Adventures · Welcome

A stroll on 7-mile beach in Jamaica

I’m feeling homesick for the beach.  Especially the moments of walking in the surf!


I love feeling the salty water splash me and listening to the waves crash and the endless beauty of the view.

A simple life is good with me.  I don’t need a whole lot.  For me, a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, barefoot on a beach and I’m happy. – Yanni

The view of the sea seems to go on and on forever.

Jamaica (DLSR) 296csskrupa3

I adore the tiny bubbles…

And sunsets, of course – who wouldn’t love this view?


The sea mesmerizes me.

It calls out and touches my soul.

Even up close I adore the view.

Ah…now, I’m feeling a tad refreshed.  That’s a way to start my week.  I hope you enjoyed a small glimpse into why I love the beach.

But, wait…before you go, I’ve got another treat for you.  Join me on a quick little walk on the beach.  I couldn’t resist capturing a small stroll while I was there.  ‘Cuz I just knew I’d need a pick-me-up someday after returning.

So yeah…that’s me and my first ever video for YouTube – don’t laugh too much…I have no idea how to edit.  Just enjoy the splashing success of it!  😉

Post Inspiration – Monday Blues turned into Golden Moments

PS – Do you enjoy walking in the surf?  What is your favorite photo from above?  Do you like sunrise walks or sunset walks?  Isn’t that video a hoot – oh, wait, I have funnier ones…maybe later!   

37 thoughts on “A stroll on 7-mile beach in Jamaica

  1. Sorry you’re missing the beach. Time to start planning the next trip. I bet there isn’t as much time between #s 2 & 3 as there was between 1 & 2.

  2. I love the splashy video and photos, Shelley! I can why you miss Jamaica. Never been there. That sunset was incredible. ❤️😎🌴🌴🌴

  3. As I was reading through your post I was thinking to myself “I wonder if she took a video to remember the beach more fully” — and then…there it was! I once took a video of the beach from standing looking out towards the horizon, but not walking. I like how you did it with the up close sound effects. Photos are outstanding. I bet you have a ton of them 🙂

    1. Yay – glad I led you to the video. Yes, I took lots of photos and few more funnier videos. I’m sure I’ll find another moment later to add one of the goofier ones. Thanks for your kudos about the photos. It’s very hard to take a bad picture there. 🙂

    1. You’re welcome – oh, my, I’d be there as much as possible if I lived close enough. Enjoy your walk to your shed, that accent wall reminds me of the beach!

  4. I just finished booking 10 weeks on the beach next winter. That’s 2.5 months! Hubby and I will be spending our entire winter on the Atlantic Ocean on various beaches in Florida. If I could, I’d be a beach bum 365 days a year. Working on it!

  5. Those pics are refreshing, Shelley, thank you! I like all the pics and can’t choose a favorite. The video is definitely a hoot! I hardly got to get my feet wet when I was in Miami recently. I love both sunrise and sunset walks in the surf. I particularly love to stand still, facing the ocean, letting the surf wash over my feet. I love the feel of the sand being sucked out from beneath my feet as the surf returns whence it came, especially when I’m able to stand there long enough to let my feet get completely buried.

    It’s looking increasingly likely that we’ll be having a big family trip to St. George island next year to celebrate my parents’ 50th anniversary. Can’t wait for that one!

    1. You’re welcome, Denny, glad you enjoyed the photos and the video. That was a bummer for you not being able to enjoy the beach while in Miami. I love to stand still at the oceanfront too and do the same thing. I just can’t get enough of it when I’m there. That’s awesome, what a fun way to celebrate 50 years. Your kids will have so much fun, you’ll be like us and take them along everytime you go. So happy you have a fun trip to look forward to!

  6. Thank you so much for the sounds of the waves! I can’t wait to return.

    1. You’re welcome. It is a sound that I never get tired of hearing. Hope your return isn’t too far off! Enjoy!

  7. They are all beautiful pictures Shelley – I think the sunset was my favorite. That blue — blue sky, the water – just so inviting. I’ve never done a video yet – you captured the essence of the water lapping at your feet!

    1. Thank you, Linda. Does your DSLR do videos? I’d love it (I think) if mine did. I was using my compact Canon (point and shoot). I found out on the trip how outdated my DSLR is, it couldn’t format my 64 GB SD card…good thing I had a 32 GB to use. I may need to consider upgrading sometime this year?

      1. I’ve never tried my Canon point-and-shoot for videos, but it does do them. My DSLR does do videos but I haven’t tried it yet. I would like to try this Summer. (Mine is a Canon Rebel T6.)

        1. Yay, I look forward to hearing how video taping goes for you. I think the T6 is what my daughter’s have, they always take nice videos. I’m secretly excited to think about a new camera. Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll see.

          1. I still haven’t hunkered down with the camera manual. I watched the Jared videos, but intended to go back and watch each one and then study the manual. That was the weekend I had the plumbing debacle, and it snowed the next day so had to shovel. (You know I got that snow removal service – it snowed maybe 6 times, 2 my neighbor used the snow blower, 3 times it was under 2 inches so I pushed the snow around and 1 time the service came. He doesn’t shovel after 03/31 – sigh.) I think of all the nice things I could have done with the money paid to him. I did read some of the “Dummies” manual and saw the part about having to format the card and that kind of worried me. I got the T6 as I understood it was the best transition from digital compact (or smartphone) to a DSLR.

          2. The winter has consumed $ and valuable time that’s for sure. Hopefully Spring will provide more opportunities to get to the fun stuff for you. I’m anxious to hear how you adjust to the new camera. I’m still pondering if I should upgrade or not?

          3. I have to take it out more. It is so easy with the compact one. This weekend may not be promising for going to a larger park unless I ensure it is a paved walkway – We have an inch of rain coming Friday afternoon, and rain most of Saturday – ugh. The northern burbs will get snow/slush/wintry precip, but I think we’ll be unscathed. I will be glad for no gloves. I got two types of photographer’s gloves … one with the flip-back fingers (index/thumb) with an inner liner and the other was polar fleece mitts and you flip back the top and the fingers are covered to the knuckle. I actually prefer those, but it’s been too cold to use them … unless you take your photos, and stop and put the mitten part over again … and they really are more for Spring/Fall. No gloves is the best of all!

          4. I just read our forecast – it’s going to be cooler this weekend. It was 60 on Wednesday, Saturday a high of 30 something. Sigh. I’ll be wearing gloves no doubt about it. I agree, no gloves weather is the best! April is right around the corner and things will warm up, right?!!?!?!

          5. I certainly hope so Shelley! It’s hard to fumble with the gloves – I’m afraid I’ll drop the camera as the gloves get tangled in the wrist strap.

          6. Yeah, that’s why I don’t go out much in the cold. Most of my shots are from the window with the zoom lens!

          7. Thank goodness for zoom lenses! My original compact digital had only 4X and looking back on old pics, I really had no zoom at all. Now they have 24 X and even I believe a 50X zoom on a compact digital. Won’t go there until this one breaks since I have the DSLR – can’t justify it. I really like my compact digital.

  8. Loved all your pictures esp. the second one with the blue skies!! Also walking in the surf is the best part of being at the beach!

  9. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing them with us. No need to edit the video. I’m glad you had a good time and can relive it a little like this.

    1. Thank you, JoAnna. Glad to hear you enjoyed the photos and the video. I’m going to share a post sometime about all their trees and flowers. They’ve done a lot of cool green things there that make it a beautiful resort to walk through too.

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