As I watered my garden bed this weekend, I was tickled pink to notice nature taking its own course. The flowers are just doing their own thing. It’s a good thing they do, ‘cuz, um…well, I’m a novice when it comes to helping them excel in their surroundings.
The morning glories have run amok and are climbing some of the Zinnias instead of the lattice. Some nasty bug is eating their leaves.
Those poor Zinnias, though, they don’t need to be the support structure for the morning glories. I keep trying to unwind the rascal glories and redirect them to their proper spots. All the while hoping that the Zinnia they’ve been climbing on will survive.
Like this gorgeous red Zinnia. The only one in the bunch.
I must be doing something right, because, the flowers are blooming. Even in my container beds, they are. Yay! They’re surviving my reckless attempt at gardening.
Last fall, I picked some of the dried blooms and saved them to find seeds to plant this year. I guessed at what were seeds or not and then planted them in the spring. I guess I guessed right after all?
I thought that was the gardener’s thing to do, harvest and replant. That’s what I do for marigolds, anyhow. And it works, even if they are struggling to survive in my playful sand buckets.
Little did I know, though, that something else helps spread Zinnia seeds. Even before the flower has had a chance to complete its own circle of life.
Upon closer inspection, this one looked a little less pretty than the rest. Sigh… “What’s happening to you!?!”
I talked to it as I watered it, “It’s me, isn’t it, I’m a bad flower mom, aren’t I?” And then I glanced down closer and what did I see…?
Those are seeds and petals from the flower blossom above it! That’s why it looked so sad.
Something had picked at it and the seeds dropped onto the leaf below. I thought these flowers were annuals?
It can’t be a butterfly that did this crime, can it be? He/she does look a bit villainous. Look at that face…yikes!
It flitted around and perched so delicately on each flower as I watched.
Nah, it must’ve been a bird of some kind? Right? Butterflies can’t pull out seeds? I was tickled pink to see it stop long enough to catch a few shots of it landing on my Zinnias that are doing their own thing.
And I got lost in my thoughts of how happy I am they’re surviving their surroundings – it brings me a bit of tickled pink joy to my week.
Post Inspiration – Zinnias, Butterflies and Flowers Cee’s Flower of the Day Challenge and #AugustBreak2019 – Day 2 Pink
PS – Do you know, is it a bird of some kind that picks the seeds out? Do those flowers eventually bloom again this season? Do tell, I’m intrigued!
You’re a novice? You can’t be serious Shelley. My garden would be full of weeds and bad poetry.
Have a great weekend.
LOL – yep, novice and dubious, I plant and hope for the best! I’m so tickled pink to hear from you – hope you had a wonderful visit with your daughter! Have a great weekend!
Thanks. You know the connections between Dads and their little girls. all went well.
You’re welcome. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a great dad like you!
I’m the wrong person to ask about birds. I know little about them even though they’re all around me here in the forest primeval. I hope you find out for both of us. I love zinnias, btw. Wish they grew better here than they do.
LOL – I like your description of your forest. I’ll be sure to let you know what I find out. I can see the garden from my office window, so if I see the bird, I’ll know for sure.
I’m impressed with your gardening. And if you’re talking to flowers you’ve got a greener thumb than I! My husband plans marigolds on the perimeter of his veggie garden to keep some of the bugs away. Mostly works, I think. Wow–you captured some gorgeous shots there. Well done, Shelley!
Aw, thanks, the talking to the flowers while walking around the yard may be seen by the neighbors as unusual, but my dog appreciates the efforts. I’ve heard that about marigolds, the nasty bugs seem to like them here. Thank you for your encouragement – glad you liked the photos!
Such fantastic photos!! I have no idea about the seed issue. One of the mysteries of nature. But hopefully not gross bugs. I am impressed at your gardening skills. Wow!
Aw, thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos.
You’re welcome!
Beautiful photos to brighten a rainy day here in South Carolina, have a good weekend,
Thank you, Alice, I hope the sun shines for you this weekend!
I’m glad your flowers are blooming so well Shelley! My guess is that it’s an American Seedpicker. Kidding!
Thank you, John! LOL – you had me going there for a minute
I’m going to figure it out, one way or another!

No idea here, but your pictures are great!
There are so many things that get into my garden, I have given up trying to ID them. Except for the dang chipmunks. I swear they have created a large urban chipmunk community under our gardens. I used to fight them, but haven’t had the energy for it this summer.
Thank you! LOL – yeah we have those pesky things too. Luckily the seem to stay on the perimeter of the lot. It is amazing how vast their trail system can run!
I just enjoy the photos. I have no idea what eats the seeds.
Thank you, Dan!
I never thought of saving flower seeds for next year, but I like that frugal idea! Thanks for sharing your zinnias with us, Shelley. They are one of my favorites, but not my hubby’s. I didn’t get any this year, so I will just enjoy yours.
It was my first attempt at saving the Zinnias, I’m happy it worked out. I’m also happy you enjoyed the photos of them, thanks for stopping by to check them out!
The flowers are so colorful and I love that butterfly perching up top – you sure got him up close Shelley. They do have a menacing face up close, and I never think of butterflies being an insect – they seem like they are some special “being” – one put here to be enjoyed as they flit around from flower to flower. I wonder what those seeds are – you should reach out to your agricultural/plant life extension like you said you did for something else – maybe write Burpee and see if they know and can ID?
LOL – he did pose for me, didn’t he. The seeds are Zinnia seeds, I just need to remember which ones were what color and collect them so I can plant them again. The bird that did that crime, must be discovered. LOL!
Yes, a bird littering in the flowers and not the usual reason! I took some zinnia pics at the gardens the other day both in at the conservatory and in the public gardens where people rent plots and plant flowers and produce and the local prisoners doing community service tend to produce gardens for the needy. There were some beautiful flowers and took pics of some veggies as well. I still have not looked at Sunday’s pictures – they are still on the card. I worked late as we finished the big project and I stayed to get my time entries done – still not anywhere near getting the invoices done – at 6:59 my desktop at work locked up, called our computer guy and he could reboot my computer remotely, so that ended that. He would have had to go 25 roundtrip so called my boss – he’ll do it tomorrow a.m. My boss had all his appointments end of the week cancelled and he was/is planning on going to the cabin Thursday afternoon through Monday morning – I hope that happens. I need the break and it will be beautiful weather this weekend (as of now).
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for beautiful weather and all your projects finished so you can enjoy the parks!
Me too Shelley – Friday to Sunday will be beautiful. I have to take some time and figure out what I’ll do this weekend …. I still have many places in mind that I put aside due to the heat and all the rain. I need to just step out away from everything and get away.