Last year, I read a book about Twitter.
I loved the book, it was very interesting. I remember feeling a strong desire to run from social media, or at least from the sucking power that SM has on consuming our/my time.
As a result of reading it, I never joined Twitter. I wrote about my decision not to here.
So why am I tweeting today?
How dare I lead you astray?
It’s America (if you’re from here) home of the proud and brave, and we’re free to do as we please, whilst we plead for your attention.
Amongst all the other birdies on the social media fence vying for it.
A little bird on a perch told me to…
ask YOU to read between the lines, and tweet back to me what you think of my current reading list? Not on Twitter, but here…in comments. You stopped here, I didn’t make you, but I do adore your attention, yes, I do!
Oh, wait, here’s the list…
Here’s a better view – have you read any of these books? What did you think of them?
Which book do you think I’ll finish first?
Which book will put me to sleep?
Which book is not her best one yet? – Have you read Daring Greatly – it is my favorite?
Which book stinks – literally…1947 is a long time to sit on a bookshelf absorbing household smells…sigh?
Which book inspires me to write to YOU each day?
Post Inspiration – Susannah Conway’s A Month of Mindfulness – AugustBreak2019 – Currently Reading
PS – I’m waiting…tweet away! Are you a Twitter fan, try to sell me on it, I dare you. Thank you for sharing, I adore hearing your thoughts. What are you currently reading?
Julia Cameron The Artists Way.Not sure if it was a life-changer, they are few & far between.Not sure I could re-visit right now.
I like the little corner of Twitter where I hang out. We are a smart + silly + snarky bunch of people who don’t take Twitter too seriously. But I do get some insights into politics and writing/publishing and life. I describe Twitter as being in the hallway at your locker between classes in high school. Lots of noise, occasionally something worthy of note.
I can see you having a fun Twitter following. I adore your description of it, too. LOL – the hallway locker scene. I’m smiling, thanks, Ally!
I tried Twitter long ago, still don’t see the point to it, same goes for Pinterest… Sorry!
It’s best to find what works for you, and maximize the use of that medium. I’m horrible at balancing all of them, it’s way too time consuming! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, John!
I have a Twitter account simply because it’s the fastest news aggregator I’ve found for breaking news. I follow a lot of people but hardly ever post. Sometimes I make a snarky comment. Or I follow a live thread of a news conference or debate. Well, I used to. The news is pretty depressing lately. I feel for your town, and it’s amazing there are so many mass shootings that yours didn’t even make the national news. But I digress…
I’m reading summer novels, because I need some escape. Right now it’s Mrs. Everything and next up is City of Girls. I’ll go back to something more serious soon. I promise. Ha!
I rely on Mr. for my news reporting. Our table talk wouldn’t be the same without his review of the day.
I bet your snarky comments are well received – I adore your sense of humor!
Thank you for the novel suggestions. I’m feeling the need for a break from real-life. The news is depressing like you said.
Thank you, as always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts!
I’m not on Twitter, but thinking about it since my daughter is on it. I haven’t read any of those books, but I have heard of Brene Brown (magazine articles). They do look interesting though! Maybe you will do some reviews! I remember you have mentioned that stinky book (on the bottom of the pile) before. And The Artist’s Way sounds familiar. I am between books in my book club now. Just finished Trevor Noah’s memoir (Born a Crime) – excellent!
I think both of my kids have Twitter, but they don’t rant and rave about the need for me to join them. I wonder why?! LOL. I might just do some reviews if I ever finish them. Thank you for the suggestion of Trevor’s book. I’ve added it to my to-read list on Good Reads. I read a lot more when the weather is bad – I read on my treadmill and love ones I can get on my Kindle or that fit on the book stand on it. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts!
Haha. My daughter doesn’t encourage me about Twitter either. But it’s got me curious…
LOL – those darn kiddos (adults) sure know how to tempt us to the dark side don’t they?!
I don’t twit. The kids tell me I don’t need to. I don’t snapchat either for the same reason. Wonder if they just don’t want me following them? I have The Artist’s Way on my shelf too. Bet that’s the one that keeps you writing to us every day.
Thanks for sharing. This is one of my favorite prompts because I learn about so many new books!
LOL – I do Snapchat, I like that it is fun for me…a great distraction, sometimes too often though. We should challenge each other to finish the Artist’s Way.Someday! Yes, it has been fun seeing the books people are reading. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I have never tried Twitter, but have tried PIN interest once or twice and found it too time consuming, (I already spend too much time here), and I have to admit boring. I had thought to advertise my blog there but decided not to. Lots of pretty pictures of decorating and recipes, but too many to sort through – it was overwhelming. Also, I got a few spammy followers, so never went back. I read Julia Cameron’s The Artists Way years ago in the 90’s, and all her sequels, Walking on Water, Vein of Gold etc. I think there were 3 or 4 of them. They are inspiring for any creative artist who feels the need for a bit of encouragement. Then I read her memoir of her life, and felt bad for her, as her life has been a constant struggle. Not the happy memoir at all that I expected from such an encouraging woman.
I hear ya on the time consuming parts of all of this SM world. I’ve been trying to be more selective with Pinterest. As an experiment of sorts. I haven’t read the memoir yet. I might stay away from it. Do you like Anne Lamott’s writing too?
Yes, but I’ve only read her Bird by Bird. I also tried reading one of Julia Cameron’s novels and did not find it good, so definitely her genre is writing guides.
I think you’re onto something!
I limit my SM to here and Facebook and I don’t go to FB much. Just don’t see the need for all these different forms of SM. I do have Instagram as that is what my son is on but seldom go there either. It can consume you if you let it.
You’re right – it is time consuming!!
I tried Facebook and just found it insipid. I just had to go look what insipid means … and yes, it fits: lacking flavor or interest, shallow. And guilt-provoking…birthdays, anniversaries, etc. etc. This way, I don’t know what I’ve forgotten! Much more peaceful. Twitter was tempting but not enough.
Did you notice that the bird on top if the flag is singing? Oh say … can you see me?
You’ve got excellent insight, Ellen, that’s what I adore about you! And how you always find a way to weave a song into the day
Can’t beat Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. And Twitter? So far I have lived without it, but I have a feeling a tweet is brewing. I don’t need one more social media outlet! Maybe that will be my first tweet.
Artist’s Way seems to be quite popular. It is life-changing. LOL on the Tweet idea – you’ll get a fun following with it!
I follow Twitter for a few photographers, two meteorologists and a few news media folks whom I like on the newsradio station I listen too. As for the weather, it is, because, as you know, all about the weather with me. I do like to pop on Twitter when I get a chance during the day to see what is trending if I am between newscasts. I don’t like the new interface and when they changed it earlier this year, I was still able to go back to their default classic/default setting, but this last time, I could not. Because I don’t use it on a smartphone, it appears all smashed together on the computer screen
I just don’t know how people find the time to be on so many social media outlets?!
I like Twitter because I can talk with people all over the world. No matter what time it is, there’s someone awake somewhere. I’m connected with a bunch of writers, so when I finished my first book manuscript, I tweeted about it, and the congratulations poured in! What fun!
I appreciate hearing your positive comments about Twitter. Something to consider – if only I found the time to do more social media? Do you exclude the other mediums like Instagram or Pinterest or Facebook and do Twitter instead or in addition to?
Mostly Twitter, some FaceBook. But I do watch the time, because you can waste a lot of time online. I don’t spend a ton of time on social media or blogging; I never have. Of course, I do some of this for a living, so that probably affects my personal time online.
You’re very wise!