sigh – what a dork I am, but now that I noticed how funny it is, I’m keeping it!
I’m thankful you enjoyed the post – and that you shared your thoughts. You’re right, we’re not perfect here in the US, but I, too, am proud to be an American!
Hahah / so fun to share some blog smiles – and wishing you a great weekend
Thank you! I appreciate it!!
Happy Independence Day! My year started out rough but it’s actually going okay now. Have a nice holiday!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Hope you had a wonderful holiday, glad to hear your year is going better for you now!
This year has been great! If you don’t need something, sell or donate it, Minimalism is great! Did Copper go after the baby bunny?
Happy 4th guys! 
I imagine, correct me if I’m wrong, that becoming a minimalist was a product of your move from Michigan to Nevada. A move helps create the desire to downsize?
Copper didn’t even see the bunny. But when he does see them, he does chase them. We try to prevent that as much as possible. His little ol’ hips aren’t what they used to be.
Hope you had a great 4th!
I had a peaceful day at home yesterday Shelley, thanks! I did speak with family back in Michigan of course. You are correct, I’ve really cut back on Stuff! My home is not cluttered inside or out at all, even my garage is super well organised! I’m sorry Copper has bad hips, same as my dad’s older German Shepherd. sucks…
Yay, glad to hear your day went well. Some day, I’ll downsize stuff. I don’t want to leave my kids with the mountains of stuff like my mom had. Except some of her stuff is still here…
Yeah, it’s hard when dogs age. He wants to keep up, but he’s having a hard time. He’s 14 years old.
Wow, 14 years young! Hug him for me! He sooo cute!
Yes, he’s still young at heart! Will do – he appreciates your compliments.
I sometimes wish we could just freeze time for awhile. It would give us time to catch up with all those unfinished projects. Hard to believe it’s already July!
Copper is so cute, and so is the little bunny!
Yeah, me too. But I’m thankful for each day. Even if it means that it is already July 5th! Thank you for the photo kudos!
I love #IFUP. I’m going to have to start using that. Interestingly, I posted today about my vision cards and how I went through them to see what I have done so far this year and what still needs to be done. Always something that still needs to be done! Great post.
Thank you – glad you enjoyed it. I didn’t realize how accurate it really was until I read it outloud. LOL! There is always more to do, I guess we should be thankful – we’re never bored! I’ll be by to check out your vision cards, that sounds interesting!!
Happy July 4th, Shelley. If you flip the lens over, you spent the first half of the year very wisely. Living, enjoying, not imprisoned to an artificial timeline!
Aw, thank you, Donna, I like that take on the first half of the year!!
I love the pictures today. This year does seem to be screaming past. It seems like summer will be over before we know it.
Thank you, Dan, glad you enjoyed the photos. NO – summer can’t be over yet! I’m not ready for the dreaded four letter word that starts with S.
Decided that unfinished projects are what keep us all going! Just imagine our boredom if they were all finished!! You are right though about the year, not sure where it has gone.
So very true – boredom is very seldom around here!
love it!!
I’m a little horrified that we are on the downswing and creeping toward Winter, albeit slowly. I think we waited so long for Summer to arrive that it felt like we were in slow motion to get here. We don’t have enough long weekends and that is IMHO.
I’m feeling that way too. We’ve got to take every moment and enjoy what we can, I guess.