Adventures · Inspiration

A tale of a busy tiny lichen elf

Ah, yes, it’s that time of year.  Time for snow toys and lichen elves to appear.  All it takes is the magic of the first wet snow to bring out the creative process.

Snow covered the ground enough for Mr. to blow the driveway for the first time this season. He always looks like a happy little kid as he methodically engineers a clear path in the with his snow toy.

It’s good to enjoy the season’s first moments of fun.  We both know the snow removal process gets old by winter’s end.  The first snow is special – I love how it brings out a playful smile on his face as he starts the blower up for the first time each year – especially when he didn’t have to fix it first.

You have to really use your imagination to refresh your daily life. – Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Me…well…I’m one to prefer inside tasks.  I lichen to stay inside and decorate (or clean) the house like a good little inside elf should do to earn her keep.  I finish wrapping presents and pay some bills so we have electricity for the rest of the month.  The lights Mr. hung need power, don’t cha know?

It was an eventful weekend for all elves – I especially felt quite productive.

But, all the hard work didn’t stop me from taking a few imaginary breaks.  I sat down for a bit, grabbed my camera to see if I could catch anything interesting as I watched the snow falling from my window view.  I admired how it spun around the yard in a snow globe kind of way.  Snow falling is mesmerizing.

Of course, my imagination went wild on me…

When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. – Walt Disney

I thought back to how fun it was when the kids were little.  They’d get all dressed up in warm clothes and boots and go outside to play in the snow.  They were so fun to watch.  I smiled as the sun tried to break through the snowy sky.  Yeah, I’m positive they would’ve been out there playing in the snow and building a snowman.


I glanced at the fence – something was happening to it?


Was it a mirage or did I see something move?


It was a tiny forest appearing along the fence line.

The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I rubbed my eyes.  I needed a closer view (without boots and a coat and a walk through the snow), so I grabbed my zoom lens in hopes to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me.  Hmm…I do have an eye doctor appointment today…it’s been two years since I got new glasses.

You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. – Mark Twain

But I swear it looked like tiny trees were forming on the fence – was something small working hard to make those trees or are they just precursors to next years’ lichen?

I’m going with the idea that the trees must be real and have a purpose – how else would such intricate lichen creations happen every year?  Maybe throughout the winter snow collects on each board and leaves moisture deposits for the next years’ lichen to grow from?  It’s a possibility, right?

I have no idea…maybe it was something else all these years that takes the time to create the trees and the lichen?  I zoomed in closer and what did I see?

Yep – it was a tiny elf on the shelf decorating the trees with sparkling lights.


I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells. – Dr. Seuss

Never lose the ability to play with your imagination – it’s a great gift, and it doesn’t require wrapping.  It’s free, too, and can fill an afternoon with sparks of imaginary joy.

Post Inspiration – Sunday Stills In Your Town (I’m also reblogging, in a sideways kind of way – one of my older posts.  Sorry, I don’t allow for comments on it anymore though…!).  The post is one I wrote last year about our quaint hometown of Chippewa Falls, WI.  It is a fun to showcase Irvine Park lights – I hope you enjoy the look at the roads that lead to main attractions).


17 thoughts on “A tale of a busy tiny lichen elf

    1. Thank you! It took quite a while, but I use the Microsoft drawing editor for photos. Each little light was mouse-clicked in place 😉

  1. Ha! That was very cool – I had seen lichen before but didn’t “see” it as a forest. But that’s perfect! Now, how did you put the lights on…. 🙂

  2. Its our imagination that sparks the true love in our hearts. Its the silliness that gives us hope to carry the imagination in places no one else thought of. And that makes others smile.

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