I’ve muttered the Proverb, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” to our daughters many times as they were growing up. It’s a parental duty to do so. I reminded myself of that many times as I was ‘shopping’ for gifts for them this past year. Nothing seemed to be as ‘fun’ as shopping for our pre-pandemic trip we took together to Jamaica.

But, I was determined to find something that they didn’t really ask for to surprise them. I lucked out on most of the gifts, had to track a couple of them, then I ended up with a buy one get one free. Read on for the tale about how I came to believe that money does grow on trees.
He that plants trees loves others beside himself.
Thomas Fuller
I’m more known for my ability to grow soil fungus gnats that are attracted to the yellow sticky pads than I am for having a great green thumb. But, I’m trying, and experimenting with methods of watering to see what works. If I can’t grow plants myself, I love hanging special paintings of them (painted by our youngest…parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme, which is not pictured below…it’s on a different wall).

I prefer plants that seem to grow without much effort on my part. I adore seeing the pops of green sprinkled around the house.
This past Christmas, the indoor gardener in me, motivated by a YouTube influencer who muttered words of wisdom about the perfect gift that met my inquisitive nature that mattered in a way I hadn’t thought of before. I was smitten by having gifts delivered to my doorstep.
On one -20 below day, with mittened hands, I had to retrieve the recommended treasured gifts so they wouldn’t freeze outside and die before they could be given.
The boxes arrived late in the day, and one looked damaged! Oh, sh*t…the delivery person had already left, so I couldn’t reject it.
I muttered to myself…some not-so-nice words, including, “What the h*ll were you thinking? Buying plants in the winter?” Good thing we were home, and a good thing I was still awake to bring them in the house so they didn’t sit out in the cold all night.

I was green with envy as I opened the boxes to see what a money tree looked like. I was thinking, “Why didn’t I buy myself one?” I was sure our daughters would be delighted by my clever shopping!
Watching something grow is good for morale. It helps us believe in life.
Myron S. Kaufman
Besides, who wouldn’t want a money tree for a gift? What I didn’t plan for was that I had to keep them alive long enough to give them as gifts 24 days after they arrived on our doorstep.
Interestingly, the company’s method of packaging seemed quite sufficient to keep the plants warm and their soil intact. In the box, they were all wrapped in brown wrapping paper, with plastic around the base of the roots, etc. But, the shipping boxes were kind of flimsy. And the box that was damaged wasn’t the one with the damaged plant.

I looked at both of them as I set them on the shelf where I would have to keep them alive for 24 days. I said to Mr., “Methinks that one plant looks perfect, and the other is going to need lots of TLC. Do you think I should try to return it? I don’t want to pay for another one, this was clearly a quality check issue.”
So I tried to return or exchange it. The helpful Amazon, chatbot person, Rajesh, had this to say (after I spent a considerable amount of time muttering to myself as I tried to figure out how to reach someone beyond the algorithm questions. It’s harder to get through those when it’s for a return for something that I missed paying attention to that had a no-return policy, but that’s beside the point!):

So, there I was on December 3rd, a proud creative gift-giving mother of two money tree plants. (link to Amazon, no affiliation, just in case someone is curious to order their own).

One that would likely survive and thrive,

and one that was going to need lots of TLC attention to survive. It was crooked in the pot.

Leaves were already falling off of it – it was like adopting a mutt mix dog at the animal shelter because, well, it’s unique.

I unwrapped the broken pot’s plastic wrapping because I had to water it. I assumed it wouldn’t last 24 days being unwatered. I kept the pieces of the pot in a bag so I could show the daughter, with a green thumb, that it had a rough beginning. I had a hunch that instead of being offended by a not-so-perfect gift, she would enjoy the challenge of getting it to thrive.

Without the pot, it dried out faster than the other plant. Oh, dear! So I ordered some cute pots, one for each daughter, that they could transplant their trees into.
I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.
Anne Frank
So for 24 days, I researched how to care for money trees, and I did my best to sing to them and water them on a schedule to keep them alive.

They came with gift cards that had blanks to fill in, “When it arrived, why it was bought, what it reminded me of, and the watering schedule.” I should’ve taken a picture, but forgot to!
Love is like a tree, it grows of its own accord, it puts down deep roots into our whole being.
Victor Hugo
The two money trees seemed to like their other green plant companions on the shelf.

They felt all hygge I guess.

The damaged tree had lost most of its leaves, but new sprouts had appeared,

just in time for Christmas Eve and my special presentation of the gifts of two for the price of one money tree. So, you see, my dears, money does grow on trees! And, if you’re curious, the TLC tree is growing splendidly according to the Snap Chats sent to me by our daughter.
Post Inspiration: Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “mat/met/mitt/mot/mutt.” Choose one or use them all, any way you’d like in your post. Have fun! And Terri Webster Schrandt’s Monthly Color Challenge – Green (any shade).
PS – Did your parents share that proverb with you when you were growing up? What is your favorite plant to grow? Do you have a green thumb? Do you have advice on soil gnats? Have you lucked out on a surprise two for one situation – do tell!
I was impressed that you got all the words into one paragraph – almost into one sentence! We have mixed colored thumbs. We’ve been planting a few trees lately, and they have been doing well. I planted tulips two years ago which have grown well, but been devoured by bunnies. I had to laugh that the chatbot (perhaps person) wanted to move you along.
I hope you have a great week.
Thanks, Dan! I was impressed how you got all the prompts in you post.
Those darn scoundrel bunnies – they’re as bad as the Starlings when it comes to greediness for the seeds and greens.
I thought Rajesh was quite the character to say, it’s been almost 2 minutes. Jeez!
Thank you, I hope you have a great week too!
Besides a way to test your challenging green thumb, this is also a good way to meet Terri’s challenge. New sprouts are a sign of success!
Thanks, Frank! I was waiting for a prompt that would ‘fit’ the tree story. I didn’t want to tell it when it happened as to ruin the surprises for our daughters. I was relieved and happy to see the new sprouts!
Well, despite the packaging, I’m so happy your money trees paid off (lol) and lived to tell the tale. Glad you got a refund though and that plant just proves it works! I ordered small pine trees from a nursery near you? (Chief River) and they were well-protected when they were delivered. You certainly have a green thumb and perhaps it will make more money for you! I love those paintings done by your daughter! Enjoy your week and St Patty’s Day, Shelley!
Thank you, Terri – I was pleasantly surprised by how it all worked out.
That’s cool about your pine trees, yes, that place is about an hour and half from where we live.
If I could make money with my green thumb, I’d be tickled pink.
Thank you – I love those paintings too – she did such a great job on them.
Same to you, enjoy your week and I hope you have great luck in convincing spring to arrive!
A delightful use of the prompts and well told tale. I enjoy growing plants. My best and newest success was taking cuttings from my concord grape vine and (with a YouTube lesson) starting brand new vines to transplant elsewhere. It’s on my list to do again next month. I gave my ‘cutting creations’ to a friend for her own garden. This year, I’m keeping them.
Hi Susan, thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts! That’s great success to be able to do that with your grape vines! I have a tree that I want to do that with, I hope it works out. That was nice of you to share and now grow more for yourself. Happy gardening to you!!
You are wished garden success too, Shelley.
Thank you, Susan!!
Those are weird looking trees, Shelley. Stay warm!
I agree, very odd indeed! Thanks, John – we’re so sick of winter, as I type it is still snowing outside!
Bummer. It’s sunny and 70 here just now as I’m leaving the grocery store.

Bummer is right. It’s a whopping 24 degrees here!

Hi. Things don’t always work out, as we all know. But at times, unexpectedly, they work out just fine.
Hi Neal! Well said! The wheels of life just keep on rolling don’t they?
So disappointing when a plant arrives damaged, not to mention annoying. Glad you got a refund. It’s difficult when you can’t see exactly what you’re buying.
This is the first time I’ve ordered plants. I’m glad it all worked out and that the damaged plant was refunded. I agree, it is difficult when you can’t see what it is you’re buying.
PS – I loved seeing your photos for the prompt – they all give me hope that we’ll have spring eventually and will see lots of green!!
I had the same problem ordering plants online. They sent me a replacement which didn’t do particularly well either. I tend to buy at the garden centre now that we can.
I think this will be my first and last experience with buying plants on line. We have several nice garden centers near us that I should support instead ;-).
I’m glad that it all worked out with the damaged plant. It sounds like your daughter has a green thumb… is she also the one who painted the lovely watercolors?
Thanks, Janis, we’re glad it all worked out too. Yes, she has a green thumb, her apartment is full of happy plants. And, yes, she is the artist who painted the watercolors.
Did your parents share that proverb with you when you were growing up? Yes
What is your favorite plant to grow? Golden pothos
Do you have a green thumb? Yes, but only because benign neglect grows houseplants and I’m very neglectful.
Do you have advice on soil gnats? I’ve soaked cotton balls in Dr. Bonner’s Peppermint Soap then place them on top of the soil where they seem to discourage gnats.
Have you lucked out on a surprise two for one situation – do tell! Yes, sometime amaryllis bulbs will re-bloom a few months later if you cut off the dead flowers and wait.
Hi Ally! You do have a green thumb!!
I’m on team Golden Pothos plants too. I have four of them in pots and one in water to grow another one. Like you said, they grow with neglect
I hadn’t heard of the soap technique. I should try that in one of the pots that seems to be relentless in its production of gnats.
I haven’t tried amaryllis bulbs before. I have enjoyed seeing your photos on Instagram. I learned that the day lilies in my outside garden will do the same thing, keep on blooming if you trim off the dead flowers. I’m guessing mine do that anyhow as the deer are fond of eating the blooms for some reason.
Thank you for answering the questions. I enjoyed reading your responses!
Well done, Shelley! A little TLC goes a long way. I love plants as gifts–and I bet your daughters love the living reminder of your formative presence in their lives! So cute that they share snapchats as evidence of the plants flourishing.
Thank you, Rebecca. I enjoyed taking care of the plants and checking on them every day, it kind of reminded me of having the girls home when they were young. I hope they do think of me when they care for their plant and watch it grow. Oddly, it hasn’t encouraged any grandbabies.

Oh, yes, we’re daily Snapchat-sharing buddies.
Great post. It’s been much too long since I have been around yours. My thumbs are half green I think but I am married to someone who doesn’t only have green thumbs but fingers and toes too so my inadequacy is irrelevant
Hi Bee, thank you! I’m glad you stopped by. I haven’t been to your blog for a long time, sorry. It looks like you had fun with your Love Is In Da Blog 2023!

I love that you have found a happy green thumb mixture that produces plenty of happy plants!
Don’t worry, that’s just how it is. So many blogs so little time
. Yes, Love Is In Da Blog is a great community and all bring so much joy about. I am glad it’s still running 
I appreciate that you understand
Yay – the joys are what it is all about! 
all that I hafta say is “Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!”
Hi Jim! Yes, that’s a very good description!!!
Yes Shelley, I heard all about “money doesn’t grow on trees” as a kid and well into adulthood and I also heard “mark my words, day you will fritter all your money away and see what I was warning you about.”
I don’t have a single houseplant now, but your money tree plants reminded me of a Pony Palm my mom bought me when Robb and I moved out on our own. We went to a nursery and she bought me the Palm and also an Orchid. Unfortunately, I had no window in my office, just fluorescent light, so I had to get a plant light and trained it on the Pony Palm all day.
I once had a green thumb for outside plants at one time, but inside – no. I’ve never had fungal gnats – but years ago I had those little ants you showed us on the yellow sticky note and they lived in the fan behind my desktop computer at work. When I turned the computer on, gnats came flying out. Bugs, the bane of my existence.
I remember the other saying too. It’s funny what we’re told as youngins and remember it into our wiser years.
I was surprised at how many plants can survive in the darker rooms or offices without windows. I’m sure a plant light would help.
Yikes…I’m with you on the bugs, I can’t stand them either! The yellow sticky pads seem to work in between hatching of the new batches.
At the time we didn’t like to think it would stick with us though.
The fluorescent lights in my office did not shed enough light on the plants, no matter how I moved them around, so for the Pony Palm, I had no choice but to buy a plant light and light stand. After I kept it going all those years, then when I stopped working on site so suddenly, no one had light on it or watered the orchid or palm and they both died. I felt badly about that. The sticky notes are handy to have – that was a lot of those fungal gnats.
Aw, I feel bad when plants don’t survive under my care too.
The sticky notes work to catch them, not stop them from what I can tell.
Like fly paper I guess. I may have told you that during the early part of the pandemic I ran out of peanuts and ordered some from Phil, my former HVAC guy who bought a Wild Birds Unlimited store the year before the pandemic. To not lose his cliente, Phil bought a big van and while his wife manned the store, he delivered bird seed/supplies to all his customers or you could pick up and he’d put it in your truck. He’s not that close to me, so delivery was free so I opted for that. A few days after he delivered seven seven-pound bags of peanuts, I went in the basement and the laundry room and pantry room are painted light green – rest of the basement is paneled. So I saw lost of dots all over the wall – great. Moths. Ordered moth attracting gizmos from Amazon with pheromones. The moths were attracted to the sticky stuff a they thought it was females and vice versa. The sticky stuff was covered with them … I never bought from his store again. Felt badly, but did not need moths.
Oh, my, Linda…yikes, I think I remember you talking about that, but must’ve blocked it out. I can’t stand moths in the house either!! YUCK!!! I’m glad you got rid of them.
I hope you never get them Shelley. The product worked though and zapped those little suckers – they fly right to the cardboard trap with the sticky paper inside.
I’ve made a note so if I ever get invaded by them I know what works!
Yes, I am a slug expert – all my hostas and lilies had slugs … the little buggers chewed holes in everything. You can see the mushrooms in a few of the photos in the slideshow. Yard smelled like a brewery when it was humid or rained. And my climbing rose had blackspot so every time it rained, I had to go out and re-apply fungicide to it … it was three roses and I ordered them bare root as I ordered online. Later I found out you can look for climbing roses that are hardy – I wanted them for a memorial garden and so I bought “Stairway to Heaven” rosebushes. I finally took the roses out and threw the umbrella trellis away in case it was infected as well.
I see the slugs from time to time, they are a favorite of the Starlings and Grackles so they aren’t too much of a nuisance for my garden that I can tell anyhow. I know now that I have you to reach out to if I get an invasion!
We didn’t have Starlings and Grackles in my area at the time – but I see them now on other blocks … Starlings anyway. No one was eating them and they munched on Hostas, Lilies and Coneflowers.
The Starlings are plentiful this year in our area. I hope the come back to eat the grubs once the ground thaws completely.
Yikes…that was quite the invasion!