As the heavenly blue sky, all speckled with white fluffy stuff, opened up to let the sun shine brightly…(Can a dog be poetic…should he even try…to get forgiveness…maybe?!) …
Anyhoo…it meant that I got to join the hoomans outside for doggie adventures!
They were busy going back and forth carrying stuff. They were gone on a road trip on Sunday and left me behind to listen to the scary storms and rain on the windows, and it was just so horrible.
Don’t worry, I fretted and planned on how I’ll pay them back someday.
As they hauled something large through this door,
I paused in the yard to sniff and smell something I hadn’t seen before.
Interesting. Who did this? Hmm…wonder who left this mess for me? Mrs. yelled at me to leave it alone.
So I marked it first…
And moved on.
I had bigger things to smell. The Mrs. is quite excited about it, I wonder if she’ll share it with me? I could seriously nap there…just like she said she will do?
Yes, she will! She even helped me up here. Because I slipped on the floor and fell off while trying to take a leap on it myself.
Dogs smell…before they mark things.
I should know better. I better go outside. So I looked at Mrs. and she tossed me outside to do my job.
I was good. Really I was, I went outside and did my thing, but as one who knows older dogs knows, a hang-er-oner sometimes happens. And while they can be small like me, they can go unnoticed and fall at random times.
That’s when I normally would drag my butt out in the yard, but when there’s a more comfy spot to sit on, I’d rather join the hoomans. And hope for the best, and that they won’t notice it and try to wipe my butt for me. Ewe…seriously, annoying!
Once I do get my way, I relax and the drop happens.
I may be relegated to the floor from now on? We’ll see. I heard the hoomans talking after it happened…the spot mostly came out.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday
PS – Happy Wednesday – hope the sun is shining where you’re at! Any tips on pet stain removals without washing the whole dang cover?! Ah, the joys of an older pet.
Poor Copper. Yeah, I know, new sofa and all that, but relegated to the floor – like – a – dog! Oh the humanity.
LOL – he knows he’ll be back on the throne before too long. He’s a hooman-charmer. Maddie made you make me feel guilty, right?!
She did, “it wasn’t Copper’s fault…”
LOL – Maddie is so smart!
Uh oh, poor Copper showing his age aye? Give him a hug for me.
Yes, poor little guy – I will share a hug for you! He appreciates your support.
Oh no! I’m not sure I’d be brave enough for a white couch even with NO dog!
LOL – It was on sale. And the cover is washable, so yeah…just didn’t think I’d have to wash it the first day we used it!
I don’t allow our dogs on the furniture nor the beds. I have to keep reminding myself ‘it’s a dog, it’s a dog, it’s a dog’. Anyway, my dog reminded me she’s a dog because right next to her bed, which is on the floor, on top of our new laminate flooring we installed specifically because of her and our 15 year old carpeting getting destroyed with dog pee and dog middle-of-the night vomit) she dropped a little sizable POP (piece of poop) that was a linger-oner. This time, no prob. Hubby picked it up, tossed it in the toilet and sanitized his eyes off scrubbing that laminate floor!
I totally understand.
When we had our golden retriever, he was never welcomed on the furniture or the bed. But this little guy – well, he has found his way as a human appendage attached to me wherever I go. Other than moments where he does things like POP I’m quite smitten with his presence. He adores me.
I’d love to get rid of our carpeting for the same reason – luckily we haven’t had any of the peeing problems. Just cat vomit/pooh and dog pooh. Thank you for sharing – now, we must move on to less disgusting topics! Yeah, I know I started it…!
I’m hoping my next dog is a little guy too. I’d love to snuggle up with him/her in my bed. But not currently. Oh well.
If you ask Copper (and me), little dogs are the best.
Oh the joys of pet ownership, light-colored furniture, and “Oopses.” We forgive a lot with our furry friends, even when they puke down the side of the wall, onto the carpet, or poop on a white couch. I hope Copper gets another feel of the softness and earns back your trust..
Oh, my, your two cats sound like they’ve read the book of testing hoomans too!? Yes, we forgive them, and love them, just the same. Most definitely, yes, Copper will win his way back to the top of the love seat. He’s just so darn cute – hard to say no to him!
I so enjoyed this….I used to write posts from our dog (that pup now lives with the grandkids). I should try it again. LOL!
Thank you, Donna, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Yes, do it, I’d love to see your take on writing from a dog’s perspective.
Poor kid – I say “accidents happen” and keep a packet of Pampers scent-free, sensitive skin diaper wipes … no harm to Copper and just tell him “it’s the diaper wipes or relegated to the floor.” Or give him the blanket you have on the back of the couch. Copper will be okay with it – he wants hooman companionship more. Been many years since there was a dog in the house – in fact not in this house and been here since 1966. One dog that we found, cute little Pekinese, someone did post in the lost and found for him, so he was here one day at most. He was housebroken but we kept him in the basement until his owners claimed him. We had three dogs before I was 10 years old – the last two not housebroken, despite my parents’ best efforts.
Copper appreciates your ideas on what to do to help him. He’s determined to rise above this episode. I’m sure he’ll feel all comfy on top of it again soon. We’ve only had 4 dogs in our 30 years together. Two outside ones and two inside ones. I love them, but I don’t know that I’d get another one. Unless it were a potty/litter trained one.
We were not successful at all with our dogs (a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle) and our German Shepherd developed hip dysplasia and had to be euthanized – I was only three or four and don’t recall if he was housebroken. I’ve never heard stories about him, so assume so. Cocoa and Peppy, I was there to witness the mess. Yet my aunt got a mixed breed Heintz ’57 puppie, trained him in no time and he never had an accident. We just didn’t do it right I guess. My friend said the same thing when her two dogs went i.e. putting her foot down and saying “no more” – one died as a result of bad dog food in one of those dog food recalls. The other one died shortly thereafter. She told her husband “no more dogs” as she was tired of the mess and they had a cat too. He was despondent over no dogs in the house, and went to the shelter anyway and got two red tick hounds at an adoption event. My friend was pretty mad.
Oh cool, the inside of your She-Shed, Nice. Great place to write bet.
Yes – I’m so tickled you remembered my little ol’ world out there. I can’t wait to finish ‘tweaking’ the inside so I can write there everyday before the snow flies!
That is awesome.
Reminded me of my dog. Nice post.
Aw, thank you, Indira! Your kitty picture on your post looks so cute
Thanks. That’s my brothers cat.