Going Gray

A trimming kind of weekend

While I listened to the hum of the lawnmower echoing through the window, I stood there dressed like a unicorn in front of the mirror.  It was trim time on the homefront.

I stared at myself and thought, “Good thing Mr. is busy mowing the lawn.  He’d laugh at my haircutting technique.  Everyone learns how to cut their own hair via YouTube, right?”

This isn’t the first time I’ve cut my own hair.  I’ve used this technique a few times since discovering it.  Each time I do it, for some reason, it turns out differently?  I think it has to do with where I place the first ponytail holder?

I have all the tools I need, it’s easy, really.  Apparently, it is like surgery.   Only less scary.  I never looked that close at these scissors.


They are surgical quality, made in Taiwan.


Way better than the Dollar Store version the girl in the video above uses.  My pair is sharp, that’s for sure.  Don’t worry, no blood was shed in this scene.  Like I said, it isn’t my first time cutting my own hair.

Without the cost of coloring my hair, I save $80 every six weeks, and an additional $40 for a trim alternated in with every other coloring session.

Feeling all proud of myself, amazed that it didn’t seem like such a big pile of hair?  I took at least 2 inches off.  What the heck?  It always used to look like more when I went for a professional hair trim?!  Oh well…


Anyhoo…Mr. was still mowing outside, so I figured, you’d all want to see proof.  The overwhelming urge to do a selfie took over.  WTH?  Not because I was ready for it?  Nope, I still had my root clips in.

By the way, I use the Walmart version, no Diva Curl hair stuff for me.

Root clipping is a handy procedure that I do use, it does work well for me.

I don’t do all the steps Janelle describes.  I am happy to see that she has gray sparkles in her hair, though!

I don’t diffuse. I don’t put products on my hair at all.  I just wash and condition once a week.  My hair is super soft and healthy and free of chemicals.  I can’t lie though, when it is humid outside, my Don King look does happen.  Hopefully, I didn’t cut off too much hair so I can pull it up into a ponytail to keep that look to a minimum?!

My hair routine – After washing it, I simply scrunch out the extra moisture with an old t-shirt, brush individual curls with my Denman brush, root clip randomly and haphazardly, then let air dry.

Since I don’t use any products.  Again, I’m saving $!!

After my hair air-dried a bit…Mr. was still mowing the lawn…(some trims take longer, I guess?) I figured I should show you that photo, too.


I thought of my mom and I smiled.  Her photo sits close by.  She gave me these curls.  She’d laugh and say, “Thank goodness curly hair covers up crooked hair trims!  LOL!”


Mom loved to look ready for the day by throwing on a pair of her diamond earrings (yes, these were her’s).  They always put a sparkle to her eclectic outfits – t-shirt and jeans.

Post Inspiration – Saving money by cutting my own hair

PS – How about you, do you cut your own hair?  Do you use a lot of products?  Do you worry about the products you use, cost or damage to your skin?  Do you dare to take selfies when your spouse is mowing the lawn outside?  




28 thoughts on “A trimming kind of weekend

  1. I don’t cut my own hair. I knew there were lots of videos about how to do it, but no way would I try it. I applaud your initiative and success. Not to mention your mad photo skillz in capturing these pics.

  2. I like what you did Shelley, looks great! I recently purchased a $150.00 electric trimmer, the same as the woman at the hair joint uses to buzz my gray hair down using a 6mm clip-on. Works great and saves money!

    1. Thanks, John! Wow – that better do the trick – costs way more than the one I bought 20 some years ago that I use to cut Mr.’s hair. Way to cut your own hair and save $ too!!

  3. You are a brave woman!! I have never cut my super straight hair myself. Cutting my daughter’s (also super straight) bangs when she was little did not go well either – despite using the scotch tape across the forehead method. Nice job on yours 🙂

    1. LOL – the scotch tape technique…that’s brave! Curly hair is quite forgiving. It’s hair, it grows back, thankgoodness…knock on wood!

  4. I don’t have enough hair to worry about it. I get it trimmed on a regular basis, but I also have breakfast with my best friend afterwards, so I’m good.

  5. I can’t remember the last time I cut my hair or had it cut for me. I’ve worn it in a ponytail for over 20 years (close to 30, I think). It’s great, no muss, no fuss, no running to the barber every 4-6 weeks (because otherwise I start to look like Einstein). Wash it a couple of times a week with Head & Shoulders 2 in 1, and that’s about it. Mary gets hers cut about every 2 months (a little more frequently during the summer), because she prefers it short. I don’t think she uses a whole lot of “product” on it. She likes things very simple…

    Oh, and we don’t do selfies…

    1. Ah, fellow let-it-be hair fans! Hey…Einstein is better than Don King, right? My dad always used H&S 2in1. Selfies are a pain – they seemed to be all the rage – if you can do them properly, that is. And I can’t! 😉

  6. Sounds like a perfect set-up for your next birthday present: a Spa day with leisurely haircut by someone else, for a change! I have short hair, so must have it done professionally. I’ve just found a new hairdresser who looks exactly like Edward Scissorhands, I swear, which should have discouraged me … but I was desperate! Terrific haircut. No products for me either … but I do use a salon shampoo and conditioner that seem to help with shedding.

    1. Aw, thank you, that does sound nice. I would definitely go in if I were wearing my hair short. Edward Scissorhands…you’re brave, glad it turned out well! Shedding…I’ve got that going too. Sigh!

  7. Don’t run with scissors when you’re cutting up crafts or cutting your own hair Shelley. I have cut my hair when it was one length, in Winter to cut off the split ends, but now that it is layered, I would not attempt to do it. It’s a problem as I can’t see anything with my glasses off (minor details). 🙂

    1. LOL – I try not to run with them. I am finding that perhaps my technique malfunctions (hidden by the curls) are related to having my glasses off while cutting. Thank goodness hair is hair and it grows.

      1. I’ve worn glasses since my 7th birthday and when I stopped wearing contact lenses after 35 years, it was a whole new world for me. Suddenly I realized I couldn’t see a whole lot without my glasses, yet I had to take my glasses off to do many things. Cutting/filing my nails is a good example. I left my glasses on when cutting my hair, otherwise no telling what lopsided mischief I might have done.

          1. Many many years ago, my opthalmologist, who knew I was very vain about my appearance and did not like wearing glasses, told me that since I could tolerate hard contact lenses and worn them for many year, to never consider laser surgery as it was not safe. I agreed with him and have not even entertained it. I know many people who had it done – no issues. But a local weather forecaster had “Smile” surgery done (supposedly a quicker recovery time for eye laser surgery to eliminate wearing glasses). She had complications and did not return to work as she had severe dry eye and blurry vision, and instead wrote a diary of her symptoms and feelings and committed suicide a few weeks before Christmas in December, leaving behind her husband and two young kids. There is a movement in her memory to discourage people from doing this type of eye surgery.

          2. OH, MY, GOSH! That’s horrible. And one of the reasons I haven’t wanted to do the surgery. Yikes – so sad for that family.

          3. Yes it is and because Jessica Starr documented her feelings, her worries and her pain after she had the Smile surgery until she took her life and left it for her husband, as part of his grieving process, he is sharing her ordeal. He’s been on the Today show as well. She was a beloved part of the local Fox 2 Detroit news team. I have known a few people who had difficulty driving at night as they had light flashes or rings around their eyes; yet I have known many others who had Lasik surgery done many years ago. And Lasik eliminates any need for cataract surgery – it is tempting. I was very vain back in the day, but I remembered what Dr. Barsky said and he was the head of the Kresge Eye Institute for many years (deceased now). My hair stylist and her four daughters had it done – loved it. Her husband will not do it and uses disposable lenses instead. She teases him about it and he says he just doesn’t trust it. http://www.fox2detroit.com/news/local-news/in-her-own-words-jessica-starr-detailed-struggles-after-eye-surgery-in-video-journals

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